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Kenapa Muhammad?

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Post time 3-3-2019 12:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
I was having casual conversation with a dear fren. He is a non muslim.
His question to me 'why do muslim worship Muhammad? Why is ur religion is always about Muhammad?'

I was appelled by the question & have no concrete answer to that! Heck i dont have any answer to that.

My only answer 'we muslim menyembah Allah, Muhammad is the messenger.'
His next question but u have 24 more rasul, what about them?

Now here i am membuka thread 'kaunter pertanyaan', kenapa kita 'worship' Muhammad s.a.w?

Firman Allah taala di dalam Surah al-Ahzab:

Maksudnya: Sesungguhnya Allah, dan para MalaikatNya berselawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, Berselawatlah dan mohonlah kesejahteraan kamu semua ke atas baginda sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

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Post time 3-3-2019 12:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sebab kita adalah umat Nabi SAW bukan umat Musa AS atau Zulkarnain AS. Zaman mereka, maka umat mereka agungkan mereka la sebagai Pesuruh.



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 Author| Post time 3-3-2019 12:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sundayz0 replied at 3-3-2019 12:43 AM
Sebab kita adalah umat Nabi SAW bukan umat Musa AS atau Zulkarnain AS. Zaman mereka, maka umat merek ...

Tq for the answer

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Post time 3-3-2019 01:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Sebab Nabi dan Rasul y last, memikul tnggung jwb y besar kerana umat y ramai satu dunia
2. Baginda special. Nama baginda diukir pada tiang arasy
3. Mas kahwin Nabi Adam AS untuk Hawa adalah selawat keatas Muhammad walaupun Nabi SAW jauh blum lahir lg
4. Nabi y tiada dosa dan kesalahan. Sebab pada padang mahsyar nnt semua manusia dari dulu sampai sekarang y akan mencari Nabi2 terdahulu untuk meminta berdoa agar dosa mereka diampunkan. Dorg akan start cwri Nabi Adam AS tp Adam AS akan ckp, dia pun ade buat dosa dn salah..maka manusia akan pergi cari nabi seterusnya smpailah ke giliran Rasulullah SAW
5. Satu2nya Nabi y ade telaga sendiri pada hari ahirat
6. Sebab keIslaman seorg manusia terletak pada syahadah, dan syahadah itu ade nama Muhammad. Xlengkap  maka xsempurna
7. Dalam solat pn ada syahadah, dlm azan pn ade syahadah
8. Antara Nabi yang kasihkan umatnya to the max



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 Author| Post time 3-3-2019 01:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Victorioussss replied at 3-3-2019 01:10 AM
1. Sebab Nabi dan Rasul y last, memikul tnggung jwb y besar kerana umat y ramai satu dunia
2. Bagin ...

Wow tq. Esok i hadam

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Post time 3-3-2019 07:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Teringat satu riwayat ni..
Allah bertanya kepada rasul ulul azmi (rasul yg dinaikkan darjat paling tinggi disebabkan kesabaran)..
"Ya Nuh, man anta (wahai Nuh, siapakah kamu)?"
Nabi Nuh jawab "Ana Najiyullah (aku yg diselamatkan Allah dari banjir besar)".
Kemudian Allah tanya Nabi Isa soalan yg sama & Nabi Isa jawab "ana Ruhlullah (Roh aku ditiupkan oleh Allah ke dalam sulbi wanita paling mulia)".
Soalan sama di berikan kepada Nabi Musa dan jawab Nabi Musa "ana Kalamullah (aku mampu berbicara secara langsung dengan Allah di bukit tsur)". Dan Nabi Ibrahim ditanya soalan sama dan jawab Nabi Ibrahim "ana Khalilullah (aku kesayangan Allah)".
Dan Allah tanya kepada Nabi Muhammad soalan yg serupa, "Ya Rasul (Allah tak pernah panggil nama baginda dengan panggilan nama), man anta?". Lalu jawab baginda "ana yatim wa ana ummi (aku tak ada ibu bapa dan aku tak pandai membaca)". Lalu Allah berfirman "Engkaulah kekasihKu".
Sedangkan Nabi boleh jawab "aku nabi segala nabi, aku rasul segala rasul, umat aku paling terbaik, aku pembawa rahmat sekalian alam, aku yg boleh berbicara secara langsung tanpa sebarang hijab, aku yg pertama dilantik menjadi nabi sewaktu Adam di antara air dan tanah, umat aku yg pertama masuk syurga"


ada sumber ke , menarik ni ..  Post time 3-3-2019 09:54 AM



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Post time 3-3-2019 07:50 AM | Show all posts
Assalammu'alaikum n selamat sejahtera.

Saudara2 kita dah bg jawapan kat atas.  Akak just nk share video ni:



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Post time 3-3-2019 07:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bila mana Nabi Musa dapat kitab Taurat, dalam kitab banyak di sebutkan perihal Nabi Muhammad dan umat baginda sedangkan kitab Taurat untuk Nabi Musa &  kaum Nabi Musa tapi banyak di ceritakan perihal Nabi Muhammad. Jadi penuh persoalan dalam fikiran Nabi Musa. Nabi Musa pergi ke bukit Tsur dan bertanya kepada Allah (berbicara tanpa melihat), "Ya Allah, siapakah Nabi yg banyak di ceritakan dalam kitab Taurat sehinggakan Kau melebihi Nabi itu dan umatnya sedangkan kitab ini diturunkan kepada Aku". Allah jawab "dialah Nabi yang paling aku cintai dan ceritakanlah perihal Nabi Muhammad kepada kaummu". Nabi Musa bertanya lagi "Ya Allah, jadikanlah aku umat Nabi Muhammad". Lalu Allah jawab "tidak, tanggungjawab kau adalah di zaman ini, dan kau perlu membantu Nabi Muhammad (memperkenalkan Nabi kepada kaum Nabi Musa. Sebab tu masa Nabi Muhammad lahir, ramai ahli kitab yg beriman boleh tau & suruh pengikut berbai'ah dengan Nabi Muhammad).



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Post time 3-3-2019 08:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sebab kita ikut perintah Allah utk beriman kepada rasul (salah satu rukun iman/pillars of faith). Kenapa dalam quran wajib beriman pd rasul dan bukan di sebut beriman kepada muhammad? Krn setiap rasul ada pengikut2nya sendiri. Maka kita ini semua adalah umat muhammad. Lagi satu, bukan kita yg pilih muhammad sebagai rasul, tetapi Allah swt. Malaikat jibril yg bawa utusan ketika muhammad berada di gua hira. Jelas lah Allah yg directly angkat muhammad sebagai rasul.

*ini drpd apa yg aku belajar dulu2 la. Kalau baca buku sejarah akan dpt paham secara detail.



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 Author| Post time 3-3-2019 08:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tq for all the answer tho hurmm how do i say it? He is comparing it to christianity ( i have only 1% knowledge on this subject).

He is referring to trinity concept. Concept tuhan itu bapa etc.

Jawapan saudara-saudari sy hargai. Tp sy fikir kite sebagai muslim akn dgn mudah menerima argument/penerangan di atas. But not non muslim.


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Post time 3-3-2019 09:21 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 3-3-2019 09:24 AM

sebab nabi Muhammad SAW  mempunyai ciri ciri  the Perfect Man  ( human)
model sebagai manusia  pilihan dan contoh yg terbaik
sebab  he is the LAST Messenger , dan penghulu umat akhirzaman yg paling ramai ...
kita tak menyembah tetapi menyanyangi dan menyanjungi baginda kerana baginda dimuliakan Allah SWT
baginda adalah salah seorang rasul ulul azmi - rasul yg menerima cabaran dakwah yg paling berat dan baginda rasulullh saw amat amat sayangkan umat baginda dari zaman dahlu apatah lebih lelbihlagi kita ni yg akhir zaman yg hanya tahu , kenal baginda melalui perkhabaran yg sadiq ( yg benar )  dan sebab itu kita kena ziarahi Madinah dan makam nabi ...sebab kiriman salam itu...
baginda dapat memberikan syafaat  kepada umat nya ( of courselah ini dengan izin Allah yg membenarkan baginda berbuat demikian , i kena mention ini untuk elakkan kekeliruan )

Apa signifikannya Nabi Muhammad SAW

baginda saw adalah dalam erti kata yg konkrit yg benar ialah pe,bawa agama universal yg dinamakan ISLAM dengan sistem hidup yg sempurna.
Kalau kita lihat pun khutbah widak di lembah uranah ,baginda  saw menyatakan : agama ini telah disempurnakan...

so , sebenarnya  itulah signifikan this Perfect Man

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

All praises to Allah for blessing us with this moment in welcoming this special day, a day of remembrance, a day where our hearts are full of gratitude and deep love for the Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Peace!). May love in our hearts grow deeply for the Beloved and that all of us be united with the Beloved in Heaven!

Now hath come unto you a Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful.


"They must see that to believers God, Glorious and Most Exalted, tells them that the Holy Prophet, upon whom be Peace, is the Seal of the Prophets; the Universal and Final Messenger of God to mankind; the Lamp spreading Light; God's Mercy to all creatures' exalted in character and nature as the standard for mankind; the Examplar par excellence - and many more. God has established in our hearts recognition and acknowledgement of his superiority and excellence over all other men; and it is these supreme qualities of the Holy Prophet, upon whom be Peace, that must be stressed to the Muslim audience of all ages".

Tan Sri Prof. Dr Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas
Islam and Secularism



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Post time 3-3-2019 09:41 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-3-2019 09:50 AM | Show all posts

"They set up Islamic kingdoms established upon the Sacred Law. They inculcated truth by means of persuasion and instilled knowledge with the language of reason...They did all this and many more without the aid of powers-that-be.Yet they achieved what thousands of others could not, who had such aid. This was because they were men true to their selves; men of certainty of the truth, of steadfastness in faith, of patience in the face of tribulation, of firm resolve, and unshakeable trust in God Who granted them succour. Among them were men of discernment, deeply rooted in knowledge of the Holy Qur'an and the vision of reality and truth projected by it."

Prof Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas
Historical Fact and Fiction

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Post time 3-3-2019 01:06 PM | Show all posts
noraidil_06 replied at 3-3-2019 08:45 AM
Tq for all the answer tho hurmm how do i say it? He is comparing it to christianity ( i have only 1% ...

Try watching this, sis nora:


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Post time 3-3-2019 01:17 PM | Show all posts

I was having casual conversation with a dear fren. He is a non muslim.
His question to me 'why do muslim worship Muhammad? Why is ur religion is always about Muhammad?'
Muslim do not worship Muhammad, this notion is misunderstanding

Our religion is about believing and worshipping Allah as the Only God, Muhammad is His mesenger on how to worship in way commanded by God.

His next question but u have 24 more rasul, what about them?
Actually more than 25 Rasul. Those rasul are the mesengers of Allah. All inviting towards Islam, believing in Oneness of Allah. Only that the syariat (religious law) are different suitable at specific time and location. However the syariat of Prophet Muhammad (Pease and blessing be upon him) as the seal of the prophets will be applicable until the Hour (Day of Qiyamah).

Note: All the Rasool are Prophets of Allah

WAllahu a'lam



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Post time 3-3-2019 01:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
What a beautiful answer from each of u~~

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2019 01:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
epis replied at 3-3-2019 01:29 PM
What a beautiful answer from each of u~~

Kan. It just that i kena translate.hehehehhe

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2019 01:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tq @mbhsf for the answer

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Post time 3-3-2019 01:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ya allah.. aku nk hadam thread ni nnti. Penuh dgn ilmu.. tahniah tt.

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Post time 3-3-2019 02:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Peninh jugak sis nak menjawab.
Jawab panjang2 dia tak faham plak.
Kalau kena kat sy, jwb mcm ni we dont worship Muhammad.
Setiap hari solat, kita kan baca Al Fatihah. Dalam Al Fatihah dah ada jawapan tu.

1. In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.  

2. All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).  

3. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.  

4. The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)  

5. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything).  

6. Guide us to the Straight Way

7. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor of those who went astray.

Nabi Muhammad Saw is the “Seal of prophets” (the last messenger).

The main source for Muslim is the Al Quran (the last kitab) that was revealed to Muhammad Saw.

Harap membantu walaupun sikit sis.



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