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Ikan berkaki 4 di dasar lautan Indonesia.
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Anglerfish - Four Legged Fish
Anglerfish - 'Four-legged' fish goes for a walk along ocean floor in stunning photos taken on deep sea dive Perhaps he had just got tired of swimming.
For this odd-looking fish looks like he's just decided to head out for an evening stroll along the ocean floor.
But while it looks like he has sprouted legs, this angler fish's limbs are just the fins he uses to balance himself on the sea bed.
The fish rests on the ocean floor as he prepares to make a dart for any passing prey he has lured towards him using the protrusion above his mouth.
Faye Archell, or the Centre of Applied Zoologym said: 'Many species of Angler Fish are what are known as ambush predators. Their fins have adapted as limb like structures to allow them to remain stationary on the sea bed while causing minimal disturbance to the substrate and remaining totally camouflaged.
'They then use a protrusion on their heads, just above their mouths, that they use as a lure to catch their prey'.
Most of these species live in the great depths of the oceans, but some are found in shallower, tropical environments
The stunning picture was taken by scientists using cutting-edge technology to explore waters off Indonesia. |
biasa je tu. pas ni yg percaya evolusi mesti percaya.
sotong pkai jet pn tak heran |
Subhanallah... Kejadian Allah yg tidak dapat disangkal kebesarannya... |
cute nye ikan tu tp mmg tak heran la tgk hehehe |
so cute........
agak2 kalo letak kat aquaria, bole attract org tak g sana? |
Hindonnesia musti bangga gilerk |
kaki lapan pun aku x heran |
Reply 1# abgsedapmalam
nama ikan ni ikan katak kan? rasa mcam dah penah kuar thread ni tapi kat thread lain la...hehe cute... |
haku pun tak heran........
dalam dunia ni ada macam2............ |
mcm2 ikn pelik kt laut dalam.. |
kat mana beli kaki tu? ikan2 lain pun nak jugak
btw, subhanAllah |
ikan tu berkaki ke.. kehkeh.. macam2 lagi haiwan dlm dunia yg pelik2 |
tuhan mampu jadikan apa yg Dia nak..xmustahil kite jmpe lg pelik dr tu.. |
mcm buntal kawin ngan katak dpt anak camtu siap berjanggut lagi...  |
stone fish..kat spot diving sblah sabah byk.. |
Reply 16# emmo
haha..bangang sangat potosop ini...  |
Reply emmo
haha..bangang sangat potosop ini...
nashrudean Post at 2-9-2010 06:00 
yup.. btul, terjumpa dlm gogel
tulah keistimewaan potosop.. kalu kreatif, sume bleh jadik.. x mustahil kann! |
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