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the owner of " The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf"
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bagi penggemar coffee,dan slalu pg ke coffee bean for ice lah dia pemiliknyer...
Singapore's 40 Richest#29 Victor SassoonAge 50
Net Worth $195 million
Married, 5 children
Runs privately held The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf with brother, Sunny. In 1998 purchased the 30-outlet chain from American owners. Now has more than 600 locations. Profit margin down, but net worth up slightly, when converted to U.S. dollars.

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i love coffe bean  |
hebat..mcm mana ek org mcm ni berani ambik risiko buat business sampai generate million dollars into thier account? |
ape yg aku tau,si Victor ni lahir dlm kluarga kaya-raya..bapa dia dlu importer jam mewah based in after bapa dia mati,so dia yg handle biz bapa dia. b4 beli this compny,dia lah yg bwk smua artis international msk sigapore utk buat show....time gawat in 1990s,dia surrender this biz,and buat biz ni slps menerima advice dr besfren Paula Abdul |
Balas #4 asmahsaid\ catat
hebat...9 dari 10 rezeki dtg dr meniaga...nk niaga yg leh maju pon x tau per...huhu |
starbuck lg best |
Reply #1 asmahsaid's post
owh..dia nih owner nya.. jarang pegi coffee bean.. selalu pegi starbuck.. |
Yip lak cuba nak kurangkan ke either ke Starbuck ke atau Coffee Beans, x menjana pembangun ummah pon sebaliknya makin walaupon agak payah nak cuba memboikot produk Jew ni, insyaallah akan dicuba gak untuk mempunyai pilihan lain  |
Reply #6 gelupur's post
in terms of quality..go for coffee bean
tapi ai slalu minum buble tea jek dari minum kt coffee bean |
pegi coffeebean pon sbb kwn2 lepak sana sambil belanja mkn n minum..  |
tak gemar "The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf atau " atau "Starbucks"...
prefer "San Francisco Coffee"... produk malaysia lagi... |
baik la aku tegok sirap limau ais
cb or sb ni mahal gilerrr (bagi aku yg kemut duit ni la)  |
adakah dia ini owner of spinelli?" |
Balas #13 asamfish\ catat
tu menege nyusahkan diri..haha |
Balas #14 nestame\ catat
bukan... |
Balas #2 Ascii\ catat
yg nenek aku buat lg sedap |
neslo lagi sodappp.... |
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