Fiqa nak tye ckit boleh?
fiqa gune SE w910...
SensMe TM 2 mende?
boleh tolong huraikn x?
TQ |
1# fiqa_sofia
Aku cedok...
What is SensMeTM and how can I use it?
With SensMe TMyou can discover music by mood. The phone knows the mood of each songwithout you entering information such as slow, fast, major, minor,acoustic, electric etc.
How to use SensMeTM
From standby go to “Menu” > Media.
Scroll to Music > SensMeTM and select “Open”.
Use the Navigation key to preview different tracks.
Select “Add” to choose an area of tracks.
Select “Create” to view the playlist in the Walkman® player.
tpkan biler saya open SensMe TM 2 die kate ' NO MOOD SONG FOUND. PLEASE USE PC SOFTWARE TO TRANSFER SONGS'
xpaham...kne ade software ke? |
Ni untuk model SE W je ke, ke brand lain pon ada..  |
3# fiqa_sofia
kena install Sony Ericsson Media Manager software kt PC
rasanya CD Sony Ericsson Media Manager software ni pakej sekali masa beli hp tu |
ade2..so boleh aemk kt cd 2jela eh..eh |
Ni untuk model SE W je ke, ke brand lain pon ada.. 
princebrunei Post at 12-8-2009 10:40 
ade jugez.... |
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