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affair of THE CHOSEN MAN
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"THE CHOSEN MAN" could be anybody out there and it depends on who the women justify him....
I called to share my life experienced for forumners to have an inside "real"happenings from
the man who eventually (unplanned) having an affair with married women(malay),his feelings,his believes,
his steps/action taken,his life routine during the affairs,sex activities and many more....
perhaps this little information could give some leads for those whose currently "having"an affair
and can put yourselves in which "category"are u in..........
I had put some event of my life experienced in "affair Wanita Melayu" in thread LP sometime ago ,in
more alike "general statement" for husband/boyfriend who loves their woman to better extra
care of their loves one's who could turn to " AEON FLUX" type if their woman being "betrayed".......
i also would like to stress here that never an intention of my intelectuall and genius mind to portray
with the self analysing confession of the matter as this event (extra marital affair)is happening
the story goes way back in 1989........ |
Reply #1 ganisara's post
What the heck are you talking about? Obviously English isn't your strong point. Why don't you use easier to understand words or something so that we can understand you better. |
ok ganisara, fire away.. perhaps this is something we can ponder into..  |
Reply #1 ganisara's post
ooo ko lagi.. nk wat onar kat sini plak ye ...:@ :@ :@ |
| pembuat onar ke?
lately ramai tul yg nak mengaku affair ye..hihi |
where has the thread openner gone to? |
Reply #8 mummyslove's post
maybe try to catch "AEON FLUX" in action..  |
bio lah dia latih english dia tuuuuuuu..practice makes perfect gitew
awal2 dah kutuk kang dia tak semangat nak blajo haaa..susah karang esp carik keje..dah ler mandarin tatau apa aaa tau bahse ibunda yakni bahse jawa, dan bm..susah laaa
assssik romen jek..romen pun kene ada makanan gak..nak makan keje keje halal..nak keje kene ada pengetahuan , kene tau bahasa so bior la dia blajorrrr |
Reply #7 mclaren's post
i have not started my story yet people questioning my "ENGLISH" ???
i wonder what other responses from narrow minded straight forward typical (self claimed sinfree forumners (not all,thankfully) would react with my story of 8 married details................................
anyway as this thread is for us to express our feelings freely in writing,i PRE FORGIVE THEM BEFOREHAND (even they only speak with their blackened heart)....
I met NH in 1989 and we got married a year later.... |
ok la gani, just shoot away... regardless of whatever language.. feel free to put it on cyber then.. for us to read..  |
Reply #12 ganisara's post
apasal tak 9?... kan senang buat lagu..
'sembilan isteri orang,,
satu kena __________
tinggal lagi lapan...
lapan isteri orang
satu kena __________
tinggal lagi tujuh...
bla bla bla  |
1989? aku masih remaja lagi...
gani, how old are u? |
Saya pernah baca kisah hidup Ganisara dalam thread yang lain yang ditulisnya. From what I gather, something happed to his marriage (his wife) that makes him what he is today.
Teringat kisah Sawyer dalam siri Lost. He became a con-man because his mom and dad was conned by Locke's father. He finally became the man that he hated.
I think it is best for Ganisara to tell his side of the story. |
Reply #17 Penulis's post
spoiler arr  |
Originally posted by 5w_1h at 26-11-2007 06:46 PM 
spoiler arr
Alamak spoiler ker...? Sorilah sebab I tak tahu episode tu dah tunjuk ke belum kat M'sia. Sori sori. Sekarang season berapa? |
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