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Author: the_khan

~MERGED~ Sejarah Kesultanan Brunei

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Post time 6-2-2008 02:45 PM | Show all posts
Salam sdr laila..tq for the infro..
memang benar apa yg di kata oleh sdr yRamlee ..di daerah saribas adalah keturuan Dato godam dan Dyg chee.
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Malays and Iban in the Saribas.

Rusak was a grandson of Jelian of the Undup. He migrated with his people to the Paku after Tindin and his followers had already settled in the area. The story of Tindin, who was mentioned at the beginning of Part Two, was told in a book called Sea Dayaks of Borneo (1967a). When he came he settled at Nanga Sekundong. Shortly after he had come to live in the Paku, Rusak heard that a group of people was living far away downriver, near the mouth of the Saribas. Anxious to know who they were, he went downriver in his canoe to meet them. When he came to Nanga Luba, a few miles below Nanga Paku, he stopped owning to the strong tide.

As he was sitting in his canoe, he heard someone coming upriver in a boat, traveling with the tide. Seeing the stranger, he asked where he was going. The man replied that he came from the sea (laut) and was heading upriver to meet the Dayaks. Rusak told him that he was a Dayak himself, going downriver to see the Lugu. Hearing this, a man asked Rusak how far downriver the land belonged to the Dayaks, Rusak told him that as Nanga Luba was the first meeting place of Dayak and 揕aut

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Post time 6-2-2008 02:47 PM | Show all posts
In the evening the entire Royal wives and concubines went down to Abang Gudam抯 boat to purchase cloth. As she entered the boat, Dayang Chi saw the cannon and instantly recognized it as belonging to her family. When she touched it she burst into tears. As she wept, Abang Gudam glanced at her neck and saw the moles described by Temenggong Kadir. Abang Gudam looked at her and asked whether she was the Sultan抯 wife. She said she was, and she told him that she had come to purchase cloth. Abang Gudam respectfully begged her to choose any cloth she wished. She chose fifteen pieces and when she offered money in payment, Abang Gudam would not accept it, but said that the cloth was hers to keep completely free of charge.

After his wives and concubines had returned to the palace, the Sultan enquired as to who the trader was and from whence he came. They informed him that the trader抯 name was Abang Gudam and that he came from Pagar Ruyong, Minangkabau, on the island of Sumatra. On learning the trader抯 name, the Sultan proceeded to the boat. As he went inside the boat he respectfully enquired as to the country of the trader抯 origin. Abang Gudam said that he had come from Minangkabau in Sumatra and was the son of Dato Bandahara Harun of Pagar Ruyong. The Sultan asked how far Sumatra was from Brunei. Abang Gudam said that if he was sailing against the wind, he could not reach Brunei in two months. In the course of their conversation Abang Gudam asked why the Sultan had never traveled overseas. The Sultan said that he could not possibly spare the time for a long journey because he lacked a trustworthy officer to administer the country in his absence. The Sultan asked Abang Gudam how he could leave his country for such a long period. Abang Gudam answered that, unlike the Sultan, he was not a ruler and had nothing to do with the administration of his father抯 kingdom. The Sultan asked whether Abang Gudam had any brothers and sisters. He said he had three, one brother, Dato Bandahara Puteh, and two sisters, Dayang Ungu and Dayang Remindan.

After this meeting the Sultan formally invited Abang Gudam to visit his palace. Abang Gudam respectfully declined, saying that he could not spare the time as he was still dealing with his customers. Besides he would stay many more days in Brunei. After saying this, Abang Gudam presented to the Sultana a very magnificent piece of cloth embroidered with gold thread. The Sultan returned to the palace and handed the cloth to the Sultana who was most pleased to accept it, as she had never in her life seen such a beautiful piece.

The next morning the Sultan asked his cook to slaughter a fat cow, a goat and a great number of chickens for a reception to be held in honour of the visit of Abang Gudam, the nobleman of Minangkabau. He also called for experts to cook the meat with spices and condiments. When the food was ready, the Sultan and senior members of his administration went down to the jetty to formally invite Abang Gudam. While they were on their way to the jetty, gendang music was beaten in the palace to herald the grand luncheon.

Upon the arrival of the Sultan and his entourage at his boat, Abang Gudam welcomed them and eventually took leave of them to dress himself for the reception in the palace. He took special care to dress himself in the best clothes he had, including a pair of shoes embroidered in gold.

When Abang Gudam was ready, the Sultan conducted him to the palace. As they arrived he was taken to the seat of honour, at the Sultan抯 right hand side close to the senior ministers and war leaders of the state. When they had all taken their seats they proceeded to discuss Islamic religious law, Abang Gudam, as a Muslim nobleman, was an authority on such matters. From the tone of his conversation and his overall etiquette, the high ranking Brunei officials were thoroughly convinced that Abang Gudam had been brought up in one of the most respected ruling families of Sumatra. Eventually the food was served and after the meal was over, the Sultan requested that Abang Gudam should stay the night in the palace. However, the latter said he would have to return to the boat to attend to his business. On bearing this, the Sultan was troubled, as he still had not decided on what to present to Abang Gudam in return for his earlier generosity.

Abang Gudam was very much attracted by Dayang Chi who was a very beautiful woman. So next morning he went to see the Sultan in the palace. During the audience, he told the ruler, that he came to take leave from him, so that he might sail away. He said that in regard to the present which the Sultan had promised him, he would be very grateful if the latter would give him Dayang Chi, one of the Sultan抯 concubines. The Sultan kept his word and asked Dayang Chi to be taken from his harem to go with Abang Gudam. When Dayang Chi arrived in the boat they set sail for Saribas. They sailed for several weeks before they reached Semaruang. On seeing his daughter, Temenggong Kadir was full of joy. In appreciation for her safe arrival he held a makan selamat celebration to which he invited many people.

Some days afterward Temenggong Kadir went to Abang Gudam抯 house to ask whether he intended to settle permanently in the Saribas district or return to Minangkabau. Abang Gudam said that he preferred to stay, if the condition of the country permitted it. On hearing this, Temenggong Kadir told Abang Gudam that he recalled his promise made to him regarding Dayang Chi, and as he had taken her from the Sultan抯 harem, he would gladly approve of his marrying her. Abang Gudam happily consented to marry Dayang Chi.

After Abang Gudam and Dayang Chi were married, the Dayak chief, Manggi, and his followers moved up the Saribas River to settle at Supa in the Layar river having agreed to let the families of Temenggong Kadir and Abang Gudam and their friends farm padi at and around the Semaruang stream, near the mouth of the Saribas river.

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Post time 17-6-2008 10:10 AM | Show all posts
alamak.. rupanya thread ni ada 'bergerak' dan masih alive lagi...

lepas ni Laila semak eh...

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Post time 5-11-2008 06:38 PM | Show all posts

Balas #103 LailaTempawan\ catat

laila kita nak tanya ttg PENGIRAN MD SALLEH IBNU PENGIRAN SHARMAYUDA.....beliau nie kemungkinan nenek moyang kita sebelah bapak kita....jd kita nak tahu info ttg beliau.....terima kaseh ye laila...sebenar nya kita baru tahu ttg beliau..dlm beberapa minggu yg lepas,sbb kita skrg nie tgh susun salasilah kuarga kita.....

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Post time 6-12-2008 07:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LailaTempawan at 13-11-2006 06:51 PM

Lindung ini adalah seerti dengan perkataan MANGKAT. Lindung biasanya digunakan kat Brunei, kalau kat malaysia, mungkin jarang sekali digunakan.

Perpuspaan ialah istiadat pemasyhuran sel ...

Apa bezanya antara menjadi sultan dgn menjadi 'sultan n yg dpertuan

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Post time 15-12-2008 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Cuba kaji...APA KAITAN BRUNEI DENGAN BORNEO ??? Kenapa Sabah, Sarawak dan Kalimantan disebut Pulau Borneo ??? Brunei...Borneo...Brunei...Borneo...MENARIK !

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Post time 15-12-2008 04:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #106 tongkatali's post

kalo nk kata borneo dulu dok dlm brunei mmg kiterang sedia tau
masa sekolah dulu dah blajar
apa lagi citer abe ali..citer la

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Post time 23-12-2008 04:30 PM | Show all posts
saya sgt-sgt tertarik dgn kajian2 dan maklumat2 yang terdapat di dlm thread ini yg berjaya menggupas mengenai kerajaan melayu brunei serta pertalian cerita mengenai Dato' Godam. mungkin Laila atau sesiapa di sini boleh ceritakan dengan lebih lanjut lagi mengenai Pangeran Tumenggung Pangeran Abdul Kadir? saya berharap ada sesiapa di sini yang dapat berkongsi maklumat dengan saya..dan harap sahkan info yang saya tahu iaitu betul kah selepas dato Godam berkahwin dgn dyg chee beliau mendapat 2orang anak lelaki yang bernama Manteri Uban dan Manteri Putih (jikalau xsilap nama sebenarnya ialah Abang Abdul Rahman). tujuan asal saya bertanya kerana saya pernah melihat skrol salah silah keturunan yang bermula dari Pangeran Tumenggung Pangeran Abdul Kadir..serta pernah ke kawasan makam di mukah di mana hampir keseluruhan kawasan makam tersebut adalah dari golongan bangsawan seperti pangeran, abang, awangku, dayang serta terdapat juga antara makam tersebut yang bernama daeng..apakah benar bahawa mereka ini berasal dari keturunan Datuk Merpati Jepang dari Sumatera?maaf jika info saya ini salah dan agak menggelirukan..kerana ianya di cerita dari mulut ke mulut oleh orang2 tua keluarga bapa saya..

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Post time 24-12-2008 11:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Lloni at 7-12-2007 12:03 PM

Just nak tanya saja..

1. macamana rupa bentuk pedang "si bongkok" yang dibawa oleh Syarif Ali yg menunjukkan beliau adalah amir mekah.

2. siapa nama sepupu-sepupu Syariff Ali


takde reply berkenaan dgn yg ini...

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Post time 26-12-2008 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Abg Godam adalah anak kepada bendahara negeri pagarroyong sumatera ( sekarang ini di indonesia lah)
merupakan dari keturunan raja suran --- dato iskandarzulkurnain....sama dgn keturunan kesultanan melayu melaka.
seorang pengembara ...belayar dari negeri pagar royong sebagai pedagang ( dengan kapal yang bernama lancang kuning)
sebab-sebab beliau mengembara kerana perebutan kuasa di istana pagar royong. ( ini adalah cerita dari orang tua di daerah Saribas.
beliau bukan keturunan dato merpati jepang.

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Post time 17-2-2011 04:41 PM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum W.B.T. Kepada Sahabat/Saudara/i/ Awang/Dayang/Sharif/Sharifah/Pengiran,

Di sini saya bagi pihak Keluarga ingin mencari Keturunan dan Keluarga Sultan Abdul Momin, Sultan Muhammad Kanzul Alam dan Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin II.

Semoga kepada Kaum Kerabat, Keluarga dan Keturunan Sultan Abdul Momin, Sultan Muhammad Kanzul Alam dan Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin II dapat menghubungi saya.. Ada beberapa perkara penting dan mustahak untuk dibicarakan.

Sekian. Wassalamualaikum W.B.T.

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Post time 17-2-2011 11:40 PM | Show all posts
bagaimana pula timbul cerita yang ada sultan letak jawatan sbb x setuju dgn british dan cuba dirampas takhta oleh kerabat yang lain? ada info x?

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Post time 29-3-2011 01:13 AM | Show all posts
+ 1 Credit

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Post time 30-3-2011 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Reply 102# nangada

    terima kasih nampaknya kita serumpun dari keturuan yg sama

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Post time 19-5-2011 11:21 PM | Show all posts
bagaimana pula timbul cerita yang ada sultan letak jawatan sbb x setuju dgn british dan cuba dirampa ...
aiskrimvanilla Post at 17-2-2011 23:40

    kalau zaman british, sultan turun takhta adalah Almarhum Sultan SOAS III, sultan Brunei ke-28, ayahanda Sultan sekarang.
almarhum turun takhta atas kerelaan almarhum sendiri..
kalau nak kata sbb tak setuju dgn british, kurang pasti, sbb semasa Almarhum turun takhta, Sultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah baru berusia 21tahun..

kalau zaman sekarang, usia 21tahun, apa la tau budak2 skrg kan?

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Post time 20-5-2011 07:39 AM | Show all posts
kalau zaman british, sultan turun takhta adalah Almarhum Sultan SOAS III, sultan Brunei ke ...
reddots Post at 19-5-2011 23:21

sebelum Almarhum Sultan Omar Ali Saeifuddin III, ada lagik tak sultan2 yang dipaksa oleh British atau sultan yang turun takhta sebab tak sehaluan dengan British?

bagaimana pula dengan timbul kesah ada kerabat Sultan Brunei yang menetap di Malaysia menuntut takhta??

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Post time 21-5-2011 03:48 PM | Show all posts
Reply 115# reddots

British nak lepaskan Brunei dan push SOAS untuk sistem Demokrasi. Tapi SOAS tak setuju. SOAS turun taktha tu sebagai cara untuk melengahkan kemerdekaan Brunei, dengan alasan Hassanal Bolkiah masih muda dan perlukan masa untuk belajar mentadbirkan negara. Walaupun Hassanal Bolkiah menjadi sultan, tapi kuasa sebenarnya masih di pegang oleh SOAS.
British memang beriya iya nak bagi kemerdekaan pada Brunei, cuma faktor political survival & sentimen yang dimainkan oleh negara jiran membuatkan Brunei enggan untuk merdeka lebih awal. Isu ahli tertinggi PRB yang melarikan diri dari pusat tahanan, dimana Malaysia terlibat secara tidak langsung didalam merancang prison break tersebut. Suaka politik yang diberikan kepada mereka, selain menaja resolusi di PBB untuk kemerdekaan Brunei, sedikit sebanyak merenggangkan hubungan Malaysia Brunei.

Propaganda yang dimain kan oleh pemimpin Sarawak yang diketuai oleh Rahman Yakoob, terutama di bahagian sempadan Brunei/Limbang, Keengganan British untuk memberikan perlindungan ketenteraan sekiranya Brunei merdeka, membuatkan Brunei merasakan begitu terancam dan tidak melihat kemerdekaan sebagai satu option yang baik pada masa itu.

Hubungan Brunei & Malaysia cuma beransur pulih selepas Hussien Onn menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

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Post time 1-6-2011 08:59 PM | Show all posts
menarik! good job!

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Post time 6-6-2011 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by bibir at 6-6-2011 14:56
takder ker catatan Sejarah Kerajaan Melayu Brunei sebelum Islam?

dalam kitab Negarakertagama yang ditulis oleh Prapanca pada masa Raja Hayam Wuruk menjadi raja di Majapahit,
ada disebut Brunei sebagai wilayah yang dikuasai oleh Majapahit
ni terjemahan dari Negarakertagama

"Kemudian akan diperinci demi pulau negara bawahan, paling dulu Melayu: Jambi, Palembang, Toba dan Darmasraya. Pun ikut juga disebut daerah Kandis, Kahwas, Minangkabau, Siak, Rokan, Kampar dan Pane Kampe, Haru serta Mandailing, Tamihang, negara Perlak dan Padang Lawas dengan Samudra serta Lamuri, Batan, Lampung dan juga Barus. Itulah terutama negara-negara Melayu yang telah tunduk. Negara-negara di pulau Tanjungnegara: Kapuas-Katingan, Sampit, Kota Ungga, Kota Waringin, Sambas, Lawai ikut tersebut. Kadandangan, Landa, Samadang dan Tirem tak terlupakan. Sedu, Barune, Kalka, Saludung, Solot dan juga Pasir Barito, Sawaku, Tabalung, ikut juga Tanjung Kutei. Malano tetap yang terpenting di pulau Tanjungpura."

"Di Hujung Medini, Pahang yang disebut paling dahulu. Berikut Langkasuka, Saimwang, Kelantan serta Trengganu, Johor, Paka, Muar, Dungun, Tumasik, Kelang serta Kedah Jerai, Kanjapiniran, semua sudah lama terhimpun. Di sebelah timur Jawa seperti yang berikut: Bali dengan negara yang penting Badahulu dan Lo Gajah. Gurun serta Sukun, Taliwang, pulau Sapi dan Dompo Sang Hyang Api, Bima. Seram, Hutan Kendali sekaligus. Pulau Gurun, yang juga biasa disebut Lombok Merah. Dengan daerah makmur Sasak diperintah seluruhnya. Bantayan di wilayah Bantayan beserta kota Luwuk. Sampai Udamakatraya dan pulau lain-lainnya tunduk. Tersebut pula pulau-pulau Makasar, Buton, Banggawi, Kunir, Galian serta Salayar, Sumba, Solot, Muar. Lagi pula Wanda (n), Ambon atau pulau Maluku, Wanin, Seran, Timor..."

Sedu = Serawak
Barune = Brunei
Kalka, Saludung, Solot = Sulu

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