
A disk containing the memoirs of a CIA agent ends up in the hands of two unscrupulous gym employees...
George Clooney as Harry Pfarrer
Frances McDormand as Linda Litzke
John Malkovich as Osborne Cox
Tilda Swinton as Katie Cox
Brad Pitt as Chad Feldheimer
Richard Jenkins as Ted Treffon
panjang lagi plot citer nih.... . tapi nanti spoiler ler pulak.... yg pasti aku nak tengok movi nih sbb aku minat george clooney.... best tengok george masa syriana.... pastu ada lak john malkovich ... MOSTI citer ni gempaq mate!!! |
i enjoyed this movie.i give 3.5/5.
brad pitt kelakar dalam ni. |
"i got his number, i got his number" |
movie n kna banned kat mlaysia |
Coen brothers strike again

Clooney and McDormand. |
Directed by Joel and Ethan Coen
Starring George Clooney, Frances McDormand, Brad Pitt, John Malkovich, Tilda Swinton, Richard Jenkins
 | Pitt and McDormand make a shocking find. | FOR many people, the Coen brothers are an acquired taste. Their movies, like Fargo (1996), Intolerable Cruelty (2004), Paris Je t抋ime (2007) and No Country For Old Men (2008), are unusual, to say the least, as they defy and transcend genres.
Many are structured like jigsaw puzzles that viewers have to fit together to form the big picture.
Movie critics love their film noir style and now more and more cinemagoers are looking out for their movies, especially after Joel and Ethan Coen won the Oscar for directing No Country For Old Men.
Burn After Reading was nominated for some Golden Globes and Bafta awards but came out empty-handed.
That is not surprising considering that it plays like an Inside Hollywood joke for the Coens |
tengok midnite semalam cerita ni....
ishhhh depa make up brad pitt nampak muda betul
sama macam masa dia kat benjamin case - yang lepas
dia tinggalkan daisy - macam umur dalam late 20s early 30s..
a good make up though...
tapi.. gosh brad so good in this movie ni
kelakar tengok dia dengar mp3 kat dalam kereta tu
good acting on his part.. -
film ni.. interesting tangled dia --
semua ada kena mengena.. tapi tak ada concrete langsung..
macam yang ketua cia tu kata at the end -
what actually we learn from this --
nothing actually - sebab what happened is 'nothing'
anyway.. entertaining juga film ni -
tak ada lah best sangat.. -
dari segi lakonan.. frances as linda -- interesting character -
george clooney - not so bad... acting dia okay aje -
nothing extravaganza
malkovich best.. dia ni bawa watak apa saje.. memang berkesan -
rating 3/5 |
Originally posted by flyzpiz at 19-2-2009 11:06 AM 
movie n kna banned kat mlaysia
ye ke, meh copy ngan aku...  |
dah request utk d dlod...
2-3 hri lg bleh la tgok  |
kelakar citer ni. 7/10.
kesian kat watak2 yg tak pasal2 terlibat dgn mnde2 bodoh n masalah orglain cmtu. |
aku dah tengok sorang2 kat wayang kelmarin. honestly aku tak dapat berapa tangkap sangat movie ni. berbelit2 sikit. dah la aku masuk lambat. rasa cam nak tengok lagi la. yang aku hangin kenapa la diorang suka sangat censor F words. john malkovich ni kalau dia sebut F word ni ada magic dia macam Samuel Jackson juga. dia potong2 tu buat sakit ati la, apsal dia tak censor bunyi je. |
ya ampun.....serius taktau kat mana bestnya cita ni dari awal ke akhir sangat berterabur
kata comedy thriller..taktau kat mana comedy..taktau kat mana thriller..
yang aku tau...aku main games kat hndphone half of the time...the other half...aku keluar sebelum tamat movie.
tak penah aku tonton filem sebodo dan serubbish ini..
my rate: -1 out of 10 stars |
me cuma tak snagka yg brad pitt mati dlm cita ni...
terkejut gue. |
Aku dah lama download citer ni, n penah sekali tengok, tapi xsampai setengah jam aku stop, sbb aku xphm jln citer dia mcmane. |
Originally posted by puteri7 at 23-2-2009 09:50 AM 
ya ampun.....serius taktau kat mana bestnya cita ni dari awal ke akhir sangat berterabur
kata comedy thriller..taktau kat mana comedy..taktau kat mana thriller..
yang aku tau...aku main games k ...
waa komen ko cam enngok criter prof razak... |
Citer yang best jugakla... Brat pitt nampak muda... yang tak bestnya di mati pulak dalam filem nie... |
baru tadi tengok. bongok je cite ni.
tapi best la.
agak berterabur, tapi enjoyable pada penggemar fiksyen (crime fiction).
aku vote 3.5 dari 5.  |
citer ni best.... jalan citer aku rasa unik... kelakar.
tgk wayang kt msia, ada subtitle pun x paham ke? sian......... atau sbb byk potong??
aku tgk kt uk, lama dah.... mmg enjoy lah. terkejut gak bila tetiba brad pitt mati... oopsss spoiler ker? |
yes......esok nak tgk... |
| |