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Kejadian Aneh Meterorit di PERU
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on Sep 17, 11:23 PM ET

AFP/File Photo: File photo shows the green streak of a meteor cutting across the sky. Villagers in...
LIMA (AFP) - Villagers in southern Peru were struck by a mysterious illness after a meteorite made a fiery crash to Earth in their area, regional authorities said Monday.
Around midday Saturday, villagers were startled by an explosion and a fireball that many were convinced was an airplane crashing near their remote village, located in the high Andes department of Puno in the Desaguadero region, near the border with Bolivia.
Residents complained of headaches and vomiting brought on by a "strange odor," local health department official Jorge Lopez told Peruvian radio RPP.
Seven policemen who went to check on the reports also became ill and had to be given oxygen before being hospitalized, Lopez said.
Rescue teams and experts were dispatched to the scene, where the meteorite left a 100-foot-wide (30-meter-wide) and 20-foot-deep (six-meter-deep) crater, said local official Marco Limache.
"Boiling water started coming out of the crater and particles of rock and cinders were found nearby. Residents are very concerned," he said. |
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Meteorite makes 30-meter crater in Peru

A meteorite fell Saturday night in the Peruvian area of Puno, close to the border with Bolivia, forming a crater with a 30 meters diamater, and six meters in depth, the local press reported today.
A luminous object fell a little before midnight of the day before yesterday in the town of Carancas, in the province of Chucuito, about 1.300 kilometers to the south of Lima.
According to sources of the Territorial Direction of the Police, the alarmed inhabitants of the area heard a great noise, similar to that of an airplane falling.
Later, the witnesses saw a luminous object in fire in the sky that hit the ground, producing an explosion that left the earth charred.
The meteorite didn抰 hurt anyone, but the authorities are investigating if the remains found in the area are of animals that may have died because of the explosion.
The farmers of the place fear the appearance of some disease, since chips of lead and silver were liberated in the shock of the meteor with the soil, the local broadcasting station 揜PP |
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ada la yg dapa superpower "meteor freak" mcm smallville  |
Reply #4 philipinoe2's post
Erk... Adakah itu bermakna aku yg mendapat super power tu?  |
betul ke gambar tu....... dah ada air kat dlm tu aku tengok....... |
Reply #6 ska_n_dal's post
Air pe? Aku x nampak pun... |
aih? mcm org tengah korek buat kolam tilapia je aku nampak tu? takde kesan terbakor ke, asap ke... |
yg menjadi misteri farmer ngan polis yg berkejar ke tempat kejadian telah jatuh sakit dan perlukan rawatan susulan.......... |
BTW, misteri nih dah terjawab apabila pihak Russia mengesahkan ianya ada merupakan satelit pengintip paling canggih milik CIA iaitu KH-31 yg digunakan untuk mengintip Iran dlm persediaan utk menyerang negara tersebut...........
American spy satellite downed in Peru as US nuclear attack on Iran thwarted

Officials are investigating unconfirmed reports that a meteorite crashed in southern Peru over the weekend and caused dozens of people to fall ill.

Local media have reported eyewitness accounts of a fiery ball falling from the sky and smashing into the desolate Andean plain near the Bolivian border Saturday morning. Officials have said it was a meteorite.

Jorge Lopez, director of the health department in the southern state of Puno, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that 200 people have suffered headaches, nausea and respiratory problems caused by "toxic" fumes emanating from the resulting crater, which is some 66 feet (20 meters) wide and 16 feet (5 meters) deep.
Russian Military Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that one of the United States most secretive spy satellites, the KH-13, targeting Iran was 'destroyed in its orbit' with its main power generator powered by the radioactive isotope Pu-238 surviving re-entry and crashing in a remote region of the South American Nation of Peru, and where hundreds are reported to be ill from radiation poisoning.
Western media reports are stating that the US spy satellite debris hitting Peru was caused by a meteor, but which, according to these reports, would be 'impossible' as the size of 30-meter crater, if caused by a meteorite, would have hit the ground with about as much energy as 1 kiloton tactical nuclear weapon, and which would have been recorded by the seismic stations around the World.
Most astonishing about these reports, however, are that they state that it was the Americans themselves who destroyed their own spy satellite with the attack upon it being made by the United States Air Forces' 30th Space Wing located at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. This incident further fuels the intrigue involving the United States War Leaders plans to attack Iran in their attempt to engulf the entire Middle East in Total War, but, against which, according to Russian Military Intelligence Analysts, a 'high ranking and significant' faction of the American Military Establishment is opposed to.
This can be further evidenced by this past few weeks unprecedented announcement by the United States Air Force that 6 nuclear armed cruise missiles were removed, without authorization, from their secure holding facility, located in North Dakota at the Minot Air Force Base, and flown to Barksdale Air Force Base, located in Louisiana, where they were left 'unattended' for 'nearly 10 hours'.
It is interesting to note, too, that Barksdale Air Force Base is where the United States President was 'ordered' to report to on September 11, 2001 by the United States Air Force Strategic Command prior to his being 'transferred' under 'armed escort' to Offutt Air Force Base Strategic Command Center near Omaha, Nebraska, where the first 'truce' between Americas War Leaders and its Military Forces was 'negotiated' by billionaire Warren Buffett as intermediary between the rival power blocs.(next page)
Source ravda ru |
Diorang ingat satelite ni boleh orbit selama2 nya? Kan dah kena radiation sickness. |
Tapi takde radioaktif ... heheheh...abihlah diorang jadi superhero ... |
sebenarnya orang peru tuh sakit perut dan pening kepala bukan kerana meteor tuh,sebelum meteor tuh jatuh,diorang ada satu pesta makan makan........selepas diorang makan makanan pesta tuh,esoknya diorang mengadu sakit perut dan pening kepala....kebetulan meteor jatuh malam tuh.....rupanya keracunan makanan... |
Reply #16 GRINDSAKHTANIC's post
cam ko terlibat dalam pesta makan2 tu je |
Reply #17 ianho's post
itu lar..tau2 jek..Grind! ko pegi sesorang jek ek?! apsal tak bawak semua forumer neyh! |
Originally posted by kroit92 at 22-9-2007 01:30 AM 
itu lar..tau2 jek..Grind! ko pegi sesorang jek ek?! apsal tak bawak semua forumer neyh!
aku cuma tak mahu forummer lain turut cirit birit...biarla orang peru yang kene,asalkan bukan forummer kite.... |
Reply #19 GRINDSAKHTANIC's post
eceh..yo lar tu..ko dah bantai 4 kawah sup, bolehlar cakap camtu.. |
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