A personal aide to U.S. Ambassador in France, James Reece (JonathanRhys Meyers) has an enviable life in Paris and a beautiful Frenchgirlfriend, but his real passion is his side job as a low-leveloperative for the CIA. All James wants is to become a bona fide agentand see some real action. So when he's offered his first senior-levelassignment, he can't believe his good luck until he meets his newpartner, special agent Charlie Wax (JohnTravolta) - a trigger-happy, wisecracking, loose cannon who's been sentto Paris to stop a terrorist attack. Wax leads James on a white-knuckleshooting spree through the Parisian underworld that has James prayingfor his desk job. But when James discovers he's a target of the samecrime ring they're trying to bust, he realizes there's no turningback...and that Wax himself might be his only hope for making itthrough the next forty-eight hours alive.
baru sebentar td aku baru abis layan movie ni...
rate 8/10..
any komen ?? atau kat sana, movie ni kena banned??
cuma, masa diawal2 tu, intro lagu dlm french language... aku mcm familiar jer lagu tuh.. bila dah 2nd verse, baru prasan, mcm lagu getaran jiwa ,P.ramlee |
best tak? tengok tak semua wayang ada, sesetengah panggung je. |
cita ni best
aku sukaaaaaaaa bangetttttttt |
best tak? tengok tak semua wayang ada, sesetengah panggung je.
gay_boyz Post at 28-2-2010 01:29 
memang best.....
tp as usual, hero tak mati le.. |
aku suka sgt.. sbb citer2 Luc Besson mmg best.. |
lum tgk citer ni lg...nnt nak tgk.. |
satg nak p tgk... |
ada baca ulasan dlm the sun, bg rating utk keseluruhan lakonan lakonan "6" tp untuk john travolta ,"7".... |
da tgk tadi...
rumusan yang aku bleh buat..."apsal aku tgk cite ni??"
malas nak komen... |
da tgk tadi...
rumusan yang aku bleh buat..."apsal aku tgk cite ni??"
malas nak komen...
ama17 Post at 2-3-2010 01:18 
dah pemikiran org barat mcm tu..
klu kita fikir secara rasional... terrorist yg ada tu pun, mereka bukan nya islam sebenar..
kalau nak tau terrorist sebenar, kena la tengok My Name Is Khan.. |
aku dh tgk dah citer ni...jalan citer ok la..action bnyk...tp sekejap sgt 1jam 30 minit je..
overall ok la..aku bg 3.5/5  |
ala..baru nk tgk citer ni..
nnti da tgk baru leh komen..huhuhu |
cerita ni memang best....4/5 lor.... |
lebey kurang Taken yg tak best tu ka? |
tak suka lgsg..nyesal tgk..nak mempelekehkan umat islam..dia buat secara halus..asai pengganas ja nak islam jugak. |
bg aku 6/10 jer...action  |
citer nih boring....
boleh x?
sebabnye predictable
and kaitkan islam ngan pengganas (walaupun x terang2 ckp Islam tu ganas tp dier kaitkan ngan pakistan) |
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