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Improving Reading Skills
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Mari berkongsi teknik untuk meningkatkan Reading Skills...
A good reader does as many of the following as possible:
1) Seizes the main ideas
2) Thinks about what the author is saying
3) Concentrates on what is being read
4) Remembers as much as possible
5) Applies what is being read to personal experience.
More Details:
Think about the subject you are going to read about
-What do you know about this subject?
-What do you want to learn about this subject?
-After you read - What have you learned about this subject?
Skim the section you are going to read
-Do you see anything familiar?
-Do you see anything new?
-What is your overall impression?
Read for comprehension
-Make a note of important parts.
-Use a post-it note or an index card and write down important main ideas and vocabulary.This will help you review what you have read.
-Stop and re-read ideas that you are not sure you understand.
-Think of where else you might find more information about he same topic. "I bet there would be something in my history book about this, too."
Recall to yourself what you have just read
-Stop occasionally as you are reading and put into your own words what you have just read
-At the end of a chapter, recall what the main points were
Discuss what you have read with another student or with your teacher. This will help you clarify your thinking
More Details
Read the Title and Author of the text
-When was it published?
-Read the Table of Contents How many chapters are there?
-How many pages in the whole book?
-What chapter or chapters look the most interesting?
Thumb through the book
-Are there pictures, graphs, maps, charts, and illustrations?
-What impression do you have about the text?
-After you have done all the above, go back and do it again in a more detailed way.
From: |
Reading Fast-Skim Reading
How important is reading fast?
Speed is important
It certainly is more enjoyable to be able to read something rapidly, instead of spending what seems like forever struggling through the words.
Students and workers improve
Besides the enjoyment factor, students need to get through a lot of reading material in as fast a time as possible. Efficient reading skills will help them in their schoolwork and help to improve their grades.
Workers must read reports, as well as research material, for their jobs. If they can read faster, with greater comprehension, their chance of a raise and a promotion is increased. Note that top executives usually have rapid-reading skills.
Improves comprehension
Although it is difficult to speed-read a complex chapter in a Mathematics book, using speed-reading techniques do help to improve your comprehension. This is especially true when you have to read a large amount of material that can numb your brain.
Skim reading- How is skim reading used?
Some speed reading methods have you first skim-read the material and then read it over a second time more carefully, but yet still at high speed. In skim reading you often just scan through the material, letting your eyes catch key words, that give you the crux of the written material.
Skim several times
When reading extensive material, you can first skim over the chapter and section titles to give you an idea of when the material is about. Then quickly scan through the material again to get a better idea of the topic. Finally, you read the assignment, but still reading rapidly.
Read first sentence
Since often the first sentence of each paragraph states the main idea of that paragraph, while the other sentences elaborate on that idea, you can skim read by just reading the first sentences. In some cases, you can get enough information by only reading the first sentence from each paragraph.
Unfortunately, some writers make their paragraphs so long, that they have several ideas in them, and others stick the important sentences in the middle. In such cases, you can't use the first sentence method effectively.
Complex reading
With some complex reading--like Mathematics--you should still skim over the material, quickly looking at section titles and the equations and formulae. After you get an idea of what the material is about and where it is going, you can read it more carefully. Since you often may have to work out problems with a pencil, obviously your reading speed will not be as high as other type of reading.
Grouping words
Most people read one word at a time, saying the word to themselves. This is a slow way of doing the task, especially when your mind is capable of processing information at a much higher rate.
Look at groups of words
One of the primary tricks in speed-reading is to look at phrases and groups of words instead of individual words. Instead of reading word-by-word, you read in chunks of information. You don't have to say the word to understand what it means.
Practice with newspaper
Try reading several words, a phrase, or even a sentence at a time. A good way to practice this is to read newspaper articles by scanning down the column, digesting all the words across, instead of reading each word at a time. A newspaper column usually has 4 or 5 words per line, and you should be able to process all of them at once.
This method is one of the best for getting used to reading phases instead of words. Just practicing reading this way should noticeably increase your speed.
In conclusion
If you think about reading faster, you will make an effort to pick up the pace. Reading speed is something you must work on and concentrate on until it becomes a habit.
Being able to read and comprehend the material at high speed is a skill that is worthwhile for students and people in business. Most methods involve reading chunks of information so that you are skimming or scanning the book or document
[ Last edited by Tok_Batin on 22-7-2004 at 06:38 AM ] |
congrats Tok!
i was in speed reading class last 2 yrs. Best jugak. it helps a lot dlm keje!
dlm kelas, utk membiasakan mata membaca dgn cepat, ada alat yg boleh disetkan speed and alat tu akan menurun dgn cepat so, mata pun kena la laju sket baca .. kalau tak, dah kena tutup dgn alat tu. Speed tu akan diset depends on individual wordcount yg dibaca utk setiap kali ujian.
kelas just for 2 days, but at the end of 2 days, your speed of reading will improve byk. But then, it still depends on the individual.
another tips yg dibagi, bila nak buat speed reading ni, make sure, we are not rereading to ourself. Tu yg melambatkan kita bila membaca & effectiveness & memory pun, belum tentu kita dpt memahami dgn sepenuhnya.
[ Last edited by azaleena on 22-7-2004 at 02:36 PM ] |
Three effective fast reading styles are:
-key words spotting
These styles can be used on their own, or in combination with each other.
What is scanning?
Scanning involves examining the organisation of a text to locate specific information. Most people use scanning to read web pages when surfing the internet.
Why scan?
Scanning helps you establish where in a book the information is located. The point of scanning a text is to find information quickly and efficiently. Avoid the temptation to read large amounts of material.
How do I scan?
Suppose you have found a book whose title looks very promising in terms of the information that you are seeking.
Step 1: Open the book and look at the table of contents, located at the front of the book.
It will list most, but not necessarily all of the following subsections:
a preface
a list of diagrams or tables or illustrations.
an introduction
the various chapters in sequence from 1 to n
a conclusion
a bibliography
an index
Step 2: Read the chapter headings. Do they contain the information that you are looking for? If not, then go to the index at the back of the book.
Step 3: Search the index for relevant topics or key words. If this also draws a blank, then the put the book away and look for another that might be more fruitful for your topic.
Step 4: When you find a relevant reference:
in the table of contents go to the appropriate section of the book and read the first two paragraphs. These often contain a statement about what information will be covered. This will help you to assess whether the material is relevant for your topic. If you are still uncertain about the usefulness of the material, then read the final two paragraphs of the summary.
in the index go to the appropriate page or pages in the book. Find the paragraph in which the reference appears. Read the paragraph. If necessary, read the paragraph before and after the one specified by index entry.
Bersambung... |
What are key words?
Key words spotting involves looking in a given paragraph of passage of words for the key words that are relevant for your topic. It is a process that can be used in conjunction with scanning.
Key words spotting enables you to gain an overview of the material.
Finding key words?
Key words and ideas are often found in the opening paragraphs of a chapter or subsection of a chapter. Pay particular attention to the opening sentence and the opening paragraph.
Look for any hints given by the author. These might include:
section breaks
Move your eyes across the page to locate key words or phrases. Beginning in the top left-hand corner of the page, move your eyes from left to right in an 'z' shaped motion.
Allow your eyes to focus only on the key words of the text. Filler words like 'the', 'it', 'and' and so on can be ignored. |
What is skimming?
Skimming involves reading key parts of the text. You can use it when you need to cover a large amount of material in a limited period of time.
Why skim?
Skimming helps you to:
get an overview of an author's main line of argument
identify the main themes or ideas pursued by the author
How do I skim?
There are two basic skim-reading techniques:
first sentences
It is important to assess which of these two techniques is most likely to be appropriate for you. This will depend on:
the sort of material that you will be working with
the outcomes that you are trying to achieve
For details: |
hem...I like these styles...
[ Last edited by seribulan on 25-7-2004 at 06:48 PM ] |
wow "marvellous" info tnx :bgrin: tok |
Reading Difficult Materials
Choose a moderate amount of material or a chapter
-to begin
Get a grasp of how the material is organized:
-can the section for titles, headings, sub-headings, and topic sentences to get its general idea; pay attention to graphs, charts, and diagrams
-If there is a summary at the end of a chapter, read it.
Check the beginning and the end for leading questions and exercises
Read first for what you do understand, and to determine difficulty.
-Mark what you do not understand to review later
As you read, practice the "look-away method:"
-Periodically look away from the text and ask yourself a stimulus question relating to the text
-Phrase the question positively!
-Respond, or restate, in your own words
-Make connections and associations, but don't use this exercise to memorize--but rather understand
Look up words
-Look up words whose meanings are important to your understanding of the material, but you cannot discern from the context.
Read to the end
-Do not get discouraged and stop reading.
-Ideas can become clearer the more you read. When you finish reading, review to see what you have learned, and reread those ideas that are not clear.
Organize your notes by connecting ideas you choose into an outline or concept map. Pay attention to relationships between ideas.
-Do not confine yourself to words!
-Use representations, graphics, pictures, colors, even movement to visualize and connect ideas.
-Use whatever techniques work to help you understand
-At this point, if you do not understand your reading, do not panic! Set it aside, and read it again the next day.
-If necessary, repeat. This allows your brain to process the material, even while you sleep. This is referred to as distributed reading.
Re-read the section you have chosen with the framework (outline or concept map) you have constructed in mind
-Separate out what you do understand from what you do not.
If the reading is still a challenge,
-consult with either your teacher, academic counselors, or reading specialists. Good luck!
[ Last edited by Tok_Batin on 28-7-2004 at 06:05 AM ] |
Membaca Secara Berkesan - Dr. Tengku Asmadi bin Tengku Mohamad, Ph.D
Membaca adalah satu proses yang sangat penting untuk mendapat ilmu dan maklumat. Kebanyakan pelajar mempunyai tabiat belajar yang buruk. Akibatnya mereka menghadapi masalah seperti cepat bosan, jemu, kurang minat, mengantuk dan sebagainya. Lama-kelamaan jika diteruskan juga akan membuatkan pelajar rasa malas untuk membaca. Kesedaran tentang betapa pentingnya ilmu dalam kehidupan perlu ditanam dalam diri pelajar. Dengan ilmu manusia disanjung, dikagumi dan dihormati. Kejayaan dan kecemerlangan hidup tidak mungkin tercapai tanpa ilmu.
Persediaan Sebelum Membaca.
Langkah-langkah yang berikut perlu diambil untuk memastikan pelajar mampu membaca secara berkesan.
1. Pilih masa belajar yang sesuai.
Waktu belajar yang paling sesuai ialah ketika kurangnya gangguan terhadap tumpuan. Badan tidak letih dan perut tidak terlalu kenyang. Wastu subuh adalah merupakan waktu yang paling ideal untuk belajar.
2. Pilih suasana yang sesuai.
Iaitu suasana yang terang, kemas, bersih, nyaman, tenang dan tersusun.
3. Pastikan kedudukan badan yang betul dengan buku dijarakkan lebih kurang satu kaki dari mata.
4. Mulakan dengan bacaan Bismillah dan doa agar diterangkan hati.
Pelbagai Cara Membaca
Terdapat tiga cara membaca bergantung kepada tujuan satu-satu sessi pembacaan itu dilakukan.
1. Membaca untuk hiburan.
Membaca untuk tujuan berhibur tidak memerlukan daya tumpuan yang tinggi. Bahan-bahan yang biasa dibaca ialah majalah, komik, novel, cerpen, akhbar dan sebagainya.
2. Membaca untuk mencari maklumat tertentu.
Ada ketikanya anda membaca semata-mata untuk mencari maklumat yang tertentu sahaja. Anda boleh membaca seimbas dan pantas bagi mencari lokasi maklumat yang dicari. Anda perlu merujuk kepada isi kandungan dan indeks bagi mendapatkan maklumat dengan lebih cepat. Anda boleh terus membelek muka surat yang berkaitan dan memlambatkan bacaan anda bagi menyaring maklumat yang ada.
3. Membaca secara kritikal.
Membaca cara ini perlu apabila anda membaca untuk memahami konsep, istilah, logik dan sebagainya. Membaca secara kritikal adalah kaedah yang betul ketika menelaah mata pelajaran anda. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan ini, belajar nyata lebih seronok dan tidak membosankan. Minat juga mula terbit apabila anda mula memahami isi kandungan yang dibaca.
[ Last edited by Tok_Batin on 30-7-2004 at 09:20 PM ] |
Langkah-langkah Membaca Secara Kritikal
-Melihat seimbas. Berikan perhatian kepada perkara-perkara yang berikut.
Lihat tajuk-tajuk kecil dan dapatkan perkaitan (jika ada) diantara tajuk-tajuk tersebut.
Amati seimbas rajah, peta, jadual, carta, radas,gambar dan sebagainya.
Lihat soalan-soalan yang ada termasuk soalan-soalan dibahagian belakang sesuatu bab / tajuk utama.
Catatkan sebarang persoalan (jika ada) yang timbul dalam fikiran pada sehelai kertas.
-Baca pendahuluan dan kemudian baca bahagian kesimpulan / penutup.
-Baca secara terperinci, ayat demi ayat, perenggan demi perenggan. Terjemahkan setiap penjelasan dalam bentuk gambaran minda.
-Jangan pindah perenggan selagi anda tidak memahami apa yang sedang dibaca. Perlahankan rentak bacaan anda apabila tiba dibahagian yang sukar. Ulang baca beberapa kali sekiranya perlu.
-Gariskan fakta-fakta penting. Buatkan ringkasan kedalam nota peperiksaan anda.
-'Highlight' setiap kata kunci.
-Gunakan kod warna misalnya warna kuning untuk nama orang, warna biru untuk tarikh dan sebagainya.
-Yakinkan diri anda yang anda mampu menguasai bahan yang dibaca.
-Setelah habis satu perenggan, tutup buku dan nota anda. Fikirkan atau gambarkan semula apa yang telah anda baca. Setelah habis satu tajuk kecil, ambilkan sehelai kertas dan lakarkan kembali apa yang telah anda baca dalam bentuk peta minda atau peta konsep.
[ Last edited by Tok_Batin on 30-7-2004 at 09:24 PM ] |
How To Select Good Novels ?
Criteria for Selecting Good Novels. Good literature should enrich the life of the reader. For a novel to be classified as good literature, it should have several of the following characteristics:
1. It deals with a subject of lasting significance, not sealed by the context of the time. (Birth, death, friendships, justice, loyalty...)
2. It provides great adventure in a fantastic world where the reader can live temporarily.
3. The characters are credible and take part in situations understood by the reader.
4. It illuminates the world of nature with vividness and sensitivity.
5. It brings forth a greater appreciation of life and creates a desire to live it to the fullest.
6. It gives moral and social insights. High ideals of life and conduct are presented as desirable.
7. It is beautifully written, artistic and intelligible to the reader. Its unity and structure are discernible.
8. It is enjoyable reading, interesting, compelling, an exciting reflection of human existence.
9. Intellectually it crystallizes ideas for the reader or stimulates creative thought. It expands the mind.
10. It is emotionally satisfying. It deepens and enriches the emotional life whether by tears, humor, or delight in beauty.
11. Psychologically it helps one understand himself and others better.
12. It adds to the cultural background of the reader. |
Some of the facts which reduce reading rate:
(a) limited perceptual span i.e., word-by-word reading;
(b) slow perceptual reaction time, i.e., slowness of recognition and response to the material;
(c) vocalization, including the need to vocalize in order to achieve comprehension;
(d) faulty eye movements, including inaccuracy in placement of the page, in return sweep, in rhythm and regularity of movement, etc.;
(e) regression, both habitual and as associated with habits of concentration;
(f) faulty habits of attention and concentration, beginning with simple inattention during the reading act and faulty processes of retention;
(g) lack of practice in reading, due simply to the fact that the person has read very little and has limited reading interests so that very little reading is practiced in the daily or weekly schedule; (
h) fear of losing comprehension, causing the person to suppress his rate deliberately in the firm belief that comprehension is improved if he spends more time on the individual words;
(i) habitual slow reading, in which the person cannot read faster because he has always read slowly,
(j) poor evaluation of which aspects are important and which are unimportant; and (
k) the effort to remember everything rather than to remember selectively. |
Basic Conditions for Increased Reading Rate
A well planned program prepares for maximum increase in rate by establishing the necessary conditions. Four basic conditions include:
1. Have your eyes checked. Before embarking on a speed reading program, 2. make sure that any correctable eye defects you may have are taken care of by checking with your eye doctor. Often, very slow reading is related to uncorrected eye defects.
2. Eliminate the habit of pronouncing words as you read. If you sound out words in your throat or whisper them, you can read slightly only as fast as you can read aloud. You should be able to read most materials at least two or three times faster silently than orally. If you are aware of sounding or "hearing" words as you read, try to concentrate on key words and meaningful ideas as you force yourself to read faster.
3. Avoid regressing (rereading). The average student reading at 250 words per minute regresses or rereads about 20 times per page. Rereading words and phrases is a habit which will slow your reading speed down to a snail's pace. Usually, it is unnecessary to reread words, for the ideas you want are explained and elaborated more fully in later contexts. Furthermore, the slowest reader usually regresses most frequently. Because he reads slowly, his mind has time to wander and his rereading reflects both his inability to concentrate and his lack of confidence in his comprehension skills.
4. Develop a wider eye-span. This will help you read more than one word at a glance. Since written material is less meaningful if read word by word, this will help you learn to read by phrases or thought units. |
Tabiat dan minat membaca bagi kumpulan umur 10 tahun dan ke atas di Malaysia
Carta 1.7 menunjukkan jenis bahan bacaan yang dipilih oleh rakyat Malaysia. Majoriti rakyat Malaysia membaca surat khabar (79 peratus). Ini adalah wajar memandangkan dari segi harga, bahasa dan penyebarannya, bahan ini paling mudah diperolehi. Buku menduduki tempat kedua (52 peratus) diikuti dengan majalah (47 peratus), dan komik (32 peratus).
Jadual 1.8 seterusnya menunjukkan data tentang jenis bahan yang dibaca mengikut jantina, kumpulan umur, dan lokasi. Daripada jadual ini dapat dilihat bahawa orang lelaki lebih menggemari surat khabat dan komik, dan sebaliknya perempuan lebih gemarkan majalah. Lelaki dan perempuan menunjukkan minat yang sama terhadap buku.
Melihat variabel umur dan kaitannya dengan jenis bacaan menghasilkan dapatan yang menarik sekali. Perkara berikut dapat dicatatkan:
- Surat khabar diplih oleh mereka dalam kumpulan umur 15 - 44 tahun; selepas umur itu, minatnya menurun.
- Majalah dibaca oleh sebahagian besar daripada mereka dalam kumpulan umur 15 - 34 tahun, selepas itu minat menurun lebuh cepat dari minat membaca surat khabar.
- Minat membaca buku dan komik menurun selepas umur 24 tahun, dan kadar ini lebih cepat bagi komik.
source: |
Effective Methods and some successful programs for Reading Habit
Program-program yg boleh dibuat untuk mengalakkan reading Habit (good for teachers and parents)
a. Reading Camp.
The program aimed at exposing the student to the various skill vis speed reading, information handing skill. Various activities with local writers and film show, slides show were carried out. Some times the Reading Camps were schedualed to coincide with the National Book.
b. Reading Contest
It is aimed to acelerate reading habit among young generation by the use of libraries is considered as potential one in the nation building. The contest material is a number of books on literature : prose and poetry, selected by the National Committees. The contest participant are required to develop and deliver some book abstracts.
c. Book Talk
A low cost-effective strategy with ability to reach a wide andience a possible is book talk. The schools held book talk and the book reporting sessions by librarians's cooperation. The talk has been done through talk-cum-slide by lbrarians for new coming books or orientation in the library ; book talk contest, or book abstract contest after book talk sesion.
d. Read aloud to children
If the child is too old enough to talk to, she is old enough to read too. Most critical task during these early stage is learning how to calm the child, not to bring it under control. By 9 months the child was able to response to the sight of certain books and convey to her parents that these were her favorite. By age 5 she had taught herself to read. Fairy tales offer us an excellent opportunity to introduce the child or class to comparative literature.
e. Creative poetry
The rules for retaining of developing love of poetry within children are : read it aloud; read it often; keep it simple; keep it joyous or spooky (ghost) or exciting. poetry sets an excellent medium for training the disciplines of listening and reading that are such integral parts of reading aloud program. It must be read word for word. "because it is bound by meter and trythm; every word and every syllable counts.
f. Picture Book
Star with picture books and build to storybooks and novel. Picture book can be read easily to children widely separate in age. Novels, however post a problem. If there are more than 2 years between the children, each child would benefit greatly if reading to her or him individually. Make sure the child can see the picture easily. In class, with the children in the back row can see the picture above the heads of the others.
g. Story hours
Story-telling is one of the easiest activities for the library to organize. Traditional tales or short stories of the same type and picture book are the easiest to use. Apart from these myths, legends, fairy tales, stories about animals, things which appeal to the sense of wonder and the senso of humor that stimulate the imagination of spirit of adventure are the most suitable.
[ Last edited by Tok_Batin on 20-8-2004 at 05:31 PM ] |
Dalam era informasi ini, masyarakat Malaysia seharusnya memperlengkapkan diri dengan ilmu pengetahuan melalui pambacaan untuk menangani cabaran semasa.ironsnya, tabiat gemar membaca di kalang masyarakat Malaysia semakin merosot mengikut peredaran masa. Menurut perangkaan yang dibuat oleh Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia pada tahin 1996, purata membaca setiap orang rakyat Malaysia hanyalah dua buah buku setahun. Fakta ini amat menyedihkan kerana sedangkan negara kita sedang bergerak menuju wawasan 2020 yang baeteraskan teknologi maklumat,masyarakat Malaysia semakin jauh ketinggalan dalam pemikiran mereta.
Apakah sebabnya buku-buku ilmiah menjadi makanan anai-anai walaupun kadar celik huruf negara Malaysia adalah antara yang tertinggi di dunia? Kecanggihan media elektronik, terutamanya televisyen adalah antara faktor penyebab orang tidak gemar membaca. Malaysia Malaysia kini umumnya lebih suka duduk menonton televisyen pada masa lapang berbanding dengan membaca buku. Sementelahan itu, sistem pendidikan negara kita yang terlalu berorientasikan peperiksaan mungkin menyumbang ke arah kemerosotan minat membaca di kalangan masyarakat. Oleh sebab tumpuan yang lebih diberikan untuk buku-buku teks yang akan menjamin kecemerlangan dalam peperiksaan, para pelajar tidak ada masa untuk membaca buku-buku di luar bidang pengajian mereka. Dewasa ini, bahan-bahan picisan dan semiprono membanjiri pasaran buku di negara kita. Keaadaan ini telah menyebabkan buku-buku ilmiah kuarang mendapat sambutan di kalangan masyarakat Malaysia.
Dalam hal ini, kerajaan perlu mengadakan kempen membaca dari masa ke masa untuk memupuk minat membaca di kalangan masyarakat. Kempen-kempen inin tidak harus terhad di kawasan tertentu sahaja, sebaliknya diadakan secara meluas di seluruh pelosok negara, termasuklah kawasan luar bandar dan kawasan pedalaman. Sehubungan itu, kerajaan perlu menggunakan saluran media massa untuk mempromosikan kempen membaca yang diadakan supaya matlamat melahirkan masyarakat yang suka membaca tercapai. Kerajaan juga wajar mengurangkan cukai jualan atau penerbitan buku supaya harga buku dapat dikurangkan. Sekiranya harga buku tidak terlalu mahal dan mampu dibeli oleh orang ramai, nescaya jualan buku akan menjadi laris dan keadaan ini seterusnya dapat memupuk minat membaca di kalangan masyarakat.
Selain itu, pihak sekolah juga harus mengadakan ceramah kesedaran membaca di sekolah untuk memupuk minat membaca di kalangan pelajar. Minggu yang tertentu juga patut ditetapkan sebagai 揗inggu Membaca |
fatin This user has been deleted
wow... best best. TQ..good info.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi