
Salt Lake City, UT | A baby named Lucifer is being hailed as the new “Antichrist” by members of the Salt Lake City Church of Satan chapter, reports the Mormon Messenger this morning.
The baby that was born yesterday at Salt Lake City’s University Hospital has stemmed controversy amongst Mormon and Christian communities alike after flyers were found posted around the downtown area claiming “the birth of the Antichrist” and inviting non-members and members of the Church of Satan to celebrate this “sacred birth”.
In some Christian belief systems, Jesus the Messiah will appear in his Second Coming to Earth to face the emergence of the Antichrist figure, who will be the greatest false messiah in Christianity. Just as Christ is the savior and the ideal model for humanity, his opponent in the end time will be a single figure of concentrated evil, whom some believe would be the living incarnation of Satan, also known as Baphomet or Lucifer.

The newborn boy, who was born Gabriel Lucifer Whitcome, is believed to be an “incarnation of the Antichrist” by his parents, both members of the local Salt Lake City Church of Satan chapter
If both parents admit the flyers might have shocked non-members of the Church of Satan, they did not expect their beliefs to create such a stir.
“All we wanted was to share the good news to fellow members of the community” admits the 34-year old dad, that is presently unemployed and president of the local Church of Satan chapter in salt Lake City. “In our belief system, this is a time for celebration. Our messiah is born. All we wanted was to share the good news, although we understand the birth of the Antichrist could be interpreted as a bad thing if you are of the Christian faith” he told local reporters.
The baby born under “auspicious astrological conditions” according to his parents would make him the living incarnation of Satan or Lucifer.
Local legal expert, John Burroughs, admits the name is “unusual” but not illegal. “As long as the parents take good care of the child, there is no reason for Child Protective Services (CPS) to be involved”.
http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/ ... baby-named-lucifer/

bayi itu umpama fitrah , kain putih yg bersih dan fitrahnya islam....dan dijanjikan 4 perkara dan dalam alam ruh dah mengakui siapa tuhan-Nya dah pun , apabila lahir maka...ibarat kain putih ... |

manusia delusional 
Bzzzzt! Wrong!
Ha ha , ko ketinggalan zaman .... try to keep up with scientific research
July 14, 2011
University of Oxford
New research finds that humans have natural tendencies to believe in gods and an afterlife. Research suggests that people across many different cultures instinctively believe that some part of their mind, soul or spirit lives on after-death. The studies demonstrate that people are natural 'dualists' finding it easy to conceive of the separation of the mind and the body.
Dr Olivera Petrovich told a University of Western Sydney conference on the psychology of religion that even preschool children constructed theological concepts as part of their understanding of the physical world.
It was hard-wired into the human psyche, but it was important not to build too much into the concept of God. "It's the concept of God as creator, primarily," she said. Dr Petrovich said her findings were based on several studies, particularly one of Japanese children aged four to six, and another of 400 British children aged five to seven from seven different faiths.
"Atheism is definitely an acquired position," she said.
Bagi data & facts tambi. Mana data & facts ko tu. Jangan2 pada ko data and facts lebih kurang macam tempe aje ... ha ha
Meroyan bagai janda gila talak bukan data & facts ye
ko atau aku yg meroyan ni? 
for the 2nd time :
Ha ha , mana dia data & facts ko yg ko klaim babies are born atheists?
Aku dah bagi 2 peer reviewed publication
- Dr Barrett
- Dr Petrovich
independently confirming babies are born with an inherent believe in God
Data & facts mat slow .... bukan tempe tau sebagaimana pemahaman ko tu
LOL , kita tengok berapa banyak kali kena tanya sampai ko berani jawab
seriously....... agama patut diharamkan 
LOL , ko betul2 atheis yg bodoh & tiada pelajaran. Jgn nak berlagak kat sini lah ooi
Ko betul2 mat slow
For the 3rd time :
Mana data & facts ko yg babies are born atheists? Data & facts bukan tempe ye sebagaimana pemahaman ko tu
Aku dah bagi 2 peer reviewed publication
- Dr Barrett
- Dr Petrovich
independently confirming babies are born with an inherent believe in God
Mana dia peer reviewed publication dari ko yg nyatakan sebaliknya?
Berapa kali nak kena tanya?
Religion and Ties Between Adult Children and Their Parents
Valarie King1, Maggie Ledwell1 and Jennifer Pearce-Morris2
+ Author Affiliations
1 Department of Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park.
2 Department of Psychology and Sociology, MSC 177, Texas A&M University-Kingsville.
Correspondence should be addressed to Valarie King, PhD, Department of Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University, 211 Oswald Tower, University Park, PA 16802. E-mail: [email protected].
Received April 13, 2012.
Accepted June 21, 2013.
Objectives. This study examined whether religious adults (measured by the frequency of attendance at religious services) report more extensive ties with their parents.
Method. Using data from the National Survey of Families and Households (N = 9,002), a series of bivariate and multivariate regression models were tested. Several dimensions of adult children’s relationships with their parents were considered including relationship quality, frequency of contact, providing care to parents, and providing other assistance.
Results. Adult children who attended religious services more frequently were significantly more likely to provide assistance to parents, and they reported higher quality relationships and more frequent contact with both their fathers and mothers. Results were similar for sons and daughters, and for younger and older adult children.
Discussion. A better understanding of what motivates and fosters strong ties between adult children and their parents is vitally important given the “graying” of America and the consequences of such ties for the health and well-being of both generations. Religion is only one of many factors associated with adult children’s ties to parents, and this association is generally modest, but it is an important factor that should be given greater attention in future research.
kat sini kajian on agama Kristian tapi dalam islam pun dah ditegaskan tanggungjawab anak - ibu bapa
so kat sini - kat maan negatifnya agama - dan kalau anda nak kata islam

ini satu lagi positive effect

aku lucifer aku tuhan tapi aku xsedar dalam mengaku xde tuhan aku da bertuhankan diri... hahaha |
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