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tahukah anda "Kitab Sejarah Melayu" telah wujud sblm Tun Sri Lanang?
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Rasa-rasanya tak ramai yang tau yg sebenar-benarnya kitab Sejarah Melayu atau Malay Annals(diterjemahkan omputih) telah dikarang sejak Zaman Kesultanan Melaka lagi. Bukannya dikarang oleh Tun Sri Lanang.
Nama asal bg Sejarah Melayu ialah Hikayat Melayu.
Ia telah dikarang ketika zaman itu.
Apabila Melaka jatuh ke tangan Portugis, sultan Melaka, Sultan Mahmud Syah telah pun membawa Hikayat Melayu bersamanya.
Kemudian satu hari, ketika di tapak baru kesultanan di Johor, Portugis telah serang tapak kerajaan yg baru(namanya aku dah lupa, sorry ekk) dan telah merampas Hikayat Melayu.
Portugis telah membawanya ke Goa. Tak pasti sama ada Goa di India atau di Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Kalau tak silap aku Orang Kaya mana tah yang merampasnya balik dari Portugis.
Catatan Sejarah ni aku baca dari buku teks Sejarah sekolah.
Nanti aku cuba check namanya. Ok.
p/s: dapatan daripada sumber sejarah yang benar dan sahih. harap maklum. |
tentang Tun Sri Lanang, sebenarnya beliau merupakan penyusun semula Sejarah Melayu(Hikayat Melayu). |
kalau tak silap aku, buku teks Sejarah ni ialah Sejarah Tingkatan 1 atau 2.
nanti aku check. |
Apsal aku x ingat semua ni?  |
Originally posted by nik2121 at 4-12-2007 08:35 PM 
Apsal aku x ingat semua ni?
pasal Sejarah makin Updated....
Masa aku dulu pun belum Updated.
Skrg Sejarah makin banyak penemuan terbaru. Jadi, Sejarah pun perlu dikemaskini.
Rasanya buku teks Sejarah ni yg aku bace tu, 3 atau 5 tahun lepas. |
sambung lagi....
Tun Sri Lanang telah diarahkan oleh Sultan Johor ketika itu untuk menyusun semula kitab berkenaan. |
Siapakah nama sebenar Tun Seri Lanang?  |
sambung di bawah.....
Di bawah ini ialah catatan dr buku teks Sejarah Tingkatan 1. :-
(di kanan muka surat, m/s 111, dalam ruang "Pencerna Minda")
Sejarah Melayu ditulis di Melaka dan dibawa bersama Sultan Mahmud Shah berundur dari Melaka pada tahun 1511.
Pada tahun 1528, naskhah asal ini dibawa ke Johor dari Kampar.
Portugis merampas naskhah Sejarah Melayu pada tahun 1536 semasa menyerang Johor Lama.
Naskhah ini dibawa balik ke Johor oleh Orang Kaya Suguh.
Pada tahun 1612, Tun Sri Lanang menyalin semula dan memperbaiki naskhah Sejarah Melayu.
Sejarah Melayu adalah sumber pensejarahan Melayu dan juga dokumen kebudayaan Melayu yang ulung.
P/S: Tentang nama asalnya sebenarnya aku terbaca dalam buku yang lain, tapi dah lupa nama buku tu. Jadi, aku tak dapat nak "confirm" nama asal Sejarah Melayu. Maaf. Walau apapun, seingat aku nama asalnya ialah Hikayat Melayu.
[ Last edited by my_3A at 5-12-2007 07:23 PM ] |
Reply #9 my_3A's post
Nasib baik kita berjaya dapatkan kembali kitab Sejarah Melayu. Kalau tidak tentu sejarah Semenanjung Tanah Melayu masih kabur hingga kini... Jahat orang Portugis nih :@ :@ :@ |
Tun Sri LanangBy M** Omar written on 2006-08-03
National Library Board Singapore
Comments on article: InfopediaTalk
Tun Seri Lanang is the pen-name of the author of Sejarah Melayu or the Malay Annals. He was a Bendahara (Prime Minister) to the Sultan of Johor at a time when the Johor sultanate was under attacked by the Portuguese and the Acehnese. His real name was Tun Muhammad while his official title, bestowed by the Sultan, was Bendahara Paduka Raja (Bendahara Paduka Raja III, Bendahara XIV, Johor).
Tun Seri Lanang was Bendahara (Prime Minister) to the Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah III, the descendants of the Malaccan sultans. The Bendahara lived at a time of upheavals. The Malaccan kingdom, which was the centre of the Malay world in the 15th century and the first decade of the 16th century, had fallen to Portuguese hands in 1511. With this defeat, the last Sultan of Malacca, Sultan Mahmud, fled Malacca together with family and supporters and took refuge in several places including Bintan. He died in Kampar in 1528 and was succeeded by his son who took on the title, Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah II. The new Sultan established the Johor Sultanate in 1528. The Johor Sultanate faced attacks by the Portuguese in Malacca and the Acehnese in Sumatra, and was on the run frequently.
Tun Seri Lanang was an aristocrat of the Johor Sultanate, born and bred within the istana (palace) grounds of the Johor Lama (Old Johor). During his lifetime, the Johor Sultanate was still under threat from its erstwhile enemies, causing the capital of the Johor court to shift from one place to another. When Sultan Iskandar Muda of Aceh destroyed Batu Sawar, Johor, in 1613, Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah III (b. 1597- d. 1615), the reigning Sultan of Johor, was captured and brought to Aceh together with his family and top officials including Bendahara Tun Seri Lanang. It was against this background that Tun Sri Lanang was commissioned to write a story, setting out the descent of Malay rajas, to laud the splendour, greatness and superiority of the Malaccan Sultanate. This work came to be known as Sejarah Melayu or the Malay Annals. It was seen as the Johor court's attempt to invoke past glories of a mythical golden age in the face of repeated invasions. According to Windstedt, Tun Seri Lanang wrote the Malay Annals during his imprisonment in Pasai (northeastern coast of Aceh), between February 1614 and January 1615.
Authorship of Sejarah Melayu
Apart from being a top advisor to the Sultan of Johor, Tun Seri Lanang was also a literary great. He is largely credited as the author of Sejarah Melayu or the Malay Annals. The Annals is tilted Sulalatus Salatin in Arabic, meaning geneology or descent of kings. It traces the line of the Malaccan kings, which included Sri Tri Buana who founded Singapore and his descendants who ruled Singapore for five generations. The last ruler of Singapore, Sultan Iskandar Shah, fled after being attacked by the Javanese and founded Malacca.
There have been claims that Tun Sri Lanang was not the author of Sejarah Melayu but had worked on previous writings, thus relegating his role to more of a compiler and editor. According to historians, the original text of Sejarah Melayu was written some time in the 15th or 16th century, probably in 1526, and modified by the Johor court in 1612, as commissioned by Raja Abdullah (the younger brother of Sultan Alauddin). Tun Seri Lanang wrote the Annals based on stories he heard which had been passed down from his forefathers. But his efforts in enhancing the Annals could not be surpassed; his intimate knowledge of the court due to his aristocratic and political background made the Annals a close representation of Malay court at that time.
Tun Sri Lanang's death
It was traditionally believed that Tun Sri Lanang died as a prisoner-of-war in Aceh, but new evidence states otherwise. Sultan Iskandar Muda who invaded Batu Sawar was said to have appointed Tun Seri Lanang as the Raja of Samalanga, Aceh. Under his reign, Samalanga became the centre of Islam in eastern Aceh. His tomb is said to be at Lancok, Samalanga, Bireuen, Aceh.
A document of Tun Sri Lanang's proclamation to the position of raja and a reply letter written by Tun Sri Lanang in gold ink forwarded to the King of England by Sultan Iskandar are claimed to be in a British Museum. Tun Seri Lanang's family was also given important positions in court. Some of his descendants returned to Johor and assumed positions in court and became part of present day Trengganu, Pahang and Johor sultanates' ancestry. |
sejarah ni bergantung pada bukti2 la..
kalo bukti2 baru dijumpai...sejarah tu akan dikemaskini
n one thing lagi sejarah tu bergantung pada pencerita...
cam dulu pejuang mat kilau,tok janggut semua tu dikira penjenayah or penyeleweng
tp sekarang diorang dikira sbg perwira
n its up to u to judge it
my_3A...ilmu baru tu ko kasi..time aku dulu blom ada lagi pasal ni...tq 4 sharing |
Originally posted by my_3A at 4-12-2007 08:21 PM 
kalau tak silap aku, buku teks Sejarah ni ialah Sejarah Tingkatan 1 atau 2.
nanti aku check.
boleh beli kat kedai buku sekolah je
tak payah cek sana cek sini |
sejarah mungkin brulang |
tau tau..  |
macam mana lah Tun Sri Lanang tu kemaskini Sejarah Melayu sedangkan dia pun tak hidup time Sejarah Melayu (Hikayat Melayu) itu ditulis????
Macamana dia nak kemaskinikan apa yg sebenarnya berlaku?
Lagi satu, kenapa Sejarah Melayu (yg dulunya dinamakan Hikayat Melayu) dikemaskinikan? apa tak cukup lg ker pengkisahan yang diceritakan dalam Hikayat Melayu sehingga ia perlu di update?
Naper kita tak gunakan saja Hikayat Melayu sebagai rujukan bukannya Sejarah melayu memandangkan Hikayat Melayu itu merupakan kitab asal?
Think....think...n think...  |
Reply #18 lamya_aymal's post
orang melayu zaman dah beralih ke kesultanan johor. jadi utk naikkan moral rakyat johor, hikayat ni supaya 'kemegahan' melaka zaman tu boleh diingat. mane tak nye, tak sampai satu generasi melaka dah jatuh |
Reply #19 dCrook's post
naper perlu Sejarah Melayu tu dikemaskini dan diperbaiki oleh Tun Sri Lanang? naper tak pkai jer naskhah yang lama (yg dikarang semasa zaman kesultanan melaka tu). Itu yang konpiusnyer 
[ Last edited by lamya_aymal at 17-7-2008 09:13 AM ] |
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