JK's Digest no 2 of September, 06 <216 of 2006> Budget 2007
For 2007, the budget is RM159.4 billion with the OE at RM112.9 billion and DE at RM46.5 billion.
That was the proposal of a sum of RM136.8 billion to be appropriated in 2006 Budget,
an increase of 5% compared to 2005. Of this, a total of RM101.3 billion is
for Operating Expenditure and RM35.5 billion for Development Expenditure,
which is 13% higher than this year's allocation.
While the budget expenditure in most measures is meant to patch up the downsides of the society, (part of caring and sharing) more and more seem to be in that direction.
A lot of money is going to the disable and the sick which may only bring temporary relief for some people (no way to make them normal again), the Government does not reward those healthy ones. Even the healthy and hardworking ones can become sick when the costs of living are slowly and surely hit at this group of people causing them an inevitable decline in the standard of living. As one of the five objectives of this budget it is to improve the standard and sustainability of life, the 'theocratic' Government must address the root causes of the incidences of more disabilities at birth, at the various stages of life including self induced health defects like hiv, aids, and other defects of addictions (including polygamy and sex perversion), which are surely eating into the value of society hence the decline in the human resources generally. Imagine, the Human Resource Minister was telling Malaysia that we need 5 millions foreign workers in the future. That is definitely cause of concern as another Minister was saying that most children are growing up like foreigners in the way they speak. Whether we are strong and healthy, it is a factor of life and its spirituality. As we know our life comes from God, and why are many more children are born with weird disabilities including joint cum deformed babies? Something is wrong!!! We definitely needs to have a health index with a matching patch-up fund index annually in our fiscal budget.
Maybe more public money are used for the pitiful (deserve or not?) in increasing numbers, very little is going to encourage others to maintain their moral and morale in society. Of course, we hope to have more healthy births and healthy people towards fulfilling the national vision of fully developed status in a globalised world. Many are saying that religions practised in Malaysia are good for society, but increasing attention (finance and other) is drawn towards the national one, yet we have so many increasing defects since 1957, not to mention those thousands dying annually on the roads.
While there maybe money to bring reliefs to most groups, I don't see any going to the young families who struggle to keep the young ones healthy to be foundation for the future strong people. It is timely to note what Blair is saying that we need to deal with the pre-birth seasons in the young families. The Government must also deal with the phenomenon that many more children are growing up with their foreign maids as influenced by them. That is the vital human capital possibly it is God who decide.
Due to the very early budget in the current year, those taxes as increased on budget day would mean there is an additional taxes for 4 months in 2006 while those socalled tax reduction are effective in 2007. So there is a defacto sudden additional rise in the personal expenditure of many people again in 2006.
Government boosts spending
"In a marked departure from the last two Budgets, the government has sharply increased spending by 31%, with RM46.5 billion allocated for its development expenditure."
"Government revenue is expected to increase by 11.8% to RM134.8 billion. Of this, nearly 40% is petroleum-related revenue, especially from state-owned Petronas."
"The budget deficit for 2007 will be 3.4%."
Would such spending be possible when there was a timely report from UNESCAP on the eve of the Budget 2007, that the region would be affected by global rise of costs of living? Also Petronas was served the sudden marching order in Chad as very sad precedence to the biggest company in Malaysia. The impact on the Petronas needs to be addressed as it operates in 34 countries.
About the budget deficit (how much accumulated?) over the years, Malaysia is still relying on foreign bonds.
There was this unusual experience in 2006, as I had been watching Budget live on TV for some years. As the speech came to the Eastern Corridor and Sabah, there was a sudden downpour in Kota Kinabalu. What this downpour mean is known to me. So in Sabah we need to be EXTRA cautious in the distribution of funds and opportunities even with the State BN Government led by UMNO in the context of addressing the disparity in the nation when Sabah is burdened by 1-2 dubious people.
Do you know the pulse of the scenario in Sabah?
Joshua Kong
Author of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power,
EPIC of Sabah - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliament Select Committee on Unity and National Service (2005).
EPIC of Sabah - 3rd Ed., WATER, A tussle in biodiversity of two liquids - palm oil and water,
Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia in 1963, Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (2006). |
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Subsidi RM50 galak wanita jalani ujian kanser
Jabatan Perumahan akan bina 30,000 rumah
RM10 bilion untuk khidmat kesihatan
Peruntukan RM27.5 bilion pembangunan projek
Kerajaan sediakan RM210 juta untuk bioteknologi
RM147j dilabur untuk tarik pelancong tahun ini
1,000 graduan setahun dilatih bawah syarikat SC
ICT tingkatkan jentera penyampaian kerajaan di luar
KUALA LUMPUR 1 Sept. - Kerajaan akan melipatgandakan usaha untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan jentera penyampaian kerajaan dengan mengamalkan prinsip penzahiran, ketelusan, akauntabiliti dan saling mempercayai untuk membangunkan infrastruktur Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (ICT) di luar bandar.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata, pada masa ini, syarikat telekomunikasi menyumbang kepada Kumpulan Wang Pemberian Perkhidmatan Sejagat (USP) yang akan dimanfaatkan oleh Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC) untuk membangunkan talian telefon tetap dan perkhidmatan internet di luar bandar.
揝ebagai langkah maju ke hadapan, MCMC akan menzahirkan senarai projek-projek telefoni di luar bandar yang akan dilaksanakan pada tahun berikutnya, |
Pengecualian cukai untuk anugerah pekerja
RM3.6b disedia majukan sektor pertanian
Cukai korporat dikurangkan berperingkat
Cukai korporat dikurangkan berperingkat
Modal Exim Bank ditingkat RM2.7 bilion
Dua dana disediakan RM400 juta
KHAZANAH Nasional Bhd. (Khazanah) akan menubuhkan dana pertanian bernilai RM200 juta yang akan disumbangkan secara bersama oleh kerajaan, Khazanah dan sektor swasta.
Dana ini akan digunakan untuk meyediakan modal teroka bagi membiayai projek pertanian baru menggunakan teknologi intensif, kata Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Di samping itu, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) juga menyediakan satu lagi dana pertanian bernilai RM200 juta untuk membiayai projek pertanian dan perternakan bersepadu.
Abdullah berkata, sektor pertanian memerlukan transformasi untuk menjadi sektor yang moden, komersial dan berdaya saing.
Langkah perlu ditumpukan kepada pengkomersialan hasil pembangunan dan penyelidikan, penggunaan teknologi moden dan memperbaiki lagi rantaian bekalan.
揇isamping itu, kita juga perlu memanfaatkan kejayaan biodiversiti negara dengan membangunkan kegiatan bernilai tinggi seperti bioteknologi dan biofarmaseutikal.拻 kata Perdana Menteri. |

info yang bagus.
Perbankan Islam, takaful dikecualikan cukai 10 tahun
RM154j majukan ICT sektor PKS
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi