The filmmaking trio behind the hit sci-fi sequel Terminator 3: Rise ofthe Machines re-team to explore a future in which humans live inisolation while only communicating with their fellow man through robotsthat serve as social surrogates and are better-looking versions oftheir human counterparts.
Bruce Willis stars as an FBI agent whoenlists the aid of his own surrogate to investigate the murder of thegenius college student who invented the surrogates. As the case growsmore complicated, however, the withdrawn detective discovers that inorder to actually catch the killer he will have to venture outside thesafety of his own home for the first time in many years, and enliststhe aid of another agent (Radha Mitchell) in tracking his target down.Jonathan Mostow directs co-screenwriters Michael Ferris and JohnBrancato's adaptation of the graphic novel by author Robert Vendittiand illustrator Brett Weldele.
In the near future,humans live in isolation and only interact through robotic bodies thatserve as surrogates. When several humans are murdered when theirsurrogates are destroyed, a cop (Bruce Willis) investigates the crimesthrough his own surrogate.
After a near fatal encounter, the cop'ssurrogate is destroyed and forces him to bring his human form out ofisolation and unravel a conspiracy behind the crimes.
Nice movie to watch. cite yang xpeningkan kepala bagi aku. dah release kat msia. smlm tgk. bruce nampak tua dalam ni. tp jalan cite senang nak predict. |
nak tngok mlm ni.
aku suka citer sci-fi.
even reviews tak baper bagus, tp most citer sci-fi mmg byk kne kritik pun. tp byk yg bila aku tengok takdela teruk mana pun. |
biasa saja citer ni,....tak best mana pun.... |
dah tengok semalam.  |
Spolier skit.. skit jer... |
dah tgk cite ni..ok ok je lor.. pelakon dia semua model ke?? good looking and cntik jeee.. ekekekeek.. yang patung2 tu la  |
dah tgk cite ni..ok ok je lor.. pelakon dia semua model ke?? good looking and cntik jeee.. ekekekeek.. yang patung2 tu la 
maksimrvica Post at 9-10-2009 10:09 PM 
yup model2. muka model kan ala ala patung. sesuai ler.. tp enjoy je cite macam ni |
yup...pelakon wanitanya model kot...cam kaku dan kayu je.... |
yup...pelakon wanitanya model kot...cam kaku dan kayu je....
mat_arof Post at 11-10-2009 07:33 AM 
tah aku tgk mmg semua kaku sebab dah masing2 robot. kui kui |
cam best la..... yg ramai2 kena kejutan tu robot kan? hehehe... xtengok lagi... |
ie..nyesal aku tgk...tak best langsung! |
Post Last Edit by RikaHasriana at 12-10-2009 20:10
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bruce willis dalam citer kurang sikit la....tak leh lawan die hard.... |
bruce willis dalam citer kurang sikit la....tak leh lawan die hard.... |
woahhh..betul ke tak baper best nieh...rasa mcm nak tunggu dvd je...oppss pirate lagi |
Dah tgk dah last week, tak best la....yg aku tahu, xpression kita org yg tgk..."HUH..dah habis dah?.."..huhuhu
dh tgk citer ni..kira ok la..leh layan...tgk muka berus willis muda..kekeke..memang ketara cgi..tak macam bratpit dlm citer benjamin button... |
bile dah bacer reviu ni sah aku xjadi tgk..donlod pun malas.. |
baru pas tgk movie ni smlm..
keseluruhanya best n tip top..memang hebak la org amerika leh ada idea nk wat citer2 mcm ni..aku caye satu hari nnti mesti ada jugak surrogates kat dunia ni..
and citer ni yg bestnya sbb ada kebaikan n keburukan surrogates tu..so kalo sape2 yg nk wat surrogates tu sila pikirkan yg buruk dulu ye..
tapi yg xbest nya..bila pikir balik keseluruhan citer ni..apa yg diorg nk cuba smpaikan sbnrnya?
aku tgk dh mcm citer CSI je..bila dh jumpa the real killer..the end
mcm xde motiff sgt2.. |
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