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Author: melnanzz

WANITA TERINDAH [Astro First Exclusive: Fattah Amin, Nur Fazura, Nik Adam Mika]

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 Author| Post time 3-11-2017 08:02 PM | Show all posts
Propaje replied at 3-11-2017 07:13 PM
Boleh je mel.. iolls login ikut fb je.
Masuk web ni ...

Oh, really? That's welcoming news.
Ramai overseas viewers nak tengok WT ni. Diaorg msg I tanya camne nak beli WT tapi tak de astro subscription.


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Post time 3-11-2017 08:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1st time msuk benang drama tv tgk komen n review yg pnjg pnjg n byk point positip n bernas.

Wahhhhh DAEBAKKK!!!

Mohon fattah amin gali lagi gali lagi bakat yg ada.gitewww

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Post time 3-11-2017 08:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Iols sebagai karats bamtah yang selalu sr je selama ni, bangga baca review WT kat sini. Ahad baru cuti dan nak subscribe tengok cerita ni..

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 Author| Post time 3-11-2017 09:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by melnanzz at 3-11-2017 09:43 PM

Okay, confirm gais.
Wanita Terindah boleh tonton di Astro On the Go, walaupun tak ada astro subscription.
Untuk overseas viewers, boleh gunakan VPN untuk access AOTG.However there is a small catch: untuk buat purchase, kena ada Malaysian credit or debit card. Kalau guna overseas card, tak accept.

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Post time 3-11-2017 10:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
melnanzz replied at 3-11-2017 09:41 PM
Okay, confirm gais.
Wanita Terindah boleh tonton di Astro On the Go, walaupun tak ada astro subscri ...


cc @NotYou  @ira_229  @IanDee

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Post time 3-11-2017 10:31 PM | Show all posts
suzy_2912 replied at 3-11-2017 10:26 PM

cc @NotYou  @ira_229  @IanDee

dah try smua dah ok masa nak payment kurang asam btl credit card i dia tak accept, i pakai credit card maybank pun dia tak accept...geram btl 3 credit card and 1 debit card pun tak jalan ...mayb astro accept local malaysian credit/debit card aje agaknye ...2 kali try sama juga ....

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Post time 3-11-2017 10:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
suzy_2912 replied at 3-11-2017 10:26 PM

cc @NotYou  @ira_229  @IanDee

Thanks suzy & mel! nnt i try & will update on this.

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Post time 3-11-2017 10:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by ira_229 at 3-11-2017 10:51 PM
melnanzz replied at 3-11-2017 09:41 PM
Okay, confirm gais.
Wanita Terindah boleh tonton di Astro On the Go, walaupun tak ada astro subscri ...

Arrrgghhh..nnti tanya my sister ada card malaysian tk?nk kena gi rumah dia pulak...
Anyway thanks guys..klu ada apa2 update plz tag me..

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Post time 4-11-2017 12:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by ikinbest at 6-11-2017 04:12 PM

I nk bg 4.9/5 bintang.. haha (sbb cpt sgt abess)

Overall ok sangat. Mmg cerita ni ditulis utk fattah pon kan, so x dpt imagine pelakon lain bawak watak fahim nih. Jalan cerita selari la dng surrounding rakyat jelata. Ade cuit sikit pasal antara 2 darjat, tapi thats all.

Bnyk sangat pengajaran dan pendedahan benda baru, especially pasal ANGSANA CARE.


Fahim - mmg solid fattah bwk karakter nih. Jurufoto muda,panas baran, gaji cukup makan. Keseluruhan supertele ni mmg bergerak sekeliling fahim je. So i nk sentuh bonding karakter fahim dng semua karakter dlm WT ni.

Menjadi sangat. Karakter fahim n ibu sgt menyentuh perasaan. Mmg the real wanita terakhir. Within 1hr40minutes bule compile semua emosi fahim n ibu, sedih, marah jng ckp la, manja n all

Yg ni lain kan, first time tengok karakter kt msia ni, awek pandai kickboxer.. haha samantha carrie watak ni ok jer..

Karakter reena mmg resemble seseorg dlm realiti hidup fattah ek.. hehe ok but not strong enough. Tp nmpk effort (harus dipuji) sarah try to memberi tp mcm x blend well kot dng fattah.

Faz x payah pertikai la , her role just nice jer. X la ditenggelami fattah. Sebab fattah sangat2 strong karakter dia dlm WT nih. So letak fazura kt tmpt nuryn mmg A. Good decision .

Istimewa la fikri ni, audience mmg bule terbawak sama dlm catfight fahim n adik die. Abes die ungkit semua, mainan,baju even fav food. Fikri pom bule get along n x tenggelam dng karakter fahim yg sgt2 strong.

Basically mmg kena puji bnyk red films, pandai pilih cast n crew. Mr.director joon goh.. hats off.

P/s : technical part x pandai la nk komen , sebagai penutup i mmg recommend cerita ni untuk di suscribe semua. Sooo cant wait WT2.



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Post time 4-11-2017 12:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by ikinbest at 6-11-2017 04:15 PM

TT @melnanzz  berapa cost FASTYLE keluarkan utk produce Wt ni ek?

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Post time 4-11-2017 01:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tepek sini yach director WT puji fattah

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Post time 4-11-2017 01:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
suzy_2912 replied at 4-11-2017 01:02 AM
Tepek sini yach director WT puji fattah

Terharunyaaaa.. Akhirnya ade jugak yg notice..

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Post time 4-11-2017 01:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
melnanzz replied at 3-11-2017 09:41 PM
Okay, confirm gais.
Wanita Terindah boleh tonton di Astro On the Go, walaupun tak ada astro subscri ...

Camana mel?maksud nya i dh donlod apps astro go..pastu kena sign up eh?i xde akaun astro

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Post time 4-11-2017 04:48 AM | Show all posts
melnanzz replied at 3-11-2017 05:26 AM
yes pengajar seni lakonan is acting coach in english. Bila kita sebut acting coach ni, bukan maksu ...

perasan tak , tak nampak aida bakhra pun masa preview WT hari tu....
hope nanti WT2 sheolls ada sekali...

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Post time 4-11-2017 05:28 AM | Show all posts
part I paling suka WT masa nak propose si nuryn. si mika tu cute sgt.

eh boleh ke terspoil sini.

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Post time 4-11-2017 07:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by IanDee at 4-11-2017 08:11 AM

Finally managed to watch Wanita Terindah after almost 1 hour meddling with my computer! Best gileeee the movie!! I will do a review later, for now I just wanted to share for those living abroad who wants to watch this film.

1. Sign up to Astro go here:

2. Change ur VPN to Malaysia. Not all VPN software works, but this one does, and I took the free 3 days trial. Don’t forget to unsubscribe so u won’t be charged later on. Download and install it.

3. Buy Wanita Terindah movie on astro go, but like TT said you will need a Malaysiancredit/debit card.

4. Download and install some plugins from Astro.

5. Enjoy the movie!!

Thanks for the tips @Propaje, @melnanzz & Suzy!!



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Post time 4-11-2017 08:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
suzy_2912 replied at 4-11-2017 01:02 AM
Tepek sini yach director WT puji fattah

So touching at last ada juga org yg recognised bakat dan usaha bamtah  and bukan calang2 org tapi seorang director ....hope ada lah paper nak highlight benda ni jgn asyik highlight gossip tunang je....

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Post time 4-11-2017 08:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
review dari kacamata seorang yang jarang bukak tv tgk drama be it kdrama, english series, or malay ... , jarang jugak nak layan movie esp malay movie... unless if its my favourite stars yg blakon. sejenis malas nak take risk saje2 nak tgk cerita.

1.  jalan cerita
I didnt read the novel. so I dont really know what it really tells. cuma tau berdasarkan org crita2 je. so I knw its about son - mother bond, kisah kekeluargaan. plus awal2lagi dh diberitahu takde kisah romantik,kisah cinta sgt. so ok. its all there. on point. suka the storyline. tho its a bit fast pace. pap pap pap... sejenis tak tunggu. n tak draggy. ada terbaca td yg kata, ada abit mcm indi style punya gaya. yes I agree. I suke. i suke every little details diamik kire. cuma satuuuuu je... rasa tak puas! a bit loose, mcm ala kejap sgt. I want more! I want to know more! ape yg sebenarnye terjadi? etc3... so  I guess its a great naskah sbb...??? sbb ia buat penonton tak puas.. nak lagi .. nak lagi.. tapi bukan level tak puas yg 'alaa.. tah pape cerita ni...' ... ia level tak puas yg .. 'alaaa.. I wish the duration is longer...nak lagi'. selain sbb storyline, sbb all the casts pun best so mcm x puas. nak tgk lagi. and bile dpt tau akan ade WT 2 insyaAllah.. I really hope benda tu jadi. be it prequel.. sequel... best2! tapi nk lagi best if buat in drama series! lama n pjg sikit. so mcm2 boleh masukkan ... instead of 2 jam..or less. tak puas..

2. the crews (director, cameraman etc)
I am not the right person nak ckp ape2 pasal teknikal etc... tp nk ckp, the team did very well! shot cantik, gbr cantik, pemilihan tempat, wardobe etc semua kena, sesuai, tak pelik. they didnt use those kind of 'vibrant' color punye effect (I dont know wt its call, yg mcm dlm cerita2 like redcomm yg lain, n few other movies). so it sgt sesuai dgn mood cerita tu. it really plays a role. suke. takde satu pun buat I nak rasa..' eeehhh ..patut mcm ni..patut mcm tu... ehh ade ke mcm ni.. tak logic... ' etc. takde... sbb terbuai2 dgn cerita tu. layan sgt. so great job to the team!

3. the cast

- fattah
frankly , I am not his karatz ... I was the one yg akan tutup tv if tgk cerita die yg mula2 dulu. but I never called him wtever others love to call. tak suke, takyah tgk. tido. thts it. until hsc baru I betul2 tgk his acting becoz of his costar... (oh drama before tht I tgk sbb I rasa die handsome, n ive been longing for a good looking malay actor. lame takde... so dh jumpa masa tu, layan je la.) ok back to WT. fattah DID VERY WELL! thumbs up! I quote from some others yg tgk jugak cerita ni... 'LAKONAN MENJADI, SBB RASA TU SAMPAI, BILA SEDIH RASA SEDIH TU ... ' n yes I agree with that. boleh nmpk watak fahim. as like what nuryn described fahim in one of the scenes, nmpk mcm macho tp manja (sometg like tht) ... so nmpk. die baran. muka tu mmg berkerut jeeeee. tapi, die tak ego. baran n ego are 2 diff characters. coz in real life baran takpe sgt, jgn ego ... at the same time bile kena jd manja tu, menjadi. nmpk ngada2 tu. bila part sedih, part nangis. just nice. secukup rasa. even I rs mcm..alaaa nak die nangis lebih lagi. tp fikir logic, tu hanya naluri ppuan yg mmg emo slalu terlebih. takkan laki2 nk nangis mcm tu kn. so. elok. semua elok.
paling best. bila part ade part die marah, dgn fikri esp yg masa 1st time nmpk fikri tu.  anak2 I tgk diorg ketawa giggling instead of rasa takut tu. tht means mmg smpi lakonan tu. terkesan kat bdk2. sbb? sbb I believe fahim marah fikri bkn marah yg dari hati. nmpk die mcm marah, tp dlm hati die tak. just for the sake nak express je... n gertak je ... so yes. his acting is in control in this movie. bukan main tabur je. ok cukup dh kut utk fattah. pjg sgt dh ni ... to the next level u r fattah!

- fazura
I just love her! MasyaAllah... no doubt lah kn. fazura kot. mmg delivered very well lah ... even I x baca novel tp I tau nuryn ni org yg mcm mn. cool, sempoi, bersahaja, n kuat! her expressions tu boleh berubah2 like in one scene tu pap pap pap! cmtu je. by just using her face! n eyes! slalu tgk die cantikkkkk je..dgn wardrobe n  makeup. mesmerized by her kecantikan smpi x brape nk nmpk sgt her acting skills. tp this time penampilan die biase2 saje. so mmg bole focus more on her face. bile sedih. tak yah lebih2 nk kerut2muke muke mcm sembelit etc.. nope.. thts not her. thru her eyes tu dh nmpk sedih die. yg awal2 terkesan masa scene kat surau dgn ibu ... sedih tu smpi even takde la smpi die perlu nangis utk die bgtau level kesedihan tu... and for me watak nuryn tu same penting dgn fahim. ade jugak kekuatan kat situ. walopon ceritanya nk tumpu lebih pada hubungan anak-ibu tu. tp nuryn tak kurang menonjol jgk...

- liza othman & adik adam
watak ibu tu tak perlu nk komen pjg lebar lah. mmg sesuai sgt the ibu figure tu. n nmpk chemistry dgn fahim ada. same goes to adam. semua watak menjadi.

- sarah & samantha
tak byk sgt nak komen on samantha sbb kejap je scene die. tp tetap meninggalkn kesan sbb dpt tumbuk fahim . as for sarah, die ok. tp maybe sbb ada slang sikit bile ckp melayu tu (as compared to samantha...)  so agak potong disitu. tak sure watak die ni org yg mcm mn.

3. background music.
ha ni penting utk sebuah penceritaan. penting utk emosi penonton. the music semua kena! kena dgn situasi, kena dgn emosi. antara faktor yg boleh buat kita layan cerita ni...

so overall... utk casts I bagi 5/5... except for watak reena, kena garap lebih sikit so I give 4 for her watak.

n utk cerita itself I bg 4.5/5... tak dpt full sbb tak puassss, kejap sgt rase. and really wish akan ade prequel/sequel or series even better! yeay!



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 Author| Post time 4-11-2017 08:32 AM | Show all posts
Amonrey replied at 4-11-2017 01:17 AM
Camana mel?maksud nya i dh donlod apps astro go..pastu kena sign up eh?i xde akaun astro

tak perlu download any apps. Use your web browser, for example Chrome. Masuk website Astro On the Go, and then login using your Facebook account. Then make payment using a Malaysian credit card, and you will be able to watch it on your laptop/PC.

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 Author| Post time 4-11-2017 08:52 AM | Show all posts
IanDee replied at 4-11-2017 07:48 AM
Finally managed to watch Wanita Terindah after almost 1 hour meddling with my computer! Best gileeee ...

Thank you IanDee for the very useful guide.
Overseas viewers yang still have difficulty watching the movie, please PM me.
Please don't ask me for a free copy of the movie. I do not condone piracy.
To watch the movie, you will need to pay the RM15.90 fee to Astro.

Astro/Fastyle if you're reading this, please make Astro on the Go available to overseas viewers. They are willing to pay to watch this telemovie.

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