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Author: violet_ingrid

Cutie pie couple~Lee Min Ho-Park Shin Hye ( KT-ES shipper) <3

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Post time 1-7-2014 02:50 AM | Show all posts

ParkShinHye @ MBC Section TV
(Trans cr: flowofsoul) 06-29-14

MC Q: what do you prepare for fan meeting?
SH : MY DEAR~ song

MC Q: You made this song with your brother for your fans.
SH : This song's like a heart fluttering for lover.

MC Q: Maybe are you in love now ?
SH : TUK....means CUT or STOP.


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Post time 1-7-2014 02:56 AM | Show all posts

saja tepek sebab hensom


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Post time 1-7-2014 08:11 AM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 1-7-2014 02:50 AM
ParkShinHye @ MBC Section TV
(Trans cr: flowofsoul) 06-29-14

ni yang interbiu tue.. hihihihihi.. hint2

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Post time 1-7-2014 08:13 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 1-7-2014 08:13 AM | Show all posts

staff baidu pun minshin... hahahaha.. minho as lover pada shin hye.. auuwwwwww

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Post time 1-7-2014 02:02 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 1-7-2014 02:02 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 2-7-2014 07:16 PM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 18-6-2014 12:42 AM

Sweetnya lirik lagu ni... Shin Hye yg tulis ke?

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Post time 2-7-2014 08:05 PM | Show all posts
olivegal posted on 2-7-2014 07:16 PM
Sweetnya lirik lagu ni... Shin Hye yg tulis ke?

Yup shinhye yg tulis..
Lirik mcm org in luv ..kui kui
Dgn sapa tu tak tau la..uhuhu

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Post time 7-7-2014 07:59 AM | Show all posts
Shinhye updated twitter

&#50724;&#48736;~&#10084;&#65039; &#50864;&#47532; #&#50836;&#44592;&#50836; &#50640;&#49436; &#44060;&#44748;&#49884;&#53020; &#47673;&#51012;&#44620;~? &#50864;&#47532; &#45432;&#47532; &#45236;&#44032; &#50836;&#44592;&#50836; &#47784;&#45944;&#51064;&#44144; &#50612;&#52236;&#50508;&#44396;.. &#50724;&#45720; &#50500;&#52840;&#50640; &#51060;&#48520;&#51012; &#46308;&#52656;&#48372;&#45768; &#52397;&#49692;&#45432;&#47532;&#44032; &#45208;&#47484; &#48372;&#44256;&#51080;&#45348;>_< &#50500;&#51060; &#51060;&#48848;&#46972;~~

PSH Translate:

"oppa~&#9829; Shall we order doggy chewing gums from #&#50836;&#44592;&#50836; . Lovely Nori~ How did you know I am &#50836;&#44592;&#50836;YoGiYo model. Today morning lovely innocent Nori saw me when I raise up the blanket >_< Oh pretty~~"

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Post time 7-7-2014 08:00 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 7-7-2014 08:01 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 7-7-2014 11:04 AM | Show all posts
transalate the Hk interview
1.  if choose among 6 point which part that u think importance to u as a man . LMH choose long leg (tall) n humor .

** shinhye kan suka lelaki tinggi.. ehem ehemm....

Interviewer ask LMH do u think u r someone that consider romantic person . . LMH answer , nope I not a romantic person ... I will like to tease girl that I like .

** hahahhaa... bagi hint lagik.. dalam heirs, dia kan paling suka nyakat shinhye.. jadik mmg dia suka shinhye lar... obviously aigoooooo

**sumber dari soompi to one of the forumer at soompi..

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Post time 7-7-2014 01:58 PM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 1-7-2014 02:56 AM
saja tepek sebab hensom

memang ensomm

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Post time 7-7-2014 02:08 PM | Show all posts
sesipot posted on 7-7-2014 11:04 AM
transalate the Hk interview
1.  if choose among 6 point which part that u think importance to u as ...

oh ni yek interviewnya..
tq sesi mentepek videonya walaupun takde sub.
at least dapat la jugak merawat hatiku yg luka..

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Post time 7-7-2014 02:11 PM | Show all posts
sesipot posted on 7-7-2014 07:59 AM
Shinhye updated twitter

&#50724;&#48736;~&#10084;&#65039; &#50864;&#47532; #&#50836;&#44592;&#508 ...

sapa yg dia oppakan ni? Nori tu apa, anjing dia ke?


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Post time 7-7-2014 02:44 PM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 7-7-2014 02:08 PM
oh ni yek interviewnya..
tq sesi mentepek videonya walaupun takde sub.
at least dapat la jugak m ...

haah.. yang ni full version...

Lee Min Ho @ Star Talk, Hong Kong TVB (July 6, 2014)

SW – Shermaine Wong (黃曉明) / LMH – Lee Min Ho
SW: Today we are very fortunate to welcome the Male God of Asia, Lee Min Ho, to our program.

LMH: (Greeting in Cantonese) Hello everyone, I am Lee Min Ho.
SW: How do you feel visiting Hong Kong again?
LMH: It’s been a while since I meet my fans in Hong Kong, I am very happy and I receive a lot of positive energy so I am really glad.
SW: Can you share with us some interesting things while doing the (OSIM) CF?
LMH: Firstly, for most part I only need to sit (on the chair), it was relaxing & comfortable, I enjoyed it as if I am having a holiday.
SW: Many of the scenes required you to look intently at the camera, do you feel shy?
LMH: Actually I don’t feel shy, normally I like to look at people when I chat with them; also I am used to having a camera in front of me, so I imagine that the camera is someone I am having a conversation with. So even if I have to act in front of a camera, I don’t feel shy.
SW: You have been playing rich & suave characters, have you ever thought of taking up alternative role allowing people to have a different perception of you?
LMH: Currently I am filming “Gangnam Blues”, my character endures many hardships in life as such there is much expressed desire of humanity, this role is completely opposite to my previous characters which were filthy rich; I hope that the audience, after watching the movie, will think that I also have a different original image.
SW: It has been 6 years since you last filmed a movie, do you have a lot of anticipation and feel especially excited?
LMH: Compared to the past, my character (in the current movie) is rather strong & powerful, there would be some violent scenes; these should bring on a different feeling to everyone.
SW: … Other than being dubbed Male God of Asia, you are also known as Oppa Long Leg, how do you view this moniker?
LMH: Oppa Long Leg is the first nickname I have heard, this nickname has a nice & intimate feel.
SW: … Given a choice of being muscular & (your) long legs, what would you choose?
LMH: I wish you could be more precise can you let me choose 2 out of 5?
SW: Ok then please choose 1) long legs 2) muscular 3) good look 4) smart 5) cute/adorable 6) humour
LMH: I choose long legs and humour. (SW: &#50780;? (Why?))
LMH: Comparing to good look, don’t girls prefer guys who are humorous & funny?
SW: You did not choose good look, so you think long legs are more important than good look?
LMH: (laughing) Yes, how I should I say this… [I &#9829; long legs] (thoughtful…) feel that being tall has more advantages, [long legs > good look] so compare to good look I would choose long legs.
(note – no prize for guessing who likes TALL guy)
SW: Do you think that you are cute, that you have a cute, adorable image?
LMH: No, I never feel that I am cute, it’s my fans who think that I have a cute edge…
SW: So now fans know that in Min Ho’s mind having long legs is most important. In Korea you come in top in many charts (polls), if you are to create a chart, in what chart would you like to see yourself being ranked in the first place?
LMH: [Nos. 1?] Ummm.. “The Man You Want to Marry Most” (answer to my teaser )
SW: Ah that’s incredible! As we know you are the ideal partner in the hearts of many girls, having portrayed many affectionate roles in dramas, what are your views on marriage and love?
LMH: Firstly, when it comes to love, it is best that there is a continuous feeling of love (no interruption), during work or otherwise, the satisfaction which we derive from being in love, whether it is unrequited love or mutual love, when there is love we would have better focus when working and greater motivation in life.
LMH: Marriage… the other party is someone who I would be spending my (remaining) lifetime together, rather than like fire I hope that it is like ocean(meaning that rather than a 'explosive or passionate' relationship he is looking for a calm & peaceful marriage) and to spend time together just like friends; I think marriage life like this would be more interesting.
(note – MH spent 1 whole minute talking about Love & Marriage, and mind you this is the cut portion… )
SW: You mentioned previously in interview that you believe love in first sight, I would like to ask you, usually when you see a girl which part of a girl would you notice first?
LMH: (laughing uncontrollably) Which part? (more laughter) I don’t think I just look at certain part, I value the overall feeling.
SW: Do you feel that you are a romantic person? There were many romantic scenes in your dramas, how are you like in real life?
LMH: I don’t think so. Hahahaha… I like to joke, I am also mischievous with girl. (SW: &#51652;&#51676;? (Really?) / LMH: &#45348; (Yes))
SW: Didn’t expect that Min Ho being so gentle & polite, he actually likes to tease his other half. Since you are caught up with work, you unlikely have time for dating, usually how do you relieve stress?
LMH: In the past I would sleep a lot to get rid of my stress, recently I would follow my feeling and mood, tune up the stereo volume, listen to music while I distress.
SW: There is one thing which the fans are curious, it is about Min Ho’s signature; as everyone can see it is quite simple and consists of 3 strokes, I would like to use this opportunity to ask Min Ho why did you design such a simple signature, any reason behind it?
LMH: I simply write out my name, there’s a bit of emptiness (in the signature) and besides I can write messages or wishes like “&#54665;&#48373;&#54616;&#49464;&#50836;” (Be happy) below my signature.
SW: It could also be that Min Ho has to sign many autographs so he designs a simpler signature as it would be more convenient.
LMH: No no, it has nothing to do with that, compared to a more complicated signature I just simply write out my signature.
SW: Finally, do you have anything to say to our Hong Kong fans?
LMH: I heard that Hong Kong is currently broadcasting “The Heirs”, I hope that everyone is happy watching it and receives the message from the drama; I hope that everyone will think about love again and give it another consideration. Although I would love to come to Hong Kong more often and create good memories with all of you, I am sorry that I am unable to do so; until we meet again, I sincerely wish everyone good health and happiness. &#44048;&#49324;&#54633;&#45768;&#45796;! Thank you!
SW: I am very happy we are able to chat a lot with Lee Min Ho, hope that the filming of his future drama and movie will proceed smoothly! &#44048;&#49324;&#54633;&#45768;&#45796;!
LMH: &#45348; &#44048;&#49324;&#54633;&#45768;&#45796;! Good job. (SW: &#49688;&#44256;&#54664;&#50612;&#50836; (Well done) / LMH: &#45348;)

* [captions on screen]
* (additional personal interpretations, my personal comments)

** credit to forumer mosquito from soompi..

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Post time 7-7-2014 02:45 PM | Show all posts
manganini posted on 7-7-2014 02:11 PM
sapa yg dia oppakan ni? Nori tu apa, anjing dia ke?

tular... dia tuju pd saper?? junhyung dia panggil oppa ker?
aah.. nori tue anjing dia..

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Post time 12-7-2014 10:04 PM | Show all posts
sesipot posted on 7-7-2014 02:45 PM
tular... dia tuju pd saper?? junhyung dia panggil oppa ker?
aah.. nori tue anjing dia..

Tak tau plak dia panggil member tu apa..hehe
Yg pasti bukan si anu yg sorang lg.. hahahaaaa

Dia oppakan abang kandung  dia kot.. bersangka baik..

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Post time 12-7-2014 10:09 PM | Show all posts
Br baca interview tu.. tq sesi..

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