Anyone here pernah pi ke Pulau Lang Tengah?
Any comment or recommendations? |
cuba belek2 thread kat blah belakang. ada cite pasal lang tengah...u tengok i punya avatar tu, thats lang tengah's jetty... |
In some sites, some visitors gave negative comments about Lang Tengah. But banyak yg positive comments.
Among negative comments ialah banyak dead corals kat pantai & sampah.
I pernah pi ke Perhentian Besar, stayed at Tuna Bay. A bit frustrated pasal pantainya terlalu banyak dead corals.
Many times ke Redang. Pantai cantik but too crowded esp. with S'porean & Hongkies.
Ni tgh berbelah bagi samada nak pi Lang Tengah or Perhentian... |
i ve been to lang tengah dh 4 times already. next month ni nak pegi lagi. dead corals tu x la banyak and x le org kata sampah bertimbun2...wat i love most is the pasir....so haaaaaaaalllllllllllluuuuuuuuussss...mcm tepung boleh buat cekodok....the beach is so clean and well kept bcos lang tengah x byk resort. kat situ ada 4 jer resorts... |
From the map, there r 2 resorts at pantai Pasir Air; Redang Lang & Blue Coral.. |
and Square Point & D'Coconut kat pantai Pasir Mat Hassan.
Antara 2 pantai ni which is the better one?
Kalau jln kaki boleh sampai ke from one pantai to another?
And among the 4 resorts, which one do u think is the better one? |
Originally posted by Equalizer at 18-4-2006 04:31 PM
and Square Point & D'Coconut kat pantai Pasir Mat Hassan.
Antara 2 pantai ni which is the better one?
Kalau jln kaki boleh sampai ke from one pantai to another?
And among the 4 resorts, wh ...
i duduk kat square point resort. frm square point tu boleh ke blue coral and d'coconut. pantai yg dpn square tu panjang sket compared yg kat d'coconut. more private la i can say. i mean yg kat d'coco tu..
u ni sebenarnya nak pegi bila? |
Tentatively end of May... |
pernah pergi dah lama dulu 7-8 thn lepas, tapi sorry to say....tak best:geram: |
sepetz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Nisda_ at 18-4-2006 10:00 PM
pernah pergi dah lama dulu 7-8 thn lepas, tapi sorry to say....tak best:geram:
Care to share/comment apa yg tak bestnya... |
Originally posted by Nisda_ at 18-4-2006 10:00 PM
pernah pergi dah lama dulu 7-8 thn lepas, tapi sorry to say....tak best:geram:
itu 7-8 tahun mmg la x mender....cuba pegi la ni... |
Reply #13 duyong95's post
Ni yg buat aku x sabar nak pi Lang Tengah...
gatal kaki aku nak mencecah pantai...
I'll be going to Lang Tengah this coming May 28-30. Stay kat Blue Coral.
Gambar ni kat depan Square Point ke? |
Originally posted by Equalizer at 11-5-2006 05:24 PM
Ni yg buat aku x sabar nak pi Lang Tengah...
gatal kaki aku nak mencecah pantai...
I'll be going to Lang Tengah this coming May 28-30. Stay kat Blue Coral.
Gambar ni kat depan Square P ...
yes yg ni betul2 dpn square point. |
depan blue coral bersama sunsetnya...

pulau lang tengah ni kat Tioman ker? |
Ganu lah....
p/s: my next island trip with family....soon. |
bestnya... my last trip to island ialah pulau redang..
itupun dah 5 -6 thn lepas.. sbb lecehla bila ada anak nak pegi cuti kat pulau...
boleh cerita detail nak ambik bot dari mana, berapa lama perjalanan dari jeti ker pulau.. maklumla bawak si kecik nih kena plan betul2.. kalau tidak susah nanti..
masa pegi redang dulu saya stay kat merang chalet... dan ambik bot kat jeti merang... |
Reply #19 white pearl's post
Naik bot dari jeti Merang, jeti yg sama utk ke Redang.
Perjalanannya should be the same as the time taken to Redang, bout 45 minutes. |
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