hey to every computer experts here
just nak tanye, macam mane nak INSERT picture to the database using MySQL statement?
tgh stuck kat situ la
im developing a system using ASP and MySQL
thanks guyz ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
tak pun save the name of the file to the database, the file itself simpan as a file outside of the database. lagi database efficient. file tu pun kena somehow diupload or FTPed to the server. |
thanks for the link
saya dah baca but still tak faham macam mane nak apply BLOB
leh tolong explain sikit
really appreciate it ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Originally posted by shahnazz at 13-11-2006 12:29 AM
tak pun save the name of the file to the database, the file itself simpan as a file outside of the database. lagi database efficient. file tu pun kena somehow diupload or FTPed to the server.
ermm.. macam mane nak upload to the server?? |
try gedek this web site
ada sample PHP code, gedek2 la kat situ
kalau ada masa i pinpoint kat mana utk file upload
kat sana berlambak code bukan saja utk PHP, macam-macam ada...
selamat mencuba :bgrin: |
macam ni la yg aku suka lepak kt forum macam ni..
takde le macam setengah forumer klu org mintak tolong tanye camne nk wat itu wat ini diorang asyik2 jawab RTFM...klu teringin nk jawab sgt camtu jawab dalam hati dah le..tak pyh tulis kt sini RTFM |
Originally posted by shahnazz at 14-11-2006 09:26 AM
try gedek this web site
ada sample PHP code, gedek2 la kat situ
kalau ada masa i pinpoint kat mana utk file upload
kat sana berlambak code bukan saja utk PHP, ma ...
thanks shahnaz
i'll try to look through and apply to my project
anything i will ask again
really appreciate it ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
kayos_rayos This user has been deleted
erkk.. tenkiu bagi info...
Application Developer
0123959774 |
err.. utk ASP sama konsep ngan PHP ke? i.e. kena open (read mode), read as a variable, close, kemudian insert dlm db as blob... |
ASP tu Microsoft punya, Php tu Opensource ... kalau silap maaf. |
Reply #7 azharfcsit's post
rtfm = "Read The F**k Manual" :D |
takyah guna blob tuuu beb, buat semak ko punya DB jek, baik ko simpan jea filename & location file tu dalam DB, dan gambar tuuu upload ke server... |
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