Cara Delevingne shares one example of her writing: a poem about how she felt when she was in the thick of her sadness.
"Who am I? Who am I trying to be?Not myself, anyone but myself.
Living in a fantasy to bury the reality,
Making myself the mystery,
A strong facade disguising the misery.
Empty, but beyond the point of emptiness,
Full to brim with fake confidence,
A guard that will never be broken,
Because I broke a long time ago.
I’m hurting but don’t tell anyone.
No one needs to know.
Don’t show or you’ve failed.
Always okay, always fine, always on show.
The show must go on.It will never stop.
The show must not go on,But I know it will.
I give up. give up giving up.I am lost.
I don’t need to be saved,I need to be found".
overcoming depression ni kena ada support orang keliling. Masalahnya stigma masih tebal tentang depression. Akan ada timbul perasaan orang keliling yg depressed person ni sebenarnya attention seeker, mengambil kesempatan, buat2... hanya orang yang mengalami je yang boleh paham.
Dan orang keliling yang jadi support system pun ada struggle mereka sendiri. Silap2 orang yang jadi support system pun blh kena depression bila mereka ni pulak tak ada sokongan ketika menyokong orang2 yg depressed. Its a real struggle for everyone.
An unfortunate and sad situation to be in for everyone involved.
joz_a replied at 19-9-2018 04:26 PM
overcoming depression ni kena ada support orang keliling. Masalahnya stigma masih tebal tentang depr ...
masa i skolah dulu minat sorg teen celebrity ni...
skali dpt tahu die bunuh diri sbb depression..
tp of course la masa tu i pun teen jgk..x phm why somebody who comes from a happy family..with good friends..
promising carrier...ttiber decide to end his life..
then lame2 baru la phm..depression tu a mental illness..
yes, mental illness. Malangnya penyakit lain kita boleh nampak apa sakitnya. Cancer, denggi, demam, patah kaki, etc... tapi depression ni faceless. Orang yang depressed sangat pandai berpura2 happy. Cuba tengok Robbin Williams. Semua orang kata dia joker, ceria, sentiasa happy kan org. Tapi kesudahan hidup committed suicide disebabkan depression.
Sebab tu ada orang akan kata orang depressed ni berpura2. Dia kata dia depressed tapi nampak happy. Sebab kita yang tak kena ni anggap depressed tu adalah sedih. Sedih kena menangis, muram, tak ceria, etc...
Saya sendiri pun kdg2 hampir2 nak terpikir benda ni tapi kena sentiasa ingatkan diri bahawa orang yg depressed ni sebenarnya sakit. Bukan dia mintak. Bukan dia tak nak happy. Bukan dia buat2. Sama macam orang yg kena cancer. Bukan dia mintak...
actually i wanted to talk about this..since i got diagnosed..but it was so hard for me to accept..yg i ni officially sakit mental
it was really hard sbb i've been struggling with D&A (anxiety/GAD type) my whole life...dah tua ni baru kena diagnose..??
then i read about other people yg kena diagnose in their 50s 60s...there are more unfortunate people out there..
anyway just want to share what i know about my personal experience/symtomps that i guess most people don't know about..
1- Difficulty concentrating
2- Easily distracted
3- Fatigue (mudah letih)
4- Mind fog
5- almost everything..
6- Forgetfulness
D&A effects all aspects of your, work, personal etc...
Even reading for me is so most people bleh bc 1 novel just in 1 night..for me it takes..forever...
My diagnose belum finalize lagi..even my Psy sndiri kata x tau la..brape will take..Actually i rs keberatan nak share all this personal stuff u know how people can be really judgemental..just look at the forumers yg post kat cari ni . But i empathise with teenagers and children..even those yg dah diagnose..It's a big struggle dealing with mental illness. So manja saran especially for u younger people out there to get help ASAP profesional help la..
Cause the sooner u get diagnose the better...don't delay....because if not treated it will get worst..
actually i wanted to talk about this..since i got diagnosed..but it was ...
not me but my 12 year old daughter. Adolescent depression with suicidal tendency. Merembes je air mata sekarang ni tengok dia. Dgn nak UPSR next week. Dah sebulan tak gi sekolah sebab ada severe anxiety... . Sekarang tengah on psychiatric treatment and on meds.
Lost gila rasa sebab tak tau camna nak tolong dia
Gila punya confession ni kat sini coz nobody knows except my boss, my hubs' boss (terpaksa sebab kena selalu absent nak settlekan hal anak), guru besar, cikgu kelas and now ketua pengawas UPSR sekolah.
actually i wanted to talk about this..since i got diagnosed..but it was ...
you can talk to me if you want. I will try my best to be as understanding as i can. My first encounter with a depressed person was months ago with my own staff. Dia diagnosed kena clinical depression and MC berbulan2 before dia sendiri resign sebab nak change of environment. Bila anak sendiri kena baru realise apa yg dibaca (baik medical journals or experience orang lain) tak sama dgn pengalaman sendiri.
My childhood symptoms..ambik masa jgk nak recall, Dr pun kena jumpe my mom sbb nak tahu perangai2 pelik masa i kecik dulu.
1- Penakut
My mom kata pernah skali tu masa tu die nak angkat bakul. bakul tu sebelah i. I mcm terkejut as though my mom nak pukul i..
I was about 3 or 4 years old..
2- Easily Distracted
Lebih kurang umur same each time mak i nak bg makan kan, i duduk atas highchair. Mak i kata i x bleh duduk diam. Always distracted by my surroundings. Skali tu sampai jatuh ke lantai sbb i nak capai mainan ke ape ntah yg ade kat atas lantai..
i tanye my mom, i sorg je ke mcm tu? Mak i kata yea siblings yg lain semua duduk diam sbb masa nk makan kan?..Dah hari2 mcm tu..
3- Difficulty Concentrating
Banding dgn siblings lain i sorg x suke bc buku..Masa ni mak i cite saja2 long time ago..As a grown up pun for me reading is difficult. Mak i kata i use to just look at the pictures then campak buku tu jauh2.. Again i sorg je mcm tu..
4- Slowness
I sndiri recall balik zaman skolah rendah. Darjah 1 ke 2..I kena tahan dlm kelas with another boy sbb we all lambat buat keje. Org lain semua dah siap dah balik dah pun...
5- Fatigue
Cepat sgt letih...Sbb all those depressing & anxiety all the negative thoughts beri kesan pd fizikal kite. So i x cergas mcm budak2 lain..Sampai la skrg..
Skali tu Dr nak jumpe mak i sbb nak tahu masa kecik2 dulu i mcm mana..
Tu yg my mom story pd Dr i pun nyibuk nak tahu jgk ...sbb sblum ni ade yg mak i sndiri x pernah cite
yea la kisah2 lame..susah skit nak recall balik..
Post time 12-10-2018 06:52 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
siannya...hmmm i rasa depression ni bila no one is there to listen , tiada communication and no support at early stage.
I rasa i penah facing situation gini lepas deliver my son...tapi kejap sbb i ada family support yg strong. But affect juga my social behaviour for a bit. I xboleh nak bercakap fluently..but yes i managed to over come it...its like someone is whispering to u... stop this and wake up dila! alhamdulillah.
But again, i rasa culture nowadays depression has become part of normal diagnosis yg xble pandang remeh...lain org lain cara how thwy deal.. .kalau yg lemah ble become worst..