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Kenapa pencatit AQ Nabi murtad?
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Sources of the Qur'an
Contributions by `Abdullah ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh
Muhammad had scribes write his revelations down for him. One scribe was `Abdullah Ibn Sa'd Ibn Abi Sarh. As Sarh wrote these revelations down, he frequently made suggestions on improving their wording. Muhammad often agreed and allowed the changes to be made. Eventually, Sarh left Islam, knowing it could not be from God if a mere scribe were allowed to change God's word. Later, after the conquest of Mecca, Muhammad ordered Sarh's death.
During Muhammad's 23 years of prophetic ministry, Muhammad claimed to receive revelations from God, given to him by an angel. Muhammad used many men, functioning as scribes, to write down these assumed revelations. Different scribes wrote down different revelations. `Abdullah Sarh was one of Muhammad's scribes. Evidently, Sarh had some literary skills, sometimes suggesting improvements to Muhammad in the wording of the recited Qur'an. Muhammad often agreed with Sarh's improvements, and allowed the changes to be made.
Sarh eventually left Islam because he knew that no mere scribe should be allowed to change something that was proclaimed to be the word of God. The changes were frequent enough that it caused Sarh to realize that something was amiss. Upon leaving Islam, Sarh became a threat to the credibility of the Qur'an. It would no longer be believed to be the word of God if a man had been allowed to edit and change it. Sarh's threat to the credibility of the Qur'an was also a threat to Muhammad's credibility. No real prophet would allow the word of God to be changed.
Sarh left Islam and lived in Mecca. Some time later, Muhammad and his army moved on Mecca and took it without a fight. On that day, Muhammad ordered the murder of 10 people living in Mecca. Muhammad said "God forbid killing in Mecca, except for this one day." Sarh was one of the people Muhammad ordered to be murdered. His crime? He had left Islam, and he constituted a threat to the credibility of the Qur'an and the prophethood of Muhammad. No wonder then that Muhammad wanted him dead.
masih delusional? 
Hmm.. Sarh tu..
Zaman orang mekah berperang dengan nabi yang dok Madinah, dia keluar dari Mekah pergi Madinah jadi Islam. Kemudian dia nak masuk mekah balik, so dia reka la cerita bohong asalkan orang Mekah terima dia balik. Masa Nabi tawan mekah balik, sahabat2 tanya nabi apa nak buat dengan sarh, kemudian dia ditangkap ke ape tapi dapat campur tangan usman. Maybe lepas kena nasihat ke apa, tanpa siapa paksa2 dia Sarh masuk islam balik. Tapi lepastu Sarh antara orang Islam yang taat dilantik jadi ketua duta ke ke luar mekah. Sarh orang kaya/ bangsawan so kalo fikir logik memangla akan timbul nak pilih harta enjoy kat mekah atau miskin bersama nabi di madinah.
Zaman nabi & pengikut susah payah lapar sampai kena hijrah semua tu, penduduk mekah enjoy sembah patung macam biasa je, kecuali geng pemerintah mekah dan tentera yang tak habis2 buat misi berperang dengan nabi sebab marah meluap2 pada nabi. Nabi muhammad & bandar islam madinah yang diserang, berperang atas sebab terpaksa jadi defensive. Diorang berperang kat battlefield luar kota bukan tetibe meletup dalam bangunan/ train mana2 bandar macam zaman sekarang. |
Edited by sam1528 at 13-9-2016 08:57 AM
Ha ha ... senang betul ko kena kencing dgn geng pencacai
Ko paham tak apa ko baca? Dari artikel answering Islam ko tu :
- Sarh left Islam and lived in Mecca
- '....Al-Iraqi refers to Sura 6:93 above. From Dawud's translation Sura 6:93 reads:
- '..... Abdallah Ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh, who used to write for God's messenger. The verse (23:12) that says, "We created man of an extraction of clay" was revealed, and when Muhammad reached the part that says, "... thereafter We produced him as another creature (23:14),
Kita boleh konfom beberapa benda :
(1) Abdullah ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh peluk Islam selepas hijrah
...... Usûd Ulghâbah fi Ma'rifat Is-Sahâbah by Ibn al-Athîr. In the entry concerning cAbdullâh Ibn Sâd Ibn Abî Sarh we find the following:
The above excerpt reads:
He converted to Islam before the conquest of Mecca and immigrated to the Prophet(P) [i.e. in Medina]. He used to record the revelation for the Prophet(P) before he apostatized and went back to Mecca. Then he told Quraysh: 'I used to orient Muhammad wherever I willed, he dictated to me "All-Powerful All-Wise" and I suggest "All Knowing All-Wise" so he would say: "Yes, it is all the same."[1]
(2) Dua surah yg dipertikiakan adalah Surah 6 (Quran6:93) & Surah 23 (Quran23:12-14)
Fakta sejarah konfom yg Surah 6 & 23 diwahyu kepada Nabi Muhammad(saw) di Mekkah (ie. Surah2 Mekkah). Si Abdallah Ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh masa tu belum lagi Islam & dia bukan penulis Quran.
Soalan: Macamana yg boleh ko klaim yg Abdallah Ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh kata dia tulis Quran 6:93 & Quran23:12-14 pasal semasa ayat2 tersebut diwahyukan , Abdallah Ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh belum lagi Islam much less jadi penulis Quran
Tu pasal
al-Hâfidh al-cIraqî says:
They mentioned three who wrote [for the Prophet] and apostatized: Ibn Abî Sarh and Ibn Khatal and another one whose name is unknown. No one of them returned to the religion [Islam] except Ibn Abî Sarh while the others strayed from the right path.
A minimum of objectivity is enough to understand that al-Hâfidh al-cIraqî does not back up such claims. He is merely reporting accounts and asks the people interested in them to take upon themselves the burden of verification.
Check dulu ... sahih ke tidak
LOL .... Mat Slow kena kencing lagi ... dan mula kencing merata.
Abdallah Ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh telah murtad tapi dia tak ada kena mengena dgn surah 6 & 23
Skg kita tengok mat slow cuba nak lari
Senang aje perbodohkan ko
Yang pelik, orang zaman sekarang pon percaya kat buku lama nih..
Ada ke patut manusia boleh lahir tanpa ayah.. sains kunun  |
Ha ha .... in other words ... no answer
Mula2 punya lah gah pencacai macam ko & geng cakap pasal Abdullah Ibn Sarh
Bila fakta diberi .... tergamam ... tak mampu jawab .... mula lah pusing2 cakap
Boleh tak stick to the topic .... oops ... nanti ko akan malu .... kan .. kan
Kejap backbone, kejap loins, kejap ribs, kejap breast 
Keling2  |
Kenapa tak stick to the topic?
Ha ha , see folks .... pencacai macam si kemaruk dah tak mampu jawab bersertakan bukti pasal Abdullah ibn Sarh
Haaa , ini jawapan dia
Kejap backbone, kejap loins, kejap ribs, kejap breast
Korang pembaca boleh nilai tahap pemikiran pencacai macam si kamaruk .... low class
Tapi dia adalah ayam sabung paling top lah kat CI utk geng pencacai dia
Datang kat KKK ... dia dgn begitu senang diperbodohkan
mashimaru83 replied at 13-9-2016 02:48 PM
Kenapa tak stick to the topic?
Macam paraquat dan ajea dates ke |
Come on bangkem, I know you can do better than this!
mashimaru83 replied at 13-9-2016 02:52 PM
Come on bangkem, I know you can do better than this!
As opposed to? Si janda tu ke??
Come on.. nape tegur bangkem je.. tegur la janda tu sekali |
Salah tu.
As opposed to your own reply: "Kejap backbone, kejap loins, kejap ribs, kejap breast", yg memang jelas terkeluar daripada topik thread.
Ha ha ... see folks .... senang aje nak perbodohkan pencacai , si kemaruk ni
Bagi bukti yg kantoikan mereka ttg Abdullah Ibn Sarh .... dah tak mampu jawab .... ni jawapan dia
As opposed to? Si janda tu ke??
Come on.. nape tegur bangkem je.. tegur la janda tu sekali
Tapi pencacai macam si kemaruk ni adalah ayam sabung paling top kat board CI
mashimaru83 replied at 13-9-2016 02:55 PM
Salah tu.
As opposed to your own reply: "Kejap backbone, kejap loins, kejap ribs, kejap breast" ...
Sebab bangkem nak buktikan sape yang keling2 dan cakap pusing2 sebenarnya |
Apalah bangkem ni, kat thread ni bangkem tak bawa apa-apa hujah pun. Apa yg ada cumalah 'kutukan' semata-mata.
mashimaru83 replied at 13-9-2016 03:04 PM
Apalah bangkem ni, kat thread ni bangkem tak bawa apa-apa hujah pun. Apa yg ada cumalah 'kutukan' ...
Sama cam ko gak |
Apalah bangkem ni, saya mengharapkan hujah balas daripada pihak bangkem, tetapi malang sekali bangkem tiada hujah balas.
tuhan lahirkan adam dgn pusat perut? 
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kan..... bebal nak mampus...... pastu boleh pulak klaim aku yg cakap ajwa dates = paraquat
bebal giler 
mashimaru83 replied at 13-9-2016 03:55 PM
Apalah bangkem ni, saya mengharapkan hujah balas daripada pihak bangkem, tetapi malang sekali bang ...
Hujah balas secara keling2 ke |
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