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The Pink Panther 2 - 5 February 2009
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The Pink Panther 2
[ Last edited by ahmad_dhani91 at 5-2-2009 06:41 AM ] |
Directed by Harald Zwart
Produced by Robert Simonds
Executive Producer:
Shawn Levy
Ira Shuman
Written by Story:
Scott Neustadter
Michael H. Weber
Scott Neustadter
Michael H. Weber
Steve Martin
Maurice Richlin
Blake Edwards
Starring Steve Martin
Jean Reno
Alfred Molina
Emily Mortimer
Aishwarya Rai
and Andy Garc韆
Yuki Matsuzaki
Johnny Halliday
Molly Sims
with Lily Tomlin
and John Cleese
Music by Christophe Beck
Theme by:
Henry Mancini
Cinematography Denis Crossan
Editing by Julia Wong
Distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Columbia Pictures
Release date(s) February 6, 2009
Running time 92 minutes
Country USA
Language English
Preceded by The Pink Panther (2006)
[ Last edited by ahmad_dhani91 at 5-2-2009 06:41 AM ] |
Plot synopsis
Clouseau is sent away from France on holiday by Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus, only to have the vacation turn out to be an elaborate ploy to make him leave. When he leaves France the Pink Panther diamond and several other artifacts are stolen (once again). Along with a team including Inspector Pepperidge (Great Britain), Vincenzo (a wealthy businessman from Italy), Kenji (an electronics specialist from Japan), and Sonia (a researcher and criminology expert from India), Clouseau has to solve the case of the Pink Panther diamond, identify the robber known only as "the Tornado", and solve the theft of the Magna Carta and other of the world's most valuable
[ Last edited by ahmad_dhani91 at 5-2-2009 06:41 AM ] |
dah tgk tadi..
hehe, spt dijangka, mmg funny la.. sinis betul lawak Closure (apa nama ntah) tu..
nak tergelak2 aku tgk die terberlari atas bebola.. n time kedai makan sama terbakar 2 kali..  |
Balas #4 ahmad_dhani91\ catat
pink xde la.. merah ok..?
aku igt nak kaler purple.. |
Sapa yg dah tgk?...mcm mana?...byk tak scene Aishwarya Rai? and how bout d-storyline?...entertaining?

haha da tgk wat lgu lak tu..hikhik |
nak nengok citer Pink Panther 2 ni pasal ada Aishu....sure lawa kan?? |
tgk dah tadi..kelakor ler..tapi still takleh lawan yang first punya..ashu cun cam biasa..byk le scene dia..tgk jgn tak tgk..tapi no spoiler yer.. |
| cte ni..lawak.. |
baru tengok tadi kat Mines...Not badla, quite funny..... |
x best sgtla.
watak dreyfus dh gnti dgn john cleese.
john cleese ok, tp lebih suka kevin kline dlu.
6/10. |
aku suke sgt...
gelak xhengat...
recommended.. |
Reply #16 minah_ronggeng's post
Reply #17 ahmad_dhani91's post
letak smiley kasik panjang sket...
huahuahua.... |
penampilan paling hodoh Aishwarya Rai dalam filem stakat nie |
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