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Author: yela

Fit For Life, the cheapest n most natural way to lose weight

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Post time 30-12-2005 08:36 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-12-2005 09:28 PM | Show all posts
Dari sehari ke sehari nak duduk baca pasal diet ni tak dah print apa yg yela tulis...malam ni sambil baring2 nak baca ler...:cak:

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magnolia This user has been deleted
Post time 30-12-2005 09:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Maisarah at 30-12-2005 08:59 AM

Fuhh? 8 kg dlm masa sebulan? Dasat tu..abis tu nape x continue jer kak? yg bersemangat jer dengar ni..berkobar2kobar ni.. :cak:

tu ler..akak pon dok pk..pesal le akak wat lam sebulan jer..akak rase mase tu cm nk test betui ke dak cara neh..

pastu benti sbb dok masak mcm2..teruja nk mkn..tu ler pasal..huhuhu..

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 Author| Post time 30-12-2005 10:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sheila at 30-12-2005 08:36 PM

boleh la if ur perut tahan...but no sugar ye sheila!:no:

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 Author| Post time 30-12-2005 11:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bbpie at 30-12-2005 08:22 PM
nasi lemak pepagi ni definately out of d question la ye..heheheheh..oh tidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak.

oh lupakan bbpie!!!! if u teringin, makan la once a week...on weekends ke

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 Author| Post time 30-12-2005 11:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eynda at 30-12-2005 09:28 PM
Dari sehari ke sehari nak duduk baca pasal diet ni tak dah print apa yg yela tulis...malam ni sambil baring2 nak baca ler...:cak:

ye ke nak baca eynda? kot kot tidur bila dah baring2 tu!

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Post time 31-12-2005 08:52 AM | Show all posts
Ingat smlm nak wat sup sayur ngan isi ayam dah terbeli satay kat pasar sayapun makan le satay dlm 10 cucuk jer..ngan timunnya sekali..camtu ok x yela?kira protein+salad gak kan? Tp of coz le mkn ngan kuahnya sekali..boleh ke camtu?

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oneWMSS This user has been deleted
Post time 31-12-2005 09:13 AM | Show all posts
saja nak share.. copy paste saje. carik kat Google.. :bgrin:

Diet cara Rasulullah (s.a.w.)

SAYA mahu berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman. Baru-baru ini saya menghadiri ceramah Ustaz Abdullah Mahmood.

Ustaz ini memang tak kedekut ilmu. Ada aja tips yang akan diberi kepada sesiapa yang menghadiri ceramahnya.

Tidak rugi kita mendengar ceramahnya. Ada sedikit ilmu yang ingin saya kongsi bersama-sama dengan pembaca semua.

Rupa-rupanya tanpa kita sedar, dalam makanan yang kita makan sehari-hari, kita tak boleh main 'balun' saja.

Sebab itulah terjadinya penyakit kencing manis, lumpuh, sakit jantung, keracunan makanan dan penyakit-penyakit lain apabila kita telah menginjak usia, bermula usia 40-an.

Apabila pembaca telah mengetahui ilmu ini, tolonglah ajarkan kepada orang lain pula.

Ini pun adalah diet Rasulullah (s.a.w.) juga. Ustaz Abdullah Mahmood kata, Rasulullah tak pernah sakit perut sepanjang hayatnya kerana pandai jaga pemakanan baginda sehari-hari.

Apa kata kita ikut diet ini wahai pembaca, tak payahlah susah-susah makan pil untuk kurus! Insya-Allah kalau pembaca ikut diet Rasulullah ini berbahagialah anda.

1. Jangan makan SUSU + DAGING
2. Jangan makan DAGING + IKAN
3. Jangan makan IKAN + SUSU
4. Jangan makan AYAM + SUSU
5. Jangan makan IKAN + TELUR
6. Jangan makan IKAN + DAUN SALAD
7. Jangan makan SUSU + CUKA
8. Jangan makan BUAH + SUSU contoh koktel, jangan makan buah-buahan selepas makan nasi, sebaliknya makan buah-buahan terlebih dahulu, selepas itu baru makan nasi.
9. Tidur satu jam selepas makan tengah hari.
10. Jangan sesekali tinggal makan malam. Sesiapa yang tinggal makan malam, dia akan dimakan usia dan kolesterol dalam badan akan berganda.

Nampak memanglah pelik... tapi, cubalah...ia amat berkesan terutama apabila sudah tua nanti. Wassalam.

p/s: nampaknya semua yang disenaraikan aku memang tak pernah buat.. :bgrin:

[ Last edited by oneWMSS at 31-12-2005 09:17 AM ]



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 Author| Post time 31-12-2005 10:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Maisarah at 31-12-2005 08:52 AM
Ingat smlm nak wat sup sayur ngan isi ayam dah terbeli satay kat pasar sayapun makan le satay dlm 10 cucuk jer..ngan timunnya sekali..camtu ok x yela?kira protein+salad gak kan? T ...

kacang is also protein...but dia ni lain sikit...dia ni between carbo n protein. if kekecang should be eaten alone with vege +/ salad. but i take it this way...if dia protein...campur gak dgn satay yg protein..i tutup mata aje la!

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2005 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by oneWMSS at 31-12-2005 09:13 AM
saja nak share.. copy paste saje. carik kat Google.. :bgrin:

Diet cara Rasulullah (s.a.w.)

SAYA mahu berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman. Baru-baru ini saya menghadiri ceramah Ustaz Abdullah ...

the only thing yg i tgk different from FFL is the ikan + daun salad. yg lain semua agak serupa! FFL pun kata if u makan protein jgn campur dgn protein lain. and tengok la susu memang banyak tak boleh campur. FFL kata if possible avoid it but if u MUST, take it ALONE...not with other food groups..yg ni i dah mentioned sebelum.

and there'ss no mention  of carbo at all!

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Post time 31-12-2005 12:12 PM | Show all posts
hari ni baru katam week definitely akan buat....azam 2006 nak turun 15kg...kekeke...byk giler...tak tau boleh ke dak....

thanks yela for this info

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Post time 31-12-2005 05:46 PM | Show all posts
i read with interest FFL diet plan. tp nak clarification sikit. hopefully yela boleh bantu tang ni. makna
nya in the morning, i need to eat only fresh fruits or fruit juices sampai pukul 12 tgh. during that time
boleh minum fruits tu atau fruit juices sabanyak yg nak. betul ke?
secondly, pukul 12 untill 8mlm, i boleh makan lunch carbo+ salad. sampai kenyang. no limit. betul ke?
then around 7 , i makan dinner protein + salad sampai kenyang.
in between kalau lapar makan fruits atau fruit juices. betul ke mcm ni ????

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Post time 31-12-2005 06:43 PM | Show all posts
hadoii!!! bayam ni 164cm...berat 60kg aghhhh!!!!! dedulu tak penah lebih 53kg.....pregnant dulu pun paling tinggi 63kg....ini akde baby 61kg!! tension!!! nak kena try ni tapi bab takleh minum susu tu yg fail! minum anmum pun takleh?? breasfeed lagi ni..

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oneWMSS This user has been deleted
Post time 31-12-2005 07:00 PM | Show all posts
gambar hiasan, sebagai perangsang kepada orang yang nak turunkan berat badan.. tapi minah ni bukan buat FFL la.. dia buat low carb diet dengan Cathe Friedrich Fitness Series. amik masa setahun nak jadik camtu. tak kisah la diet style apa pun, yang penting semangat kena kuat lorr. hehe..

aku dulu pernah la diet, tapi nak buang 2-3 kilo je.. so takde la teruk2 sangat. tapi tetap kena menten sebab keturunan aku ni ramai yang badan comel-comel. :bgrin: so aku memang suka baca pasal diet2 dan pemakanan ni, sebagai pedoman di hari mendatang..

[ Last edited by oneWMSS at 31-12-2005 07:06 PM ]

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oneWMSS This user has been deleted
Post time 31-12-2005 07:11 PM | Show all posts
minah ni plak, amik masa kurang dari 6 bulan untuk jadik camni..


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oneWMSS This user has been deleted
Post time 31-12-2005 07:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yela at 31-12-2005 11:02 AM

the only thing yg i tgk different from FFL is the ikan + daun salad. yg lain semua agak serupa! FFL pun kata if u makan protein jgn campur dgn protein lain. and tengok la susu memang banyak t ...

mayonis/yogurt tu leh dikira susu ke tak?

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2005 07:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by norsh05 at 31-12-2005 05:46 PM
i read with interest FFL diet plan. tp nak clarification sikit. hopefully yela boleh bantu tang ni. makna
nya in the morning, i need to eat only fresh fruits or fruit juices sampai pukul 12  ...

betul norsh...but when `u want to snack between meals tu make sure it's 3 hrs after ur heavy meal. and dont forget about the drinking part...10 mis b4 and 3 hrs after.  esok kita dah boleh start this diet!!

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 Author| Post time 31-12-2005 07:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by oneWMSS at 31-12-2005 07:12 PM

mayonis/yogurt tu leh dikira susu ke tak?

mayo is protein pasal it's made of eggs.

yogurt ni dairy product.

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Post time 31-12-2005 07:20 PM | Show all posts
i pun nak join, tapi takut tak cukup energy utk studying for my finals...
but i also need to shed 7 kg,, adeh la...
sis yela, need urr support...!!!

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oneWMSS This user has been deleted
Post time 31-12-2005 08:07 PM | Show all posts
ini adalah dari Harvey Diamond's penulis buku "The Fit for Life Solution"..

Here are Harvey Diamond's "10 Tips for Keeping Your Body at Maximum Health".

Eat living foods as much and as often as you can.
You are a living body, so feed that body living food. Eat lots of fresh and cooked vegetables, raw or slightly cooked, and fresh fruit. Plants are filled with the nutrients, compounds and substances that promote life, something canned and frozen foods tend to lack. These essential materials allow the immune system to strengthen itself and work more effectively and more efficiently. Eat organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible to avoid pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and chemical fertilizers. Many of these residual chemicals are toxic or can't be digested, broken down or flushed out of your body. Pesticides and many chemicals bio-accumulate in the cells or bones in your body and eventually may trigger cancers or other toxic chemical disease reactions.

Eat fruit correctly - alone - or before anything else.
Fruit is to be eaten alone. Alone fruit turns into energy faster than any other food because it is the only food that does not require digestive energy. It should be eaten before other anything else. It should not be eaten with anything else, or after a meal. When eaten alone fruit tends to be alkaline when it enters you stomach. However, when fruit is combined with wheat, meat, dairy or vegetables it turns to acid in your stomach. As a result, it doesn't get digested and instead ferments producing alcohol, which in turn promotes a build up of toxins over time, and is one of the primary causes of diseases such as cancer.

Eat more salads.
Salads are living foods. Every time there is a great discovery of a compound that helps cancer or other human maladies, it comes from the plant kingdom. You'll never find an amazing discovery that has been isolated in a pork chop.

Reduce animal products in your diet.
Scientific evidence abounds showing that animal products, especially meats and poultry raised in feedlots with antibiotics and artificial hormones, are associated with more and more diseases. The human lymph system is not designed to break these artificial materials down so they can be washed away. They tend to remain and build up in our bodies, creating stockpiles of toxic chemicals that eventually can overwhelm the body's immune system.

Reduce or even eliminate dairy products from your diet.
Dairy products are a real health hazard to many people. They contain no useful fiber or complex carbohydrates and are laden with saturated fat and cholesterol. Milk is often contaminated from pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics. Dairy products are known to be a major cause of allergies, constipation, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and other diseases. Many doctors including the late Dr. Benjamin Spock, America's leading authority on child care, have spoken out against feeding cow's milk to children. Doctors have shown it causes anemia, allergies, and insulin-dependent diabetes. More and more studies are showing that dairy products may actually cause osteoporosis, not help prevent it, since their high-protein content leaches calcium from the body. Dairy products create an immense amount of mucus in your body and your lymph system has to work overtime to rid the body of this unnatural product.

Eat light in the morning, preferably fruit or vegetables or juices. Go light at lunch. Lay off the heavy sweets in mid-afternoon. Don't eat heavy just before you go to sleep.
Digestion requires more energy than any other function of the body, which is why you feel tired after eating, and why you rush to the coffee machine to perk you up. Eat a light breakfast. Leave about three hours without eating before you go to sleep. The body needs to rest, not work on digesting food that saps energy for healing.

Drink lots of pure water every day.
The living body is about 70% water and through natural daily movement and evaporation your body loses 2 quarts of water a day. You need to replenish water because your body does not manufacture it on its own. Drink a minimum of eight, eight ounce glasses a day to replace the 2 quarts of water your body loses. The medical benefits of water are many - there are more medical miracles associated with water than any other substance known to mankind. It is the single most important food you can ingest and is known to help treat and even cure heartburn, backache, headache, upset stomach, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. If you have any of these diseases, you may just be suffering from dehydration, along with 75 percent of the rest of the population.

Exercise daily. Exercise more and more every day till you change your lifestyle.
You can improve how you look, how you feel, and how much you enjoy every day. You'll get more energy from increasing how much you exercise even if you just start with a twenty minute walk every day. Physical activity is essential to get you heart pumping blood moving through your system to bring oxygen to your brain and flush toxins from your body. Movement and activity cleanses the lymph system. Find something fun and do it regularly. Get energized and spice up your life.

Take fewer prescription drugs.
Medications are only necessary when you are sick. The rest of the time medications can compromise your physical and mental fitness. Drugs and medications may also interact with each other and produce negative side effects. The body can't break down many drugs easily. Like pesticides and hormones they build up in the muscle, bones, skin and cells of your body and interfere with normal body function. Study what you are taking and search out natural alternatives, and make the switch. Find an herbal food consultant or find a dietitian or nutritionist to help you.

Think positive thoughts. Find the rainbow in everything.
You attitude is the most important factor that will influence what happens to you in your life. Develop and keep a positive attitude about everything. Be grateful for everything, for everyone and for every moment of your life. Wake up and start each day by repeating positive thoughts out loud fifty times! Watch what happens then! Ask who can I bestow love upon rather than who loves me or worse, who is out to get me today. Ask what can I do to make someone happy rather than why should I be happy today, or worse, who's going to yell at me and make my day miserable. Look for find and focus on the good things around you. Choose to spend your time thinking about the good things you find. See your life as a glass half full, rather than one half empty. You attitude will make the difference in your life.

gambar dia before..

gambar dia after..

source --

[ Last edited by oneWMSS at 31-12-2005 08:08 PM ]

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