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Edited by eddlisa_uyuk at 14-12-2016 09:09 AM
bangkem suka filem yang ada plot twist, senggama minda, filem yang membuatkan kita masih berfikir pasal filem tu even selepas menontonnya, atau filem yang beri kesan mendalam dalam hidup..
contoh filem kategori camni ialah termasuk filem dicadangkan oleh forumer lain:
1) Oldboy (versi korea) 8.9/102) Life of PI 8.5/10
3) The Matrix 8.7/10
4) Fight club 8.1/10
5) Vertigo (cerita lama) 8.3/10
6) Inception 9.5/10
7) Enemy 7.3/10
8) The game 6.5/10
9) Human Centepide 6.1/10
10) Gone girls 7.5/10
11) The others 7.0/10
12) Butterfly effects 7.3/10
13) Da Vinci Code 7.2/1014) Mulholland Dr 8.0
15) Memento 8.6
16) Donnie Darko 8.1
17) Shutter Island 7.5
18) Predestination 7.4
19) Angel and demons 7.3
20) Dark City 8.2
21) Triangle 7.9
22) The man from earth 8.6
23) The prestige 7.7
24) Jacob's ladder 7.3
25) Identity 8.0
26) mantera the movie (lakonan tomok) 9.9927) interstellar 1.1
oleh kerana bangkem cuti sampai 19 september kelak, bangkem nak penuhi masa terluang ni dengan menonton filem.. korang boleh cadangkan filem lain yang lebih kurang camni tak?
Edited by al-asil at 31-8-2016 08:38 AM
7) gone girl
8) the others
Drisyam film hindi
best plot twist ever  |
The butterfly effects tu dgr2 nye filem ala2 senggama minda pe2 pun iols punye feveret movies yg jenis bongkar kod2 rahsia ni cam american treasure, the da vinci code, angels and demons etc (tazzabar nk nunggu inferno lak kua)  |

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Post time 31-8-2016 02:29 PM
From the mobile phone
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al-asil replied at 31-8-2016 08:32 AM
7) gone girl
8) the others
Tapi dua2 cerita ni bangkem dah tengok..
Gone girl best, tapi the others tu, ada orang spoil ending dia kat bangkem, jadi wow factor tu takde sangat |

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Post time 31-8-2016 02:30 PM
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Tapayana replied at 31-8-2016 10:38 AM
lamanya cuti kem.
Rehat2 bam ghost.. dah letih asyik bekerja je sepanjang tahun ni |

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Post time 31-8-2016 02:30 PM
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tagas replied at 31-8-2016 11:39 AM
Drisyam film hindi
best plot twist ever
Bukan taknak tengok, tapi bangkem tak minat sangat filem hindi.. |

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Post time 31-8-2016 02:32 PM
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PerakMari87 replied at 31-8-2016 12:50 PM
The butterfly effects tu dgr2 nye filem ala2 senggama minda pe2 pun iols punye feveret movi ...
Butterfly effects dgn da vinci tu bangkem dah tengok.. angel n demons tu bangkem tak tengok lagi.. ok masuk watchlist |
Edited by evey709 at 31-8-2016 10:22 PM
Cer check out cerita2 dari director Denis Villeneuve. Ni list fave & movie dia yg sy pernah tgk.
1- Enemy -Ni mmg sgt2 senggama minda. Mula2 tgk x paham dia stick in my mind for days. Last2 dengar org nye analysis kat you tube, kendian br make sense idop ni 
2-The Incendies -guna bahasa french, tp sangat2 worth it. Tengoklah. Sbb bile da tgk ni, mesti mengingatkan kat satu cerita dlm list kemaruk. Taknak bgtau movie apa sbb nnt spoiler, pastu x best bile tgk 
3-Prisoners- Movie pertama tengok dr director ni. Aritu Astro tayang. Sebab sgt terksima ngan movie ni la, sy check movie2 dia yg len.
4-Sicario Movie ni best bg siapa yg x pernah tengok kerja director ni. Tapi bg sy, movie ni paling kureng. Jangan salah paham, cite ni best cume movie2 sy da list kat atas ni lagi senggama minda,jd rendah markah dia 
p/s: elakkan lah baca spoiler2 utk movie ni. Nanti twist dia x menjadi
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kemaruk replied at 31-8-2016 02:29 PM
Tapi dua2 cerita ni bangkem dah tengok..
satu lagi: the game - michel douglas & sean penn |
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Post time 1-9-2016 09:16 PM
From the mobile phone
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evey709 replied at 31-8-2016 10:21 PM
Cer check out cerita2 dari director Denis Villeneuve. Ni list fave & movie dia yg sy pernah tgk.
Enemy tu bangkem dah tengok.. terkejut berok bangkem tengok ending.. metafora
Yang lain nanti2 la bangkem tengok.. bangkem |

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Post time 1-9-2016 09:18 PM
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swimswim replied at 1-9-2016 01:51 AM
Human centipede
Dah tengok 1 dan 2..
Tak best sangat bagi bangkem..
Cerita gore dan sadist camni bangkem minat citer Saw, jeepers creepers dan satu lagi ape ntah yang suami isteri sesat kat hutan tu |

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Post time 1-9-2016 09:19 PM
From the mobile phone
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al-asil replied at 1-9-2016 09:35 AM
satu lagi: the game - michel douglas & sean penn
Dah tengok.. plot twist dah boleh diagak, tapi sepanjang masa 50-50 sama ada betul ke tak |
Kaaan.. siap tertolak laptop masa tgk tu. terkejut punye pasal.
Kalau suke cite ni, bolehlah layan movie2 dia yg len.
The Incendies tu kena tgk dulu, tgk boleh figure out x ape jadik 
cete suami isteri sesat kat utan 2 cete eden lake ke bangkem? tp y 2 xsesat, dorg g hornymon kt hutan yang ada kuari then kene attack dgn teenagers yang sadis mcm nakharom. huhu. |
Edited by Chesire_Epilog at 3-11-2016 04:25 PM
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