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Rabbi Yahudi hisap Cik Nek dalam Brit Milah
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The Voice Of Reason
Yesterday at 18:28 · New Bedford, MA, United States ·
The adult male takes the child's penis and puts it in his mouth and begins sucking it. Cameras begin going off and video begins to record.
Under normal circumstances the adult male would be arrested for child rape and everyone there with the cameras in action would be arrested and charged along with him for creating child porn.
Unfortunately this won't happen
The adult male is a Jewish Rabbi and he is performing a religious tradition called Brit Milah where after cutting off the foreskin of the child's penis he then sucks the penis until it stops bleeding while the child's parents and family and friends watch taking pictures and video recording it.
As much as the catholic church conceils the raping of young boys by priests the Jewish faith hides their own secrets.
Every year thousands of male babies are infected with Herpes by these Rabbi's from this ritual.
As much as the catholic church knows who the priests raping boys are and allow them to continue preaching from pulpits at Sunday services, the jewish leaders know who these infected Rabbi's are and allow them to continue to perform this ritual.
@sabbath_shalom @sam1528
tuhan mana korang sembah ni?

tuhan ko ajar hisap cik nek kaa?  |
Hujatul_Jihad replied at 14-8-2016 11:48 PM
Ustajah Mashitoh kate kalau tanpa syahwat takpe.
Rabbi tu cuma jalankan proses khatan.. |
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ajaran agama sesat? 
The adult male is a Jewish Rabbi and he is performing a religious tradition called Brit Milah where after cutting off the foreskin of the child's penis he then sucks the penis until it stops bleeding while the child's parents and family and friends watch taking pictures and video recording it.
aku masih taa boleh imajin bagaimana seorg rabbi hisap penis budak yg bersunat 
bukankah berkhatan nie tiru agama yahudi? sib baik tak tiru bab hisap lepas sunat........  |
Hujatul_Jihad replied at 15-8-2016 05:22 AM
tuhan yg cipta alam semesta ini berminat melihat cik nek disunat? ...
Yahudi nak berkhatan ko pulak yg sakit hati....agama Yahudi bukan untuk Goyim pon. |
@ibnur suruh explain ayat 64 Surah Al-Baqarah pon tak mampu....ada hati nak kata kitab kau bawa petunjuk .
Bila x boleh eksolen mula la tolak kredit orang...typical Muslim...hidup tak pakai logik dan akal. |
agama yahudi juga patut diharamkan 
apakah agama anda berasal dari agama YAHUDI? cuba fikir, wujud kah tuhan yg kamu sembah?  |
adakah tuhan @sam1528 sama dgn tuhan orang yahudi?  |
Apa pendapat ko? Sama atau tak sama?
sama................ tuhan sendiri pun tak kenal kaa? 
Kalo ko dah konfom sama , pasal apa tanya soalan bodoh?
supaya ko sedar betapa bodohnya kamu 
Ha ha , org yg tanya soalan bodoh tu lah yg bangang .... errrr mat slow
Ha ha ... soalan tu taraf ko aje .... mat slow
Masih dgn ajwa dates = paraquat? Ko betul2 mat slow
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