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"CLOVERFIELD" - unknown movie from J.J. Abrams
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Anyway, filem ni misteri sikit.... projek filem ni terlalulah dirahsiakan oleh paramount pictures sampai org tak tahu movie ni pasal aper... even tajuk movie ni pun dirahsiakan...
walaubagaimanapun, kat us, sebelum tayangan transformers kat wayang, diorang tunjuk trailer filem ni.. aku rasa trailer filem paling gempak dan misteri sebab tajuk filem pun dia tak letak. cuma dia letak produced by jj abrams and tarikh keluar 18 jan 2008.. tgk nama jj abrams jer, lglah aku semangat nak tgk.. dia ni kreatif skit....
sebelum ni jj abrams terlalu merahsiakan projeknyer dengan paramount pictures ni, even pelakon yg nak berlakon filem ni, kena agree dulu baru dpt script. giler punyer rahsia...
trailer filem ni yang diletak di youtube, semua telah dikeluarkan oleh pihak paramont pictures... punyerla berahsia... ni yg buat aku lg hype nak tgk filem ni.. (strategi pemasaran dia mcm blair witch project)..
apa yang boleh aku katakan melalui trailernyer ialah, filem ni dishot mcm blair witch project and mcm citer godzilla or armageddon jer.... anyway, ni tinggal satu trailer filem ni yang terlepas kat youtube.. tengoklah trailer ni sementara ia masih belum dikeluarkan oleh pihak paramount... enjoy...
PS: ni trailer yg terang .. (updated 11 Jult 2007)
[ Last edited by buiscasey at 11-7-2007 12:31 AM ] |
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JJ Abrams Top Secret Cloverfield Movie Trailer Attached to Transformers
We saw a screening of Transformers last night, but we weren抰 lucky enough to see what people are now referring to as the trailer to JJ Abrams Top Secret Movie titled Cloverfield. Our friends at FirstShowing were lucky enough to be at a screening that showed the trailer. Everyone who has seen it so far are calling it one of the coolest trailers ever. And the best part, it抯 for a movie no one really even knew existed. The trailer apparently ends without even a title, just 揚roduced by J.J. Abrams |
One of the coolest things about Transformers has absolutely nothing to do with giant freakin |
sape x knl jj abram ...
cite die pon wat aku berpikir slame 3 thn dah ...
cite lost tu ..
hahahahaha ..
The teaser was leaked onto YouTube by people who recorded it with camcorders, but Paramount invoked its copyright claim to have the links removed.   |
Reply #4 Ax's post
tulah, ganas giler nak berahsia.. ni yang buat aku lg suspicious ni... :re: |
aku dh tgk trailer tu .. naga berapi ke ape .. siap bebola api lg besar tu mcm komet jatuh pon ade ..
pahtu sore resakse .. khkehekheke ..
jgn plak cite die mcm war of the worlds je sudah .. arap lg gempak .. |
Reply #6 Ax's post
kalo war of the world ok lg.. harap2 jgn macam godzilla...:cf: |
Lor, x hbs2 nk meng'LOST'kan org, haha. kt maner nk tgk trailer eh? Youtube dh buang trailer tuh. |
ader kat link atas tuh.. klik jer la... |
sori trailer dah kena buang lah.. aku baru prasan. tu lah aku suruh tgk cpt2, tak nak... |
aku suke aku suke.. cam gempak.. nihh |
cpt2 tgk.. nnt miss lg... |
untuk menambahkan kemisterian lagi filem ni... solve the puzzle at
then nanti akan ader satu video...
PS: really good marketing strategies, JJ... |
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