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Free Food for Ramadan / Juadah berbuka Puasa Percuma
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Edited by Syd at 15-5-2019 08:37 AM
Salah sorang tuan lawyer yang saya follow, dah beberapa tahun buat program ini.
Dan tahun ini pastinya, engagement ini akan disambung semula.
Kita jumpa Ramadan hanya setahun sekali.

Meet The Malaysian Who Gives Out Free Food During The Entire Month Of Ramadhan
They are for everyone.
Meet The Malaysian Who Gives Out Free Food During The Entire Month Of Ramadhan
Dato’ Syed Azimal Amir Bin Syed Abu Bakar or Azimal, as he is fondly known as, is a lawyer by profession.
However, in 2015, he did something that was totally out of the scope of his career. He initiated a lovely program that goes by the name of Free Food For Ramadhan.
Yup, free food for everyone.
Yup, free food for everyone.
As if the name still wasn’t obvious enough, Free Food For Ramadhan is an event whereby they distribute free food everyday throughout the month of Ramadhan. It starts at around 5.30 p.m. and ends when all the food items have been given out.
That usually doesn’t take very long!
Over the years, they have held it at several locations in different states. From Selangor to Seremban to Penang; you name it! However, the ‘original spot’ is at Taman Esplanade, Kuantan. Azimal resides in this town.
In addition, this year in Kuantan itself too, they have another outlet in Kampung Bukit Sekilau. One of Azimal’s friends made the effort to host it there.
Yes, every day throughout this whole month of Ramadhan, they are there to give out free food.
Another friend of Azimal's, who is based in Miri, Sarawak, also has an outlet set up in the Land of the Hornbills – the giveaway there happens only during the weekends though.
Well, here’s the sweet part about the Free Food For Ramadhan initiative – anybody can come and take their share of the variety of food they have to offer. When we say anybody, we mean ANYBODY.
No matter what race or religion you are, don’t hesitate to drop by and take a set of what they have prepared for the day.
“We cater for everyone," Azimal told Rojak Daily when we contacted him.
According to Azimal, the menu for the giveaway differs almost every day. Each individual is entitled to get a pre-packed set that would include a packet of rice/noodles/porridge, one kuih and a bottle of mineral water or a variety of flavoured drinks.
Today’s menu may consist of nasi briyani or mee goreng or fried macaroni with kuih tepung pelita as well as fruit juice; tomorrow is almost certainly a different range of choices. Darn, we are drooling already!
It is nice to see that the response has been great. But when you have a large crowd like that, it could go out of control anytime.
To ensure that the situation remains calm, Azimal told us that they would personally hand out the pre-packed food so that everyone would receive them. It was no mean feat, but they usually managed to get the crowd to queue properly.
Azimal also assured us that they do not judge judge the people who turn up to take the food, no matter how many sets of pre-packed food they take.
'You do not need to be rich to be charitable'
When asked what inspired him to initiate such a noble movement, Azimal told us that he wanted to give back to the people.
“I was in Mecca for my Hajj in 2014. During my stay there, I was amazed at how easy it is to be charitable. One does not have to do it on a big scale," he said.
With that, come Ramadan in 2015, he decided to gather a few friends to distribute free food. Back then, he told us that it was done on a small scale as they relied solely on their own pocket money.
And that was something they have no qualms about, using their own money to run this charitable cause.
“One need not be rich to become charitable or to start a charity activity," he reminded us.
Within the two-year span, the group that started off with just six members has grown to 20 committed people.
“When we just started, we distributed only 50 packages of food daily. Now it has grown to 200 packages per day," he said. Impressive indeed!
He is quick to attribute that the positive development is made possible by the contributions from generous and kind-hearted members of the public.
“We have anonymous donors daily who send food to be distributed by us," he said, adding that the publicity they received from the media helped a lot too. |
igt sistur @noraidil_06 td bagus2.. teruskan usaha murni ini.. mst sis nora kenal kan lawyer ni |
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multinicky replied at 5-5-2019 07:42 PM
igt sistur @noraidil_06 td bagus2.. teruskan usaha murni ini.. mst sis nora kenal kan lawyer ...
Kenal gitu2 jelah |
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Bagusnya..ala2 sedekah jamuan moreh kat utk semua.. |
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Post time 11-5-2019 02:03 PM
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Post time 14-5-2019 10:16 PM
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Edited by Syd at 14-5-2019 10:18 PM
Seperti tahun tahun yang lepas, kami dari team alumni ska batch ‘92 sekali lagi akan mengadakan program FREE FOOD FOR RAMADAN. Tahun 2019 ini merupakan tahun ke 5 program ini diadakan. Maka, dengan rendah diri dan senang hatinya kami ingin mengajak anda, anda dan anda semua untuk menyertai kami. Penyertaan samada dengan memberi sumbangan berbentuk
wang ringgit
Jika ada yang berminat dan ingin mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut, boleh pm saya ya. Sama sama kita beramal di bulan yang mulia ini. Sharing is caring.
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Post time 14-5-2019 10:17 PM
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moga manafaat pada orang ramai |
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'Tangan lebih mulia'
Haque Fazlul Haque
[email protected]
KUALA LUMPUR: “Program makanan percuma ini sangat bermakna bagi mahasiswa kurang berkemampuan tambahan pula baki pinjaman hanya cukup untuk menampung perbelanjaan hingga akhir semester,” luah Sri Mulyati Setu, 23.
Dia yang juga penuntut Sarjana Muda, Geografi Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial, Universiti Malaya (UM) antara 100 penerima bantuan agihan makanan berbuka puasa menerusi program Senyum Ramadan anjuran Helping Hands Project (HHP) dikendalikan sepenuhnya mahasiswa UM.
Menurutnya, program sedemikian memberi erti yang besar kepada mahasiswa khususnya mereka yang datang daripada keluarga berpendapatan rendah tidak kira dari luar bandar atau bandar.
“Ibu saya bekerja sebagai buruh dengan pendapatan RM500 sebulan dan saya tidak mahu meminta wang saku khususnya pada penghujung semester selepas wang pinjaman semakin ‘nipis’.
“Jadi program anjuran HHP ini sangat baik untuk membantu mahasiswa daripada berlapar dan mengeluarkan wang untuk membeli juadah berbuka puasa,” katanya ketika ditemui, kelmarin.
Anak sulung daripada dua beradik itu kini terpaksa menggunakan wang saku sebaik mungkin kerana perlu memberi fokus kepada perbelanjaan untuk menyiapkan tugasan tahun akhir.
Penuntut tahun dua Sarjana Muda Pengajian Alam Sekitar, Muhd Zakuwan Abdul Wahid, 22, pula berkata, program Senyum Ramadan ini perlu diteruskan kerana usaha murni ini mampu memberikan kegembiraan kepada mahasiswa yang kurang berkemampuan.
Katanya, wang yang digunakan untuk membeli juadah berbuka dapat disimpan untuk perbelanjaan harian lain seperti membeli buku rujukan dan menyiapkan tugasan.
“Saya harap usaha murni ini diteruskan bukan saja untuk Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial malah boleh diperluaskan lagi di seluruh fakulti di UM supaya lebih ramai mendapat manfaat,” katanya.
Sementara itu, Ketua Sekretariat HHP Mohamad Syafiq Anwar Mohd Saidi berkata, program Senyum Ramadan ini menerima sumbangan daripada sebuah restoran yang sudi menaja 100 paket nasi beriyani untuk diagihkan.
Katanya, selepas artikel mengenai usaha HHP membantu mahasiswa yang disiarkan Harian Metro pada 10 Mei lalu, banyak pihak yang tampil untuk menyalurkan bantuan dari pelbagai aspek.
“Saya bersyukur kerana usaha murni bersama rakan yang lain dapat direalisasikan dan membuktikan mahasiswa juga berupaya untuk membantu mahasiswa.
“Usaha ini akan diteruskan pada masa akan datang dan kami menyasarkan 500 paket makanan dapat diedarkan kepada mahasiswa sepanjang lima kali agihan sepanjang Ramadan ini,” katanya.
Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Jumaat, 17 Mei 2019 @ 6:00 AM |
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