The scientists had found that some prehistoric or special ancient animals that are frozen in the ice. Some of them are very well preserved, found the same as time goes by. Today, we have a list of ancient animals that found frozen in the ice.( subtitle B.melayu terdapat di dalam video ini)
Tumat Puppy
In 2015, the mummified remains of an ancient puppy were discovered near the village of Tumat in Russia. This is a particularly exciting discovery because of a previous puppy, called the Tumat Dog, that had been found in 2011 at the same location, about two meters away. Its remains have been dated to be almost 12,500 years old. The puppy are so well-preserved, their fur, brains and even stomach contents are all intact. The cause of death is believed to have been a sudden landslide or burrow collapse.
The Yuka MammothThe mammoth, named Yuka, was discovered in Siberia permafrost in August 2010. It is regarded as one of the best-preserved mammoths ever discovered. An analysis of the teeth and tusks determined Yuka died around 6-8 years old and it was speculated that this mammoth was probably attacked by other predators. However, there is no evidence that the mammoths were killed by predators. The most unusual thing about this 39,000-year-old mammoth is that it was mummified and had the most complete mammoth brain ever found, with folds and blood vessels still visible.