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Edited by amandel at 19-1-2021 01:34 PM
Filem2 Korea memang da maju giler babeng. Tak sabar nak tengok |
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hebat filem filem Kore sekrang...
harap lepas ni akan Bersatu lar semula Korea selatan dan Korea Utara...
udah udah lar bergaduh,...yang utara tu ..sudah lar tu ..skrg ni dah 2021
pemimpin agong dia yang dipuja puja pun dah mati...
filem ni best aku dah tgok...yang berlakon ni ...pelakon lelaki yang berlakon dalam Discendent of the sun .. |
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dah tengok. tak sangka raja dwarves pun ada dalam movie ni. tp hakak agak cringe skit ngan ending die |
Nice review mod...., I dah tengok tapi x sampai selesai. kat trailer macam menarik. their production design very impresive... Movie ni dah lame but I don't know I can't watch it till end. I don't say this movie have bad story, but I think this move wasn't for me...
Sory Mod ade tambahan skit, Out of topic...
Combo box "Select the tread category" kat thread post form only has maximum year just until 2020, and after 2020 theres "Lain-lain" category. So commonly we select "Lain-lain" when we make movie thread about movie that have a release year after 2020, and if we will still use the same categories in the future then the category column is useless because all new threads will have the same category. I just want to ask if the year in the categoty column can be updated ?. I feel like I should send this message privately, But I think it is possible that someone else will need the same information as well. I think thas all...
thank you in advance moderator paling hensem Annehuda aka Lee Pace 
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