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Prince Court Medical Centre
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Aku tengah pikir2 nak bersalin kat Prince Court Medical Centre tuh... Tapi info kat website dorang jer tak mencukupi... ... amp;page=background
So, aku nak tau la pengalaman sesaper kat sini or kawan/ sedara sesaper kat sini bersalin kat Prince Court. Both bedah or natural birth experiences kalo boleh...
Gynae saper... Paed saper... Nurses okay tak...
So far, based on website... facilities macam best PLUS dorang provide single room jer... tuh yg aku nak beranak situ tuh... tapi takut plak, facility jer cantik servis macam hampeh...
Thanks  |
Reply #1 kikilalat's post
Prince Court Medical Centre memang mewah tahap maximum..
macam hotel 6 bintang.. |
tahniah kerana anda bakal menjadi ibu....
tentang hospital prince court tu....tu apa yang saya tahu masih baru ...segala kelengkapan pun baru....
rasanya bersalin kat mane2 pun sama je...bergantung pada gynae kalau dapat yg ok....semuanya berjalan lancar....
rasenye kalau nak kesana nak ambil gynae yang mane?
sekarang dah berapa bulan usia kandungan dan anak ke?
monthly check up kat mane?
cari nak gynae yang mane nanti saya komen kan......
kerja saya sememangnya link ngan hospital O&G |
Balas #4 alya_maisarah\ catat
wah... bagus lah if u boleh komen... komen sumer gynae dia boleh tak?... hehehe... am thinking between dr abdul aziz, dr paul tay, dr seri suniza or dr tan niap hong... kalau boleh nak gynae yg ader experience pasal high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia...
boleh komen about their NICU tak?
mainly nak bersalin sana sebab single room and heard the nurses best2... pasal gynae tolak tepi dulu...  |
Reply #5 kikilalat's post
Pasal gynae tuh nama dr abdul aziz ku pernah nampak kat damansara speacialist and seri suniza dulu kat HUKM... terpulanglah kalau nak dr lelaki yg Islam or dr wanita Islam...biasa dr perempuan garang tataulah cuma I penahlah call seri suniza nih garangnya mak aii.. |
Originally posted by kikilalat at 17-7-2008 03:13 PM 
wah... bagus lah if u boleh komen... komen sumer gynae dia boleh tak?... hehehe... am thinking between dr abdul aziz, dr paul tay, dr seri suniza or dr tan niap hong... kalau boleh nak gynae yg a ...
as a mother of 3, saya rasa soal gynea among yang paling penting...
masa bersalin macam2 unexpected boleh berlaku, time ni lah gynea tu kritikal. kalau dia panik, susah kita ooo
anak no 1 saya alhamdulillah okay2 aje proses bersalin walaupun lama. biasalah kan anak sulung.
anak no 2 kena vacuum sbb terbelit tali pusat dan tak boleh keluar on his own.
anak no 3 kena vacuum sbb besar. towards the end of the process heartbeat dia low. alhamdulillah selamat walaupun masuk NICU 2 hari. |
Reply #5 kikilalat's post
dokter2 yg kat sini sume experienced.. so sure berpengalaman pasal apa2 pregnancy related problem like pre eclampsia and all..
aku cume leh komen pasal dr aziz je.. dia charming gitu..  |
Reply #7 hazen's post
hohoho... betul kot theory gynae pompuan garang tuh... dr nora pun agak garang jugak... pernah dengan dia... kalut pun bley tahan gak .... sekarang check ups dgn dr hamid, relaks jer... bagus dr hamid nih....
tapi tu ler... both of them attached to pantai... kalo boleh nak beranak kat tempat best sket, alang2 kompeni sponsor nih...  |
Reply #8 ummimon's post
saper your gynae... and beranak kat mana? |
Reply #9 Delifrance's post
errr... charming tolak tepi... dr aziz nih very experienced macam dr hamid gak ker?
btw, thanks for info in yr PM  |
Originally posted by kikilalat at 21-7-2008 09:40 AM 
errr... charming tolak tepi... dr aziz nih very experienced macam dr hamid gak ker?
btw, thanks for info in yr PM
sume org ade plus minus points masing2... |
mcm dr sersuniza tu sesapa ade masalah uro-gynaecology, dia mmg teror ..
past presidents of O&G society:
1979 / 80 Dr S Dharmalingam
1980 / 81 Dr Johan Abdul Malek Thambu
1981 / 82 Dr Hamid Arshat
1982 / 83 Dr R S McCoy
1983 / 84 Dr A P Puraviappan
1984 / 85 Dr Wong Wai Ping
1985 / 86 Dr P Boopalan
1986 / 87 Dr Ong Hean Choon
1987 / 88 Dr Ong Sing Kwee
1988 / 89 Dr J S Sambhi
1989 / 90 Dato' Dr M Kanagalingam
1990 / 91 Prof V Sivanesaratnam
1991 / 92 Prof Nafisah Adeeb
1992 / 93 Dato' Dr N Subramaniam
1993 / 94 Dr Alex Mathews
1994 / 95 Dr Milton Lum
1995 / 96 Dr N Sivalingam
1996 / 97 Dr Lim Cheng Lim
1997 / 98 Dr Abd Aziz Yahya
1998 / 99 Prof S Raman
1999 / 2000 Dr S P Rachagan
2000 / 2001 Dr Sheik Johari Bux
2001 / 2002 Prof A Kulenthran
2002 / 2003 Dr Gunasegaran PT Rajan
2003 / 2004 Assoc Prof Jamiyah Hassan
2004 / 2005 Dr Mohd Hafetz Ahmad
2005 / 2006 Dr Ravi Chandran
2006 / 2007 Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Yahya
clients i (melayu) ramai juga yg suka dr ravi kat gleneagles tu..even my cousin pon pegi kat dia... |
Reply #14 Delifrance's post
hi... wow, u seem to know so much about gynae/ob gyn. yang make it to the presidents' list above kiranye memang best of the best ke? top of the class? |
Reply #14 Delifrance's post
hi... wow, u seem to know so much about gynae/ob gyn. yang make it to the presidents' list above kiranye memang best of the best ke? top of the class? |
Reply #15 gwenrocks's post
no lah.. just post it here in case it makes any difference to anybody..or just as good-to-know thingy..
heh... cheers!
if anybody want a very good doctor who is not so pricey - i would recommend my old gynae - dr sambhi (88-89).. best kecik je la kat medan tuanku  |
hmmm i see....thx!  |
Originally posted by kikilalat at 17-7-2008 03:13 PM 
wah... bagus lah if u boleh komen... komen sumer gynae dia boleh tak?... hehehe... am thinking between dr abdul aziz, dr paul tay, dr seri suniza or dr tan niap hong... kalau boleh nak gynae yg a ...
u are having preeclampsia? ke masa previous pregnancy?
i had it mase 1st pregnancy ... 2nd takde.... 3rd siap low bp memanjang asyik kuwa masuk sepital (duit kuwa je la, masuknye tak..dah la bayar hu..takpe la janji anak selamat, rezeki ade di mana2...) |
Reply #19 Delifrance's post
previous pregnancy...  |
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