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TURKEY : update - vows strong action as 38 soldiers killed in iraqi border
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Turkish-Armenian writer shot dead
| Hrant Dink had received threats from nationalists
| A well-known Turkish-Armenian editor convicted of insulting Turkish identity has been shot dead in Istanbul.
Hrant Dink, editor of newspaper Agos, was shot three times by an unknown gunman outside his offices. Dink was given a six-month suspended sentence in October 2005 after writing about the Armenian "genocide" of 1915. Turkey's NTV television said police were searching for a teenager wearing a white hat and a denim jacket in connection with the murder. The channel showed pictures of a white sheet covering the journalist's body in front of the newspaper building's entrance. Dink, 53, had received threats from nationalists who viewed him as a traitor, the Associated Press news agency reported. Dink was gunned down in broad daylight
| He was one of Turkey's most prominent Armenian voices. He once gave an interview with the Associated Press in which he cried while describing the hatred some Turks had for him, saying he could not stay in a country where he was unwanted. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians died in 1915, in what many Armenians say was a systematic massacre at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Turkey denies any genocide, saying the deaths were a part of World War I. Turkey and neighbouring Armenia still have no official relations.
Well , actually I am not sure if you guys interested in this story. But morally , I have to write it down.
Generally , when we spoke about Holocaust , we always associates it with jews prosecution by the Germans. But not many of us aware of the 1st Holocoust. The 1st Holocaust is done by Turkey in 1915 to 1920 , which result in about 500,000 to 1 million death of Armenians Christians. And he (the writer) is one of the proponent for the truth for this Holocaust.
Turkey since 1915 have always denied this . Morally Turkey must accept the responsibility and begins the process of appologizing to the Armenian people. But instead Turkey has been going around the world denying this. This death is not the first , nor the last.
If we have wronged in the past , it is only right that we own up to our fault. Regardless if we lose face. That is what humility is all about.
Well Hrant Dink , wherever you are. Rest in Peace.
[ Last edited by amazed at 5-10-2008 09:35 PM ] |
Originally posted by naz_1969 at 20-1-2007 01:41 AM
Turkish-Armenian writer shot dead
Hrant Dink had received threats from nationalists
A well-known Turkish-Arm ...
for whatever reason haku tak percaya kepada konsep own up atas apa2 org2 jaman dolu or our ancestors lakukan?
kenapa kita yg innocent dan mulia nak kena minta maaf di atas kedurjanaan org lain....
let bygone be bygone je lah...we cannot turn back time |
hanya org yg personally bersalah yg akan minta maaf...
there's no point utk mntak maaf kalau kita completely innocent..
it's just like kau mengaku rogol dan bunuh, walhal bapak kau yg lakukan itu semua |
manusia pelampau ni ada di mana mana walo dalam sama agama sama etnik pun.
ada oang tokleh terima hakikat ada orang islam melampau simply sebab dia dah masuk islam or dia beragama islam.
bab tuhan redha bahwa islam itu agama bagi kamu, tang REDHA tu dia tak pandang dah. otak tak jalan. kalo kita suh fikir dia kata itu pro barat rasional seme tu..akal manusia mana leh pikir jauh2 dia kata.
ada macam satu masalah dalam otak orang islam , kalo fathi aris sebut pembiusan otak but aku lebih suka penafian kebolehan manusia. both memang berpunca bila rasionaliti sudah mati akibat tusukan kebebalan yang lahir dari input2 yang tidak di cerna esp dengar masuk simpan, dengar masuk simpan lama2 yang tersimpan tu bergerak memacu perangai oang tu bila level or ketetapan dia dah sampai waktu.
kalo in single person pelampaun ni boleh kire kene kaji ler camna pembentukan soang psychopath ni.
single entiti dalam satu mass society boleh di bentuk agar tak psiko misalnya bila society is in peace. so kuasa majoriti tokleh di pandang enteng, penting gak. Pasal tu jamaah ditekankan dalam Islam, di galakkan, malah di adakan solat friday ganti zohor. Islam boleh dapat nama buruk even dari perangai kerajaan Syiah, depa pun mengaku Islam. Dari Wahabi , depa pun ramai tak suka. Islam gak buleh dapat nama buruk dari yang westernised so tadak sapa terkecuali pun.
and it all stemmed from one single source that is THE MIND. |
Originally posted by ajinomotonosuga at 20-1-2007 02:09 AM
manusia pelampau ni ada di mana mana walo dalam sama agama sama etnik pun.
ada oang tokleh terima hakikat ada orang islam melampau simply sebab dia dah masuk islam or dia beragama islam.
whatever ;)
like we care so much about what you wrote...
i know i don't read it... |
Originally posted by ashna at 20-1-2007 02:22 AM
whatever ;)
like we care so much about what you wrote...
i know i don't read it...
u never read dikhed, so dont mention it |
Its not about why I should not appologized because it was done too long ago. Its about a country who refused to admit their own black history. It is as if 1915-1920 is a black hole. |
pembiusan otak...Originally posted by ajinomotonosuga at 20-1-2007 02:09 AM
manusia pelampau ni ada di mana mana walo dalam sama agama sama etnik pun.
ada oang tokleh terima hakikat ada orang islam melampau simply sebab dia dah masuk islam or dia beragama islam.
pembiusan otak..hmmmm...
helo..berfikir dan pro barat adalah 2 pekara yg berbeza......
takan ko tak dapat bezakan.....
ambil pendapat barat.....kalau elok tak salah...
tapi, kalau kalau yg entah apa apa tu yg salah....
Contohnya...solat yg berimankan wanita ka, talak ditangan isteri kaa.....merayakan velentime dengan candle light diner..lepas tu pi sewa hotel kaa.....
Kalau benda macam tu tu bukannya budaya berfikir tuh.... |
An update on the news.
-------------------------------Fury in Turkey at editor's murder
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Dink's murder has provoked widespread shock in Turkey
| Thousands of people have rallied in Istanbul to protest at the murder of a prominent Turkish-Armenian journalist, Hrant Dink, outside his office.
"We are all Armenians, we are all Hrant Dink," the crowd chanted. Dink frequently wrote about one of the most sensitive issues in Turkey - the mass killing of Armenians during the final days of the Ottoman empire.
His views, seen as treachery by some nationalists, led to a conviction in 2005 for insulting Turkish identity. "A bullet has been fired at democracy and freedom of expression,"
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a hastily convened news conference as news of Dink's murder spread. The attack on Dink was an attack on Turkey and on Turkish unity and stability, Mr Erdogan said, adding that the "dark hands" behind the killing would be brought to justice.
I will not leave this country. If I go I would feel I was leaving alone the people struggling for democracy 
Hrant Dink in July 2006

Obituary: Hrant Dink
| The murder is likely to increase political tensions in Turkey, where politicians have been courting the nationalist vote ahead of presidential and parliamentary elections later this year, correspondents say.
Police said Dink, 53, was shot at least twice. Turkey's NTV television showed pictures of a white sheet covering the journalist's body in front of the newspaper building's entrance. Late on Friday, Turkish media quoted Istanbul's governor as saying three people were in custody in connection with the killing.
Prominent voice
Journalists and politicians in Turkey expressed outrage at the killing, which many described as a political assassination, while the US, EU, Armenia, and several human rights groups also voiced shock and condemnation.
A crowd of several thousand people marched towards the office of Agos, the bilingual Turkish and Armenian weekly newspaper Dink edited, on Friday night. Many carried red carnations and photographs of Dink with the inscription "My dear brother" in Turkish, Armenian and English.
The mood was not sombre but angry, the BBC's Sarah Rainsford reports from Istanbul, with many demanding justice. There was also a protest by several hundred people in Ankara.
Dink was one of Turkey's most prominent Armenian voices and despite threats on his life, he refused to stay silent. "I will not leave this country. If I go I would feel I was leaving alone the people struggling for democracy...It would be a betrayal of them," he told Reuters news agency last July.
Penal code
Dink was found guilty in October 2005 of insulting Turkish identity after he wrote an article which addressed the mass killings of Ottoman Armenians nine decades ago.
Dink was gunned down in broad daylight
| He always said his aim was to improve the difficult relationship between Turks and Armenians.
In his last newspaper column, he wrote that there was a considerable group of people "who see me as an enemy of the Turks," and said he had received letters "full of anger and menace."
Dink was among dozens of writers in Turkey who have been charged under article 301 of Turkey's penal code with insulting Turkish identity, often for articles dealing with the killing of Kurds and Ottoman Armenians. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians died in 1915, in what many Armenians say was a systematic massacre at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Turkey denies any genocide, saying the deaths were a part of World War I. Turkey and neighbouring Armenia still have no official relations.
[ Last edited by naz_1969 at 20-1-2007 09:03 AM ] |
letupan kat istanbul, turki; 16 mati 154 cedera!!!
Letupan di Istanbul, Turki: 16 maut 154 cedera
28/07/2008 3:45pm
ISTANBUL 28 Julai |
kesian kepada mangsa bom tu.takziah. |
Turki syak remaja letup bom

KEJAM: Anggota polis Turki mengarahkan orang ramai menjauhi kawasan letupan ketika anggota perubatan berdiri dekat mangsa di Istanbul, kelmarin.
| ISTANBUL: Polis Turki menahan tiga remaja yang disyaki ada kaitan dengan dua letupan bom di sebuah dataran di bandar ini, lapor akhbar.
Letupan itu membunuh 17 orang dan mencederakan lebih 150 orang dalam serangan maut sejak hampir lima tahun.
Akhbar The Milliyet melaporkan dalam laman webnya bahawa tiga remaja berusia 16 dan 17 tahun ditemui lewat semalam di tingkat bawah tanah sebuah pangsapuri berhampiran tempat kejadian selepas mendapat maklumat daripada penduduk.
Akhbar melaporkan, ketiga-tiganya mendakwa bersembunyi di tingkat bawah itu kerana ketakutan akibat letupan terbabit. Ia tidak memetik sumber namun polis Turki sering membocorkan maklumat kepada akhbar.
Pihak berkuasa menaikkan jumlah kematian akibat letupan kepada 17 orang, semalam.
Gabenor bandar itu menggelarnya 'serangan pengganas' namun pihak berkuasa tidak menyalahkan kumpulan tertentu dan tiada seorang pun segera mengaku bertanggungjawab.
Stesen televisyen CNN-Turki, memetik sumber keselamatan sebagai berkata, polis mengesyaki pemberontak Kurdis menjadi dalang di sebalik kejadian itu kerana laporan perisikan mengatakan pemberontak merancang kempen pengeboman di Turki.
"Tidak syak lagi ia adalah serangan pengganas," kata Gabenor Muammar Guler kepada media.
Bom pertama meletup di kawasan kediaman di Gungoren di dataran sibuk berhampiran lalu lintas di mana penduduk berkumpul pada waktu malam, kata saksi. Sekumpulan penduduk membantu mangsa apabila letupan kedua yang lebih kuat meletup hampir dengan tempat kejadian pertama kira-kira 10 minit kemudian.
Kebanyakan yang maut akibat letupan kedua, kata saksi. "Fakta bahawa lebih ramai orang di kawasan itu menyebabkan angka korban meningkat," kata gabenor.
Pejabat gabenor berkata 154 orang cedera, 15 daripadanya dalam keadaan parah, kata pegawai kerajaan di tempat kejadian. – AP |
aku tak leh nak bayangkan kejadian ni.... aku dah penah gi istanbul last year.... best.. tapi bila baca keganasan ni... sedey lak aku..  |
alamak...plan nak gi raya nanti....  |
Feri bawa 100 penumpang karam

PASUKAN penyelamat membawa mangsa feri karam menaiki bot ke Balikesir, kelmarin.
ISTANBUL: Sebuah feri membawa 100 penumpang karam berhampiran pelabuhan Bandirma malam kelmarin menyebabkan sekurang-kurangnya seorang terbunuh dan 30 yang lain hilang.
Penyiar NTV berkata, dua orang terbunuh tetapi laporan berkenaan tidak dapat disahkan.
Nelayan tempatan menyertai operasi menyelamat apabila feri yang turut memuatkan 73 trak dan dua kereta terbalik di Laut Marmara sebaik saja meninggalkan Bandirma jam 11.15 malam kelmarin ke Istanbul.
Pihak berkuasa berkata, seramai 90 orang diselamatkan dengan 34 daripada mereka cedera, tetapi ombak kuat dan angin kencang menjejaskan usaha mencari mangsa.
"Ia seperti 30 orang hilang tetapi ia hanya satu andaian dan angka berkenaan mungkin meningkat atau berkurangan," kata Gabenor Wilayah Balikesir, Selahattin Hatipoglu.
Penumpang tidak perlu membeli tiket bagi feri yang membawa kenderaan dari Bandirma menyebabkan pihak berkuasa sukar untuk menganggarkan bilangan sebenar penumpang.
Pihak berkuasa berkata, punca kemalangan belum diketahui tetapi kapal terbabit kelihatan senget ketika berada di pelabuhan lagi.
"Feri berkenaan melambung ke depan dan belakang serta ke kiri dan ke kanan sebelum ia kemudian terus tenggelam," kata seorang penumpang yang terselamat kepada televisyen CNNTurk.
Penumpang berkata, feri tenggelam dalam masa 15 minit dan kebanyakan penumpang sedang tidur dalam kenderaan masing-masing.
Rakaman televisyen menunjukkan penumpang yang terselamat dibawa menaiki ambulans yang menanti mereka.
Lima kapal pengawal pantai dan sebuah helikopter dihantar ke tempat kejadian bersama pasukan penyelam untuk operasi menyelamat. � AP
aku kalu baca citer pasai feri karam... mmg sedey weyyyy tak dapek nak bayangkan takotnya masa tu... lagi bulan posa.. aku harap kuarga depa sabaq...  |
Turkey vows strong action as 38 killed in Kurdish rebel violence

Gambar AFP File picture shows Turkish soldiers on patrol near the Turkey-Iraq border in September 2008. Turkey vowed a strong response after 15 Turkish soldiers and 23 Kurdish rebels were killed in heavy clashes sparked by a rebel attack on a military post near the Iraqi border.
ANKARA (AFP) - Turkey on Saturday vowed a strong response after 15 Turkish soldiers and 23 Kurdish rebels were killed in heavy clashes sparked by a rebel attack on a military post near the Iraqi border.
The fighting, the bloodiest this year, is likely to ratchet up pressure on Ankara to hit back at the militants who use rear bases in neighbouring northern Iraq to strike Turkish targets in its 24-year separatist campaign.
President Abdullah Gul cancelled a planned visit to France to deal with what he described as a "treacherous" attack and said Ankara was determined to crush the rebels.
"Let me underline once again that we will continue the struggle (against the PKK), whatever the cost," Gul said in a video message just before he held a meeting with the army chief.
"We are investigating how this treacherous attack took place, who facilitated it.
These will be followed up on and everyone will be held to account," he added. Gul was to have delivered a speech to an international conference in France on Monday, his office said.
The foreign ministry said it had contacted Iraqi authorities and urged them to take action to tackle PKK rebels operating out of the Kurdish-run autonomous enclave in the north of Iraq.
"We expect the government of our neighbour Iraq to fulfill its responsibilities," it said in a statement.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan immediately cancelled a two-day visit to Mongolia and left Turkmenistan -- where he was on an official trip -- for Turkey for emergency talks with the army leadership and several cabinet ministers.
The European Union, which Turkey is seeking to join, strongly condemned the latest violence by the rebels and reiterated its solidarity with Turkey against the PKK.
The Turkish army said that PKK rebels attacked a border post in Semdinli town, Hakkari province, on Friday afternoon under cover of heavy weapons' fire from northern Iraq, killing 15 soldiers.
Turkish forces responded with artillery fire and attack helicopters pounded rebel positions while additional forces were dispatched to the area.
Turkish fighther jets and artillery units also struck at a group of rebels in the north of Iraq, about 10 kilometers (about six miles) from the station which was attacked.
"Twenty-three terrorists were neutralised in the clashes.
It is not yet clear how many terrorists were killed by artillery fire and in the strikes by the air force," General Metin Gurak, the head of the general staff's press department told the Anatolia news agency.
He added that two soldiers remained unaccounted for after the fighting which lasted late into Friday night. Twenty soldiers were also wounded in the clashes.
The PKK also confirmed the attack and said it was a response to continuing Turkish military operations despite a unilateral ceasefire the rebels announced to mark Eid-ul-Fitr, the Muslim festival at the end of Ramadan, between Tuesday and Thursday.
"Heavy clashes which begun after this successful raid are still continuing," said a PKK statement carried by the Firat news agency, considered a rebel mouthpiece, .
Friday's attack comes just before the Turkish parliament is set to vote on extending by one year the government's mandate to order military strikes against PKK bases in northern Iraq.
Under a one-year parliamentary authorisation obtained last October, the army has carried out several air strikes and a week-long ground incursion against PKK targets, using intelligence passed on by NATO ally United States.
The current authorisation expires on October 17 and lawmakers are expected to vote on extending the mandate in the coming weeks.
The PKK -- considered a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union -- has been fighting for a separate state in the mainly Kurdish southeast of Turkey since 1984.
The conflict has claimed some 44,000 lives, according to figures recently released by the Turkish army. |
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