Reply #1 johngage's post
Pictures? What pictures?! |
Instead of Su-35, I see ' X-Wings'.... |
cantiknye gambo...  |
gambar sungguh cantek ler.....
stealth pun kalah. Gambar leh invisible |
malas la nak usha kat link .. hehe ..
paste la ...  |
dulu ade cite russia tak kasi RMAF evaluate Su 35 ni kan.. |

Dengar khabar, Su-35 Super Flanker dalam production skrg, bg kegunaan Russian AF. |
apsal rusia nyer interior suka pakai warna biru eh??? |
Ye la...
Tu dh jadi trademard diorg. Diorg mesti nk contrast dgn Western & USA nyer product.
Skali tgk jer dh tau mende tu 'Made In Russia'
Mcm kapal Navy diorg la.. Deck mesti nk kaler oren nyer.
Skali imbas pon dh tau tu diorg punyer.
Hehehe... |
besar HDD. tgk Astro best tu..  |
Reply #14 malberi8's post
nope, at that time, Su-35 still in development. So, RMAF not very interested in pouring more money in this phase. Plus, Russia is keen to find a technology partner to develop the Su-35 such as KAI of Korea and one of a/c manufacturer of Brazil. |
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