
In 1958, as part of the dedication ceremony for a new elementary school, a group of students is asked to draw pictures to be stored in a time capsule. But one of the students, a mysterious girl who seems to hear whispered voices, fills her sheet of paper with rows of apparently random numbers instead.
Fast forward 50 years to the present: A new generation of students examines the contents of the time capsule and the girl's cryptic message ends up in the hands of young Caleb Myles. But it is Caleb's father, professor Ted Myles (Nicolas Cage), who makes the startling discovery that the encoded message predicts with pinpoint accuracy the dates, death tolls and coordinates of every major disaster of the past 50 years. As Ted further unravels the document's secrets, he realizes it foretells three additional events?the last of which hints at destruction on a global scale and seems to somehow involve Ted and his son.
When Ted's attempts to alert the authorities fall on deaf ears, he takes it upon himself to try to prevent more destruction from taking place.
This gripping supernatural thriller charts one man's faltering steps towards belief in the ultimate order of the universe even as he finds himself surrounded by mounting chaos. With the reluctant help of Diana Whelan (Rose Byrne) and Abby, the daughter and granddaughter of the now-deceased author of the cryptic prophecies, Ted's increasingly desperate efforts take him on a heart-pounding race against time until he finds himself facing the ultimate disaster?and the ultimate sacrifice. |
trailer mcm tak bape best. nicolas cage fhm2la kan...
aku lebih teruja nk tngok movie 2012. |

mmm... nicholas cage ni...tgk movie gak..kdg2 ok... sama cm actor lain.. |
Knowing (March 2009)
Synopsis -
John Koestler (Cage), a professor, finds that the contents of a time capsule
at his son's elementary school make predictions of the future that have come
true. The predictions lead the teacher to believe the world is ending, and
that he and his son are involved in the apocalypse.
Cast : -
Nicolas Cage
Rose Byrne
Director - Alex Proyas
tengok gazette dia semalam - ahh memang BEST la pulak.. cerita2 apocalypse ni saya memang
suka sangat... macam apocalypse now.. juga macam close encounters of the third kind (spielberg's
movie) -
anyway... nic cage ada.. tu yang plus tu.. sebab suka dengan lakonan nic cage - dan jalan cerita pasal
jumpa paper ada dates tu semua pun interesting aje -
tak silap main end of the month - tak pun april.. - mark this movie - |
Nicolas Cage ni... thn lepas Next, thn ni Knowing. Dua2 cite predict masa depan. |
Reply #2 adiannet's post
suka tengok muka dia...
macam baik2 sedih sedih sayu macam tu -
paling suka masa dia jadi jahat+baik dalam face/off dulu
dengan travolta - dua2 best - |
tak sabar nak tengok la citer ni.. mcm best jer... |
ye ye tgk smlm gazet dia.. mcm ok... bile kuar cite ni? ujung bulan ni ker? |
suka gak citer cmni. tp tak minat betol nicolas cage. turn off. :kant: |
turn off ker tgk nicolas cage tu? kekeke |
Balas #10 karambunai\ catat
Balas #13 laislabonita\ catat
thanx ya.... owh sabo dah nk tgk |
Aku takut nanti jadi mcm bangkok dangerous.. rugi tul |
nak tgk ni..... aku ni suka gak la ngan Nic cage.. depend ngan fllm nyer la kan....dlm National Treasures, Con-air, Face/Off, mmg aku minat kat dier.... hehheh... n surprisingly filem Family Man buat aku nangis.... haahahaha... so bagi aku Nic ni quite versatile... boleh jd action hero n jugak character actor....
so hopefully this movie wont dissapoint.... cuz the trailer looks good.....
daa tgk smlm..preview screening kt GSC...q punya la panjang nk redeem ticket huhu...
aku bg 3.5 star...ok dr "Next" yg anti climax & "ghost rider" yg indah khabar dr ghupa...wondering cter nih under 18 PA, PG ke apa lg klasifikasi FINAS..sbb agak ngeri & ala2 tahyol skit huhuhu |
nk tgk mlm ni kot. kat pavillion. jumpe di sanaa |
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