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ocd-mental illness, trend or myth?
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Off late ramai yang mengaku OCD.Semacam ade rase bangga bile seseorang mengaku beliau mengalami ocd.
Ape sebenarnye OCD?
hasil google:-
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves unwanted and disturbing thoughts, images, or urges (obsessions) that intrude into a child/teen's mind and cause a great deal of anxiety or discomfort, which the child/teen then tries to reduce by engaging in repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions).
To understand a little a bit about OCD, u r invited to watch a movie AS GOOD AS IT GET by jack nicholson & helen hunt. Or tv series MONK.
sy sdri tak faham dgn complexity of ocd person. Mengade sgt kau kan. Semua nk perfectly arrange. Semua nk ikut ckp kau. Eh.
I ve known few person yg diagnosed with it.
Salah sorangnye @MyNameIsIris
I really hope makin banyak kesedaran berkenaan OCD n how to deal with it.
Hope dady @ipes2 x kisah la iols buka thread baru wpun dah ade thread lama. Jgn tutup ye thread iols. Kang sy x izin blk Malaysia :p
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Post time 16-11-2017 11:48 AM
From the mobile phone
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A scene from as good as it gets. The only person he allow to serve him. |
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saya bukan ocd... nooo ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
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Post time 16-11-2017 12:08 PM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by noraidil_06 at 17-11-2017 11:46 AM
I ve issue on table manners je. Mcm matching forkn spoon. Kalau mkn kt gerai, akak2 gerai ni suke campur aduk sudu garfu yg x match. I cant eat selagi x dpt matchy matchy. |
Edited by mommymonster82 at 16-11-2017 12:56 PM
Me ada problem dgn rules terutama yg melibatkan moral values ataukeselasaan dan keamanan sejagat.... org yg xikut ni mmg sgt2 buatkan me xleh tahan..
Cthnya..xleh tahan org xberatur.
Org biadap..
Xbg seat pd yg memerlukan.
Hb ikut wife ke klinik baby duduk di seat yg disediakn tanpa rasa bersalh walu ada ibu ngandung yg terpaksa berdiri..
Hb sibuk masuk nursing or baby room..
Org yg sihat sibuk nak naik lift sampi ibu bpa yg berstroller kena tunggu..
![](static/image/smiley/default/huffy.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/huffy.gif)
Apa2 yg ada matching things kalau x lengkap me xleh guna dah.. cth kalau pen ada penutup..penutup hilang me akan buang semua pen tu.. |
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Post time 16-11-2017 01:05 PM
From the mobile phone
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mommymonster82 replied at 16-11-2017 12:54 PM
Me ada problem dgn rules terutama yg melibatkan moral values ataukeselasaan dan keamanan sejagat... ...
Yg perenggan atas tu mom kesopanan n kesusilaan. Sy diagnose sbg bkn ocd. Ekekekek |
Alamak yang pen tu sama la kita..
noraidil_06 replied at 16-11-2017 01:05 PM
Yg perenggan atas tu mom kesopanan n kesusilaan. Sy diagnose sbg bkn ocd. Ekekekek
Hahahaha..penting tu untuk keamanan sejagat ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
buragazz replied at 16-11-2017 01:22 PM
Alamak yang pen tu sama la kita.. agak2 ocd x? Kih3 |
Tak kan la OCD kot.. kecik je tu.. tapi kam bos meols memang OCD.. bende kecik pun dia nak tunjuk besar.. sentap tau...
buragazz replied at 16-11-2017 01:31 PM
Tak kan la OCD kot.. kecik je tu.. tapi kam bos meols memang OCD.. bende kecik pun dia nak tunjuk ...
Hahaha ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Penat lyn org ocd ni sebenarnya.. |
Edited by CardiGans85 at 16-11-2017 05:50 PM
Ade je yg OCD d klgn anggota keluarga tdekat sy tp skrg ade darah tinggi +jantung, tu yg slow down.
Klu yg x kenal, mmg akan terasa hati. Dia punya tahap kesempurnaan tu mmg menakutkan. Termasuklah penggunaan clorox campur cif dlm pembersihan periuk belanga. Periuk besi cap crocodile sampai bocor dia kerjakan x sampai setahun.
Apa saja pkakasan selain periuk belanga yg kita guna pd waktu siang, dia akan basuh blk pd waktu mlm dgn menggunakan detergent pakaian. Mengemop siap letak cuka walhal kita dah mop dgn bersih dgn ajax, siap bilas dgn air biasa. Ms bilas dgn air tu pun guna mop lain. Tp tetap x menepati piawaian dia.
Masa mandi adalah 2 jam. Sbb perfectionists, kawen 2 kali tp bcerai n masing2 x sampai 3 thn. Ada 2 org anak tp anak2 sejenis hati kering even masing2 baik. Lyn je la da mak sendiri kan..
Sekian..nk msk..hehehe
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Post time 16-11-2017 06:19 PM
From the mobile phone
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CardiGans85 replied at 16-11-2017 05:48 PM
Ade je yg OCD d klgn anggota keluarga tdekat sy tp skrg ade darah tinggi +jantung, tu yg slow down.
Kesiannye.its not easy to have that kind of life |
mekasih tag, nora.
byk jugak org yg ada unsur ocd tapi tak fit the criteria utk didiagnose
byk baiknya jika kita disiplin dan buat things as per rutin
ocd ni lain sikit..kerenahnya interfere dgn work n social life in generalnya
esp depa ni takut kat bacteria and germs!
sedar pulak pasal health depa tu kan? |
noraidil_06 replied at 16-11-2017 06:19 PM
Kesiannye.its not easy to have that kind of life
Kesian kt anak2 dia..kita yg org luar bole bg sokongan moral je. Alhamdulillah..skrg da tkawal even diagnosed lambat. |
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Post time 16-11-2017 08:40 PM
From the mobile phone
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MyNameIsIris replied at 16-11-2017 08:31 PM
Ape ni yang? |
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Post time 16-11-2017 09:10 PM
From the mobile phone
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MyNameIsIris replied at 16-11-2017 09:07 PM
VIdeo suara hati org ocd.. cer tengok
X leh klik la chuols |
ok je tuh
itu lah rapi namanya
pasal api tak tutup, Iris ingat Iris je ke begitu?
sy berkejar dari hosp 30mins drive tau
bwk laju laju
tgk tgk damai je dapo
tak tebaka pon kari yg saya panaskan sbb dah tutup
Edited by mommymonster82 at 16-11-2017 10:34 PM
MyNameIsIris replied at 16-11-2017 09:36 PM
Patutlah u prejudis kat ocd.. sebab u pun tak tau apa itu ocd
Me xprejudis dgn prejudis dgn org yg dah tahu diri ada ocd tp xcuba kawal dan masih nk tenggelam dgn keocdannya..
Mcm yg me tulis di xsuka manusia xde timbang rasa demi keamanan sejagat..
Org ocd ni boleh je bergaduh disebabkn hal kecik n kdg2 dorg boleh jd sgt zalim n kejam..
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