Nak mintak suggestions korang about something.. Here's the situation..
I have a feeling for someone who happen to have a girlfriend.. Sbnrnya sy x tau yg dia dah berpunya until dia berterus-terang ngan sy.. N we've been friend since that..
Ntah le.. sy pun x faham knp agaknya sy masih lagi ada perasaan kat dia , despite he's already taken.. He's been an inspiration for me n believe me , bila sy kenal dgn dia , sy mula fikir positive about my life .. It's almost feels like this feelings for him has some sort of positive energy to drive me to do good things.. . Tp tu la.. everything goods sometime do come with a bit of shall I say bittter part.. It do HURT to hide feelings and it's even hurtful when the person you love is someone's boyfriend..
Bila difikir2 balik , he's a bit odd himself you know.. By odd i mean , dia x nak dh selalu sms sy and remain as "ONLY FRIEND", but he still curi2 masa to visit me at my work place.. Tu la.. He's sending me this mixed signal.. Atau mungkin jgk sy yg received the wrong idea..
Sy pun kdg2 nak cuba padamkan perasaan ni , but it just grow strong each day.. Sy pon fikir mcm mana perasaan GF dia kalo dia tau there's another girl out there that trying to reach to her man.. Ye la kan.. Sama2 pompuan.. Patut paham la perasaan tu kan..?
Skrg ni , dlm fikiran sy , sy nak cuba lupakan dia.. I love him , I do.. That's why I think it's best for me to let him go.. So.. apa yg sy nak mintak pandangan korang , before I leave , perlu x sy luahkan perasaan sy kat dia..? I mean it's not like I'm going to directly go to him and say "I love you" .. Sy nak bagi 1 song for him that describe everything about my feelings towards him..And sy x le nak bg on hand.. May be send it via mail ke..
So.. korang rasa mcm mana? Leave without saying any words , or , Leave with a bit of something to remember me by..?
Plz respond ye? Thanks y'all..
Ikhlas saya katakan.....kalau u pk dia yang terbaik untuk u...teruskan. tapi u kena benar2 ikhlas kp yrself...maksudnya ada kah dia sesuai utk u sebagi teman hidup/suami!!!..jgn tertipu ngan perasaan u....seikhlas2nya...kalau jawapannya Yes...teruskan. Apa yang saya takutkan kalau u beria2 sukakan dia takut2 nanti dia mengambil ksempatan....naiya hidup u nnti. jgn senang2 lapaskan I.L.Y....terutama pompuan kecuali u da benar2 pasti..Pernah ta u uji keikhlasan dia.....kalau jawapan banyak NO...u better wait...jgn gopoh.. |
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Reply #1 rifa0710's post
jauhkan diri wat sementara..fikir masak2..think cook-cook.. |
xsalah if u nk luah kn...
tp jln terbaik...
i rsa better tinggalkn dia...
mcm xpatut je...
coz he had a gf indeed...
unless... if u really cnfident that he had a same feeling towards u...
but.. still...
not wotrh to get some one who belongs to sum1 oredi...
i just prefer to keep it in silence...
back to my life...
commit on wut ever that i supposed...
im not really prefer the way he treat u actually...
sounds like... dia xde pendirian plak...
main tarik tali...
yg suffer kaum u juga...
x u... gf dia yg akan suffer nnti...
btol kn...
sacrifices just make u learning of something...
im sure u aware of that...
be strong dear...; |
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sang garang :
Thanx.. Good point.. Come to think about it , I never ask him anything about his relationship with his girl , as I think it's kinda inappropriate.. Besides.. sy malu leeee nak tanya2 benda mcm tu..
Uji keikhlasan..? Would you elaborate it for me please..?
kroit92 :
Hehehehe.. Thanx.. I will think about everything , in every perspective , very cook-cook.. |
sesusahjer :
Doomo.. doomo..
That's the real prob.. I get this mixed msg like kinda telling me "We can't be more than friend coz I have a girlfriend" and "I really like you , should we go out sometimes?" .. Ntah le.. bak kata sang garang , I'm afraid that I may be confused by my feelings and made myself consumed by it , and ignores the fact that probably he just playing "tarik tali" with me..
But , then again , the feeling itself is too strong to ignore.. I've try so hard to forget him , even I once dated someone just to get him out of my system .. The result..? Hmmm.. quite a disappointment.. I can't see others the way I see him.. Quite the irony , eh?
Yup.. that's true.. And that is why I am willing to give up my love for him to be with someone he deserved .. It just that.. it's hard to forget someone so wonderful like him.. |
well organize i guess...
i meant.. ur frend tu...
this is so obvious when a man...
who might complete himself as a "man"...
im not so surprise if u really get in to him so much...
but just don't let him play with it la...
as a guy... one thing la i tell u ye...
a guy.. they will try.. tho they had a gf...
once responded... they will keep try...
by that time.. depends... wut's his purpose...
just to play around... or being a good frends indeed...
lelaki ni... dia cpt give up once not responded...
bet me... i've been tru...
so they just remain as a frend...
once he need u... he just find u...
that's obvious isn't it...
my advice...
just prevent it as u can...
for ur own sake...
not let urself so fragile with it dear...
just open ur eyes... ur mind...
there's lot of life u can commit with...
tho relationship is part of it...
im sure u got wut i meant...
[ Last edited by sesusah jer at 30-9-2007 02:27 AM ] |
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don't get me wrong dear...
i didnt meant kwn u tu taking an advantage...
but i meant.. it's possible...
by hook.. or by crook...
u know him well....
im just saying it as a general stuff...
just get ur life...
back in reality...
take solat oftenly...
u'll get strong enuff...
btw.. slamat bposer jgk...;) |
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Reply #5 rifa0710's post
apa yang i maksudkan ngan keikhlasan ialah adakah dia betul2 love u or suka ...u must remember dia da ada yang "steady", how sure u r dia akan tinggalkan his GF for u, are u better than his GF, sanggupkah dia berkorban utk u ...ini semua soalan yg u perlukan jawapan sebelum u bleh na berterus terang ngan dia..secara mudah, u jgn tertipu ngan keadaan...takut u buat keputusan mengikut perasaan bukan akal...i tau u mmg loved him ..bagi yrself 6 months i give u tips how to test yr BF adakah dia benar2 ikhlas atau tak....only small test tapi efektif (its worked on me) utk uji samada dia lelaki yang u idam2kan atau dia cuma na per"main"kan u saja...caranya bila u dating ngan dia one day cuba bg syarat pd dia. U mention pd dia "whatever happen, pls dont touch me even masa i melintas jalan" u tell him that..u nmpk pekara ni remeh tp impaknya obvious....lelaki ada niat ta baik ta akan bleh bertahan. u tau apa fomula org lelaki jalang"kalau dia allow to sentuh dia, one day u bolih sentuh seluruh seluruh tubuh dia"...try it anyway, u hv nothing to lose, u will be respected and the most important u will get a real guy ...tp u must be strong jgn u lak yang start. ok and gd luck to U. and above all smbyg byk2 dan doa itu yg terbaik. dan istikarah utk keputusan. INSYALLAH u will live happy ever after. |
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i think this song lyrics can suite u `if u really loved someoned just let it go n when it comes back to u it`s really yours` because if he memang betol jodoh u dgn die memang tak kemana.. n better be jgn jadi orang yg ketiga menyebabkan satu relationship tu musnah .. |
x larat aku nak baca panjang n kronikel agaknye masalah ni...
apa pun masalah...banyakkan bersabar...masalah org dewasa xleh campor aku ni kecit lagi |
Originally posted by liawseng at 30-9-2007 10:57 AM
i think this song lyrics can suite u `if u really loved someoned just let it go n when it comes back to u it`s really yours` because if he memang betol jodoh u dgn die memang tak kemana.. n bet ...
I agree with this song lyrics and i believe with god wills. If he's stated to be yours, he will be yours. Doesn't matter he is belong to some1 else now. Im facing the same dilemma as you my dear friend, but i used to be the gf of this one guy n he still need me more than ever even he confessed to me he has sm1 else a few months ago. Until now we still OK n he can't let me go. Just byk2 sabar n let the time makes the lead. We will know the answer when the right moment come. |
fyieen :
Hehehehehe.. bdk2 kecik pon kena blaja gak sikit2 paham masalah org dewasa.. 4 ur own preparation .. Cheeewah!~
blurryfisz :
Thanx , dear.. well , I supposed we're in the same situation now , eh? Huhuhuhuhu.. Guess I'm not as alone as I thought.. Hm.. he can't let you go despite having someone else already..? That's .. ironic... I feel sorry for you my friend and hope you find someone better and love you as much ..
And as for me... hmmm.. though it's hard to forget him , but I'll try my very best to avoid any unnecessary circumstances . I'm glad that everyone's here supported me.. Thanx y'all..
gud luck to u rifa........best women win...remember that!! |
hidOp ni macam canon lawan nikOn... ada orang kata nikOn lagi power... ada orang kata canon lagi power... sebenarnya yang power tetap power ranger yang tetiap malam pau kedai blakang umah tok ketua kampong dia tongkat ali power root... ahahah...
apa da hal... tanak canon... tanak nikon... olympus pun ada apa... |
susah jadi orang dewasa ni yek...macam2 masalah ada... |
apa... ingat org dewasa ni tua sgt ke pe...?
kiter org ni semer cute2 pe... |
| |
Category: Cinta & Perhubungan