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RICHTER SCALE and quakes???
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okaylah guys ..salam semua
maka adalah earthquake berlaku hari ni dan saya baru teringat ttg Richter Scale yg saya pernah baca tapi terlupa. so Anyonw would be happy to enlightened me?
and yes..sapa pun boleh terangkan ttg earth tectonic plate..
bless you all and thank you.
dan lagi satu kan ini board geography? so apa kata kalau sapa sapa boleh dedahkan kita ttg seismic sciences??
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 26-12-2004 at 10:23 PM ] |
Richter Earthquake
Magnitudes Effects
Less than 3.5 Generally not felt, but recorded.
3.5-5.4 Often felt, but rarely causes damage.
Under 6.0 At most slight damage to well-designed buildings.
Can cause major damage to poorly constructed buildings
over small regions.
6.1-6.9 Can be destructive in areas up to about 100 kilometers
across where people live.
7.0-7.9 Major earthquake. Can cause serious damage over larger areas.
8 or greater Great earthquake. Can cause serious damage in areas several
hundred kilometers across.
Ritcher scale, name after charles ritcher yang menemukannya pada tahun 1935. |
Seismic wave ada dua jenis. Compressional wave dengan Shear wave. Compressional wave macam sound wave, lebih laju bergerak di 'solids'. Shear wave macam ombak (macam sine wave). Lebih laju bergerak di 'liquids'.
Richter scale (utk earth quake) ni akan detect compressional wave. Apabila ada gegaran, semua station akan buat lapuran dan dari lapuran ni akan di plot utk cari epicenter.
[ Last edited by ibnur on 28-12-2004 at 10:06 PM ] |
Lebih kurang 8 ribu mini quakes setiap hari dan dianggatkan satu major quake setiap tahun.
Paling kuat 9.2 berlaku di Chile tahun 1960 |
salam and hey dear..
Originally posted by ibnur at 2004-12-28 14:55:
Seismic wave ada dua jenis. Compressional wave dengan Shear wave. Compressional wave macam sound wave, lebih laju bergerak di 'solids'. Shear wave macam ombak (macam sine wave). Lebih laju berg ...
cares to elaborate on the fact that our world map has been altered a bit due to the same quake - as being reported by Berita HArian...? please and thank you |
hmm..and also
Originally posted by Remy_3D at 2004-12-28 23:26:
Lebih kurang 8 ribu mini quakes setiap hari dan dianggatkan satu major quake setiap tahun.
Paling kuat 9.2 berlaku di Chile tahun 1960
at PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND ALASKA - the same very place where Exxon Valdez has spilt its crude oil due tp tank leakage in 1992 |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2004-12-29 23:36:
cares to elaborate on the fact that our world map has been altered a bit due to the same quake - as being reported by Berita HArian...? please and thank you
even without earth quake, the world map is being altered. especially by human.
but if you say earth rotation, maybe there is. But it is still a theory, and not one machine had detect any changes yet, or/and they are not that precise.
The earth rotates and wobbles on it's axis. With a strong magnitude quake, the wobbles is effected. This will slightly effect the rotation. |
wave mana paling destructive? let say scale sama..satu di lautan dan satu di darat...
how wave pick up energy? or build up energy? |
bukankah ia akan bergantung pada how much anergy yg perlu diabsord ker?
mcm sifat wave lain laut boleh abosorb energy and tak der bangunan kalau darat it rarhet solid , kan so impact would be higher i fikir based on gelombang punya principle the tramiting anergy tu lebih tinggi in solid tak gitu? |
RasaCinta This user has been deleted
Originally posted by ibnur at 12-28-04 02:55 PM:
Seismic wave ada dua jenis. Compressional wave dengan Shear wave. Compressional wave macam sound wave, lebih laju bergerak di 'solids'. Shear wave macam ombak (macam sine wave). Lebih laju berg ...
hmm okay..gud info thanks |
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