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Pedang Allah: Khalid Al-Waleed, Kehidupan & Kempen2nya

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Post time 25-3-2010 06:55 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Biografi panglima tentera Islam terulung, Panglima Tentera Khulafak ur-Rasyiddun, Khalid Al-Waleed, Saifullah (Pedang Allah):

Ditulis oleh Allahyarham Leftenan Jeneral AI Akram (Angkatan Tentera Pakistan) & diterbitkan pd 1969 / 1970, ia merupakan biografi serta jurnal peperangan yang disertai Pedang Allah Khalid dari perang Uhud hinggalah ke kempen menentang Kisra Parsi & Kaisar Rum Baizentin.

Karya ini teramat popular sehinggakan berulangkali dicetak dlm bahasa Arab.Saya galakkan saudara2 mendapatkan versi terjemahan bahasa Melayu yg diterbitkan dlm bentuk 'hard-cover' oleh syarikat Jahabersa yg blh didapati di mana2 kedai buku atau juga kedai mamakIa turut blh dibeli secara online di:

Semoga para bakal perwira negara yang mimpikan syahid & mendapat inspirasi dari panglima besar Islam ini!

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 06:57 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by robotech at 25-3-2010 20:55

file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/User/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.pngfile:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/User/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.pngVersi asal online (original English version) boleh didapati & dibaca (serta dimuatturun) sepenuhnya di sini:

Versi asal dalam bahasa Inggeris:


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 Author| Post time 25-3-2010 06:58 PM | Show all posts
Petikan drp karya di atas dlm bahasa Inggeris;

In Emessa, to the right of the Hama Road, stretches a large, well-tended garden which has lawns studded with ornamental trees and flower beds and is traversed by footpaths. At the top end of the garden stands the Mosque of Khalid bin Al Waleed. It is an imposing mosque, with two tall minarets rising from its north-western and north-eastern corners. The inside of the mosque is spacious, about 50 yards square, its floor covered with carpets and the ceiling upheld by four massive columns. Each of the four corners of the ceiling is formed as a dome, but the highest dome is in the centre, at a considerable height, and from this dome several chandeliers are suspended by long metal chains. In the north-west corner of the mosque stands Khalid's shrine-the last resting place of Abu Sulaiman.

The visitor walks up the garden, crosses the courtyard of the mosque, takes off his shoes and enters the portals. As he enters, he sees to his right the shrine of Khalid. The actual grave is enveloped by an attractive domed marble structure which gives the impression of a little mosque within the larger one. The visitor, if so inclined, says a prayer and then loses himself in contemplation of the only man who ever carried the title of the Sword of Allah.

And if the visitor knows something about Khalid and his military achievements, he lets his imagination wander and pictures of an attack by Khalid flicker through his mind. He sees a long, dark line of horsemen emerge from behind a rise in the ground and charge galloping at a body of Roman troops. The cloaks of the warriors fly behind them and the hooves of their horses pound the earth pitilessly. Some carry lances; others brandish swords; and the Romans standing in the path of the charge tremble at the sight of the oncoming terror, for they are standing in the way of the Mobile Guard, whom none may resist and survive to tell the tale. The line of charging horsemen is not straight, for it is impossible to keep it straight at such a mad, reckless pace. Every man strives to get ahead of his comrades and be the first to clash with the infidel; strives to get ahead of all but the Leader, for no one may, or possibly could, overtake the Leader.

The Leader gallops ahead of the Muslims. A large, broad-shouldered, powerfully-built man, he is mounted on a magnificent Arab stallion and rides it as if he were part of the horse. The loose end of his turban and his cloak flutter behind him and his large, full beard is pressed against his chest by the wind. His fierce eyes shine with excitement-with the promise of battle and blood and glory- the glory of victory or martyrdom. His coat of mail and the iron tip of his long lance glint in the clear sunlight, and the earth trembles under the thundering hooves of his fiery charger. Perhaps beside him rides a slim young warrior, naked above the waist.

The visitor sees all this with the eyes of his mind. And with the ears of his mind he hears, just before the Mobile Guard hurls itself at the Romans in a shattering clash of steel and sinew, the roar of Allah-o-Akbar as it issues from the throats of the Faithful and rends the air. And rising out of this roar, he hears the piercing cry of the Leader:

"I am the noble warrior;
I am the Sword of Allah
Khalid bin Al Waleed!'

Allah hu Akbar! Allah hu Akbar! Allah hu Akbar!

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Post time 28-3-2010 07:11 PM | Show all posts
kat MPH de jual
rega nyer RM 69

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 Author| Post time 31-3-2010 10:23 AM | Show all posts
Byk org masih tak tahu akan sejarah militeri Islam drp kacamata seorg Jeneral Muslim.

Dlm sejarah, hanya ada 3 panglima yg tak pernah dikalahkan dlm sejarah militeri mrk, iaitu Alexander the Great, Khalid Al-Waleed & Gengkhis Khan.

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Post time 19-5-2010 02:56 PM | Show all posts
Dlm sejarah, hanya ada 3 panglima yg tak pernah dikalahkan dlm sejarah militeri mrk, iaitu Alexander the Great, Khalid Al-Waleed & Gengkhis Khan.


Alexander the Great pernah kalah kat Hindu Kush.. sebab tu dia patah balik.. mcm tu jugak dgn Genghis Khan.. pernah kalah

.. Khalid pun pernah kalah.. tapi dgn Rasullulah mase perang Uhud..

so.. basically, cume khalid SORANG yg tak pernah kalah ditewaskan oleh manusia biase

tuu laaaa... mesti cedok wikipedia kan??? amatur laa katekannnn...

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2010 11:20 AM | Show all posts
tuu laaaa... mesti cedok wikipedia kan??? amatur laa katekannnn...

Hai, gigih nak derail thread ke? Apahal, tak puas hati kat bod misteri, kau cari aku kat bod buku pulak?

Childish wannabe troll!  

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2010 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Alexander the Great pernah kalah kat Hindu Kush.. sebab tu dia patah balik..

Teori Alexander the Great mengalami kekalahan dlm kempen perang di India hanyalah di peringkat teori ... blm ada bukti dlm sejarah kontemporari utk mengiyakan teori & hujah tu. Biar para arkeologis & pakar sejarah menilai kembali kempen militeri Alexander di benua India.

Alexander cedera parah setelah bertempur dgn kaum Malli yg berani di Indus, & hampir mati, malah jeneral2 utama Alexander pula byk yg taknak teruskan pertempuran demi pertempuran nak menakluk satu demi satu kerajaan di benua India .... Alexander kekurangan tentera, moral, bekalan lojistik, kepercayaan .... sbb itulah dia patah balik ke Parsi.

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2010 11:38 AM | Show all posts
mcm tu jugak dgn Genghis Khan.. pernah kalah

Kekalahan puak Mongol menentang saki baki tentera Empayar Al-Khwarizmi dgn Sultan Jalaladdin Mingburnu di dlm perang Parwan di Ghazni, Afghanistan tak melibatkan Genghis Khan.

Tak sampai setahun, Genghis yg bengang dgn kekalahan tenteranya dm kempen Parwan telah memimpin sendiri ketumbukan Mongol menyembelih tentera2 Khwarizmi & pelarian2 Khwarizmi di tebing Sg Indus. Sultan Jalaladdin Mingburnu terpaksa hidup dlm pelarian selepas tu.

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2010 11:43 AM | Show all posts
.. Khalid pun pernah kalah.. tapi dgn Rasullulah mase perang Uhud..

so.. basically, cume khalid SORANG yg tak pernah kalah ditewaskan oleh manusia biase

Haii, cakap org lain amatur, awak tu terlbh jelas ke-amatur-annya ....

Bila masa Khalid pernah kalah dgn Rasulullah dlm kempen militeri di Uhud? Melainkan kekalahan jiwa kuffarnya setelah bergejolak ditewaskan cahaya keimanan Islam hasil dakwah yg digerakkan Nabi Muhammad, pasca era kedamaian termeterai perjanjian Hudaibiyah ....

Khalid tak pernah kalah dlm kempen perang, hanya kalah pd Rasulullah SAW dlm perang jiwa jahiliyyahnya berhijrah ke jiwa Islamiyyah ...

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Post time 27-5-2010 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Bila masa Khalid pernah kalah dgn Rasulullah dlm kempen militeri di Uhud?

haaaa haaaahaaaa.. hoooohooo hoooo hooooo...

Mase perang Uhud... Khalid belum  masuk Islam...

dia mengetuai pasukan berkuda musyrikin mekah... bile dia mengepung Rasulullah kat bukit Uhud (Peristiwa gigi Rasullulah patah tu)... mase tu Rasullullah dikelilingin 30 orang sahabat...

Tapi, si Khalid tak dapat mendekai pasukan Rasulullah..

Same jugak mase perang Khandaq... dia ikut serta, tapi.. tak dapat menceroboh masuk ke Madinah mase dipertahankan oleh tentera Muslim..

So?? 2 kali Khalid 'kalah' ditangan Rasullulah..

Tanye professor ko tu...

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Post time 27-5-2010 12:54 PM | Show all posts
so.. Khalid tak pernah kalah mcm Alexander the Great or Genghis Khan ..... tapi.. dia pernah kalah dengan Rasullulah 2 kali..

Basically.. Rasullulah lebih hebat dari dia.. kan?? kan?? kan??

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Post time 27-5-2010 01:22 PM | Show all posts
Hmmmm... ni thread buku...

nampak sangat yg bukak thread ni pun tak pernah bace buku ni.. kan???? hehehehhhe

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2010 03:36 PM | Show all posts
dia mengetuai pasukan berkuda musyrikin mekah... bile dia mengepung Rasulullah kat bukit Uhud (Peristiwa gigi Rasullulah patah tu)... mase tu Rasullullah dikelilingin 30 orang sahabat...

Seribu kali sayang .... sbb dia mmg tak kalah dgn Rasulullah, sbb dlm perang itu, jeneral Quraisy adalah Abu Sufyan.
Ttg di kaki bukit Uhud, Khalid memimpin pasukan berkuda bani Makhzum, kavalri .... secara taktikal, bawak pasukan berkuda naik atas bukit bangang namanya, tp pasukan berpanah Muslim pula duduk kat lereng bukit yg blh didaki dgn cepat oleh pasukan berkuda Khalid, Rasulullah dah baca gerakan taktikal kavalri Quraisy, pasukan pemanah Muslim akan meneutralkan serangan kavalri sementara pasukan infantri Muslim mengganyang infantri Quraisy. Pendek cerita, sbb tak tahan harta rampasan, ada pemanah yg cabut lari, pasukan kavalri Quraisy di bawah pimpinan Khalid Al Walid nampak peluang terbuka dang menyerbu ke arah mrk, lalu menyerang infantri Muslim drp blkg.

Utk pengetahuan, Abu Sufyan yg melarang pasukan Quraisy drp naik terus ke atas bukit bg menghabisi saki baki tentera Muslimin. Ini sbb Abu Sufyan hanya nak balas dendam sbb perang Badr, bukan nak perang habis-habisan dgn Muslimin ... kalau tak lepas Uhud, senang2 je depa leh terus ke Madinah.

Same jugak mase perang Khandaq... dia ikut serta, tapi.. tak dapat menceroboh masuk ke Madinah mase dipertahankan oleh tentera Muslim..

Fakta betul, tafsiran salah. Kekalahan diletakkan atas bahu jeneral atau panglima tertinggi yg memimpin keseluruhan angkatan perang dlm kempen militeri terbuka. Dlm kes ini, angkatan tentera persekutuan Arab kuffar dipimpin oleh Abu Sufyan dlm perang Khandak.

nampak sangat yg bukak thread ni pun tak pernah bace buku ni.. kan???? hehehehhh

Sy dah ada buku ni, dah byk kali ulang, sampaikan versi Inggerisnya pun sy layan juga .... nampak sgt sedara tak penah baca buku ni ye tak.

Kesian, sbb tak dpt naik bukit dilarang panglima tertinggi, atau tak dpt lompat parit, dikatakan kalah ... kalah tak dijustifikasi begitu, dianggap keseluruhan ....

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Post time 5-6-2010 06:04 PM | Show all posts
Reply 8# robotech

teori boleh jadik fakta atau auta...teori just teori...baca boleh percaya jangan...

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Post time 8-6-2010 04:30 PM | Show all posts
Kesian, sbb tak dpt naik bukit dilarang panglima tertinggi, atau tak dpt lompat parit, dikatakan kalah ... kalah tak dijustifikasi begitu, dianggap keseluruhan ...

panjang2 mane pun statement nye.. cume satu je yg facts = Muhammad outsmarted Khalid... so.. dia, k.a.l.a.h

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