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1st National Rabbit Show 2009
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1st National Rabbit Show 2009
Main Sponsor:
Beh & Yo Rabbitry
Judge : Christina Topf (CA)
Venue : Mid Valley Kuala Lumpur
Time Schedule:
Saturday (4/7/2009)
10am ~ 12.30pm: Registration
1pm ~ 4pm: Judging
5pm: Prize Presentation Ceremony
Show Categories:
A) Holland lop (Total 4 categories)
Broken Color - Buck
- Doe
Solid Color - Buck
- Doe
B) Netherland Dwarf (Total 4 categories)
Junior - Buck
- Doe
Senior - Buck
- Doe
C) Dwarf Hotot (Total 2 categories)
- Buck
- Doe
Placing: 1st to 5th
1st: 1 Trophy + 1 Cert + 1 Ribbon + RM200 Cash Voucher
2nd: 1 Trophy + 1 Cert + 1 Ribbon + RM100 Cash Voucher
3rd: 1 Trophy + 1 Cert + 1 Ribbon + RM50 Cash Voucher
4th: 1 Cert + 1 Ribbon + RM30 Cash Voucher
5th: 1 Cert + 1 Ribbon + RM30 Cash Voucher
Best in Breed: 1 Trophy + 1 Cert + 1 Ribbon + RM300 Cash Voucher
Best in Show: 1 Trophy + 1 Cert + 1 Ribbon + RM400 Cash Voucher
1) Pre-registration is accepted by using mail and email.
2) Register the rabbit at the counter before the show. (Rabbit name, owner detail)
3) All participants/owners only can enter the show area with tag.
4) A grooming area will be provided. No grooming allowed in show area.
5) The owner needs to prepare their own cage (standard 2feet length) to place on the show table.
6) All the rabbits need to be placed on table; Judges will judge the rabbit one by one.
7) All owners are not allowed to enter the show table area during the judging process.
8) The judge will record all the points then send to recording people to keep the records.
9) The best 5 rabbits for each category will be judge again for the final round.
10) All champions in each category will be judge again for the 揫color=red]Best in Breed?
11) The all 3 揃est in Breed?will be judged again for 揫color=blue]Best in Show?
12) The final result will be announced during the prize presentation.
Fancy Group
- Bunny with costume
Placing: 1st to 10th
1st: 1 Trophy + 1 Cert + RM200 Cash Voucher
2nd: 1 Trophy + 1 Cert + RM150 Cash Voucher
3rd: 1 Trophy + 1 Cert + RM100 Cash Voucher
4th: 1 Cert + RM80 Cash Voucher
5th: 1 Cert + RM50 Cash Voucher
6th ?10th: 1 Cert + RM30 Cash Voucher
1) Preregistration is accepted by using mail and email.
2) Register the rabbit at the counter before the show. (Rabbit name, owner detail)
3) All participants will get a number.
4) The participants will prepare the rabbit then show on the show table.
5) 3 to 5 judges will be giving points.
* Participant fees: RM20 for the first rabbit / entry. RM10 for the subsequent rabbit / entry (Unlimited entry)
* Each entry will get RM4 voucher and merchandise.
Show Standard
Holland Lop (4 categories)
a)Broken Pattern (Buck, Doe)
b)Solid Pattern (Buck. Doe)
Schedule Of Points
Head - 24
Ears - 10
Crown - 8
Body - 32
Bone, Feet, Legs - 10
Fur - 7
Color & Markings -4
Condition - 5
Total - 100
Showroom Classes & Weights:
Bucks and Does ?not over 4 pounds
The Holland Lop's head is round from the base of the ears and is slightly flattened between the eyes and the muzzle, then rounded from the muzzle to the neck. The head has a massive appearance and set high and close to the shoulders.
The ears lop vertically on both sides of the head and hang close to the cheeks with the ear openings turned towards the head. The ears should be well furred, wide and well-rounded at the tips.
The crown should be a strongly defined ridge consisting of both cartilage and prominent, dense fur which appears to sit on top of the head and add to its massive appearance.
The body is generally short, massive and thick set. The shoulders and chest are broad and well filled. A Holland Lop is heavily muscled, short-coupled, compact and well balanced in length, width and depth.
Bone, Feet, & Legs:
The legs are to be short, thick, straight, and heavily boned for the size of the animal.
The fur of a Holland Lop is glossy, dense, finely textured and uniform in length. The fur is to be approximately 1 inch in length and is to gradually roll back into normal position when it is stroked from the hindquarters to the shoulders.
Disqualifications from Competition:
Broken Pattern:
- The complete absence of nose markings. The complete absence of color on one or both ears. The complete absence of color around one or both eyes.
Solid Patter:
- Foreign colored spots.
Netherland Dwarf (Total 4 categories)
a)Junior (Buck, Doe)
b)Senior (Buck, Doe)
Schedule Of Points
Head - 15
Ears - 15
Eyes - 5
Body - 35
Fur - 10
Color - 15
Condition - 5
Total - 100
Showroom Classes & Weights:
Senior Bucks and Does ?6 months of age and over, not over 2.5 pounds. Ideal weight 2 pounds.
Junior Bucks and Does ?Under 6 months of age, not over 2 pounds. Minimum weight 1 pounds. (Junior which exceeds maximum weight limits may be shown in higher age classifications.)
The head is generally large and rounded in shape when viewed from all angles, and set high.
The ears are short and well set on top of the head. The ears are erect and well furred. Ideally, the ears should be 2 inches long or less than 2 inches.
Eyes should be round, bold and bright.
The body is short and compact. The shoulders are to be deep and broad, with the shoulders being the same width as the hindquarters.
The fur is soft, dense and prime, with lots of life and glossiness
The tail shall be well carried, straight and well furred.
Disqualifications from Competition:
1) Dewlap.
2) Disqualify animals with ears over 2.5 inches in length.
3) Over 2 pounds in junior and 2.5 pounds in senior.
Dwarf Hotot (Total 2 categories)
Schedule Of Points
Head - 15
Ears - 15
Body - 35
Fur - 10
Color - 5
Markings - 15
Condition - 5
Total - 100
Showroom Classes & Weights:
Bucks and Does: Not over 3 pounds. Ideal weight 2.5 pounds.
The head of a Dwarf Hotot is bold with a good width between the eyes. Its muzzle should be well filled and round in all directions, and the head attached to the body with no visible neck.
The ears of a Dwarf Hotot are short and well furred, and slightly rounded at the tips. The ears are erect and well set.
The body of a Dwarf Hotot should be short, compact and well rounded. It should be uniformly wide from shoulder to hips, with well rounded hindquarters. The topline should have a very slight, gradual curve from the ear base to the highest point over the hips, and then fall in a smooth curve to the base of the tail.
The fur is soft, dense, find and of good luster.
Pure White except around the eyebands
Color is to be a rich black, as dark as possible.
Eyeband shall consist of a narrow, well defined band of colored fur, forming a complete outline of the eye.
1) Presence of a dewlap.
2) Ears over 2.75 inches in length.
3) Toenails any color other than white or flesh.
4) Any spots of color in areas normally without pigmentation. Spots or marbling in eyes.
5) Eyebands incomplete and with heavy feathering.
[ Last edited by beh_yo_rabbitry at 28-5-2009 17:12 ] |
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geramnya tgk meke ni...bestnya lau dpt join... |
You boleh join, asalkan kamu ada rabbit. You boleh masuk categori pertandingan rabbit pakai costume atau baju!! |
... soooo cuteeeee |
joinlah kami, jumpa semua pada hari itu.. |
4 july ek?? kene amek cuti ni... |
Reply #8 kaki_ayam's post
Balas #8 kaki_ayam\ catat
Plan your leave |
Balas #9 QAX\ catat
kalau semua org cuti ari sabtu...
aku xdpt nak bayangkan la mcm mana donia ni... |
Balas #10 beh_yo_rabbitry\ catat
ok...insyaallah..kene booking cuti dari skang la... |
This show is once a year and this is the very "first" one!!!!
Datang Jangan Tak Datang!!!! |
Balas #12 kaki_ayam\ catat
Good, sure can get the leave!! |
Reply #13 beh_yo_rabbitry's post
beh... takde jual memurah ke arnab cantik...? half price ke... free ke?.. buy 1 free 1 ke...? |
Balas #15 QAX\ catat
Got promotion Rabbit on that day!!! Let me think the detail. Not confirm what to free. |
alaaa... bulu ciko dah gugur... tak boleh masuk rebit show la bulu dah tak cantik...
Balas #17 loversickgirl\ catat
now he is molting, the new fur coming up |
Balas #18 beh_yo_rabbitry\ catat
ooo really? ingatkan ciko akan jadi botak |
Balas #19 loversickgirl\ catat
mcm org ek...makin lama...makin masalah diri |
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