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Bolehkah saya bertanya apa yang perlu dilakukan oleh umat Islam Malaysia jika orang Kristian Malaysia "mencucuk atau memotong" orang Islam Malaysia? Terima kasih.
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Bolehkah saya bertanya, adakah orang Islam di Malaysia tahu banyak tentang orang Kristian di Malaysia? Jika orang Kristian Malaysia "duduk" di belakang orang lain (rakyat Malaysia yang lain) sepanjang hari seperti orang Kristian Cina, dan kemudian mencari masalah dan kelemahan rakyat Malaysia yang lain, dan kemudian mencari peluang untuk "mencucuk atau memotong" rakyat Malaysia yang lain – maka apa yang perlu dilakukan oleh rakyat Malaysia yang lain dalam situasi ini? Juga, adakah orang Kristian Malaysia seperti orang Kristian Cina yang membuli yang lemah dan takut kepada yang kuat dan keras? Orang Kristian Cina hanya berani "menikam" yang lemah dan mereka yang boleh "makan", dan orang Kristian Cina tidak akan berani "menikam" mereka yang kuat. Jadi, adakah orang Kristian Malaysia seperti orang Kristian Cina yang membuli yang lemah dan takut kepada yang kuat dan keras? Dan jika orang Kristian Malaysia sama buruknya dengan orang Kristian Cina, adakah anda semua berpendapat bahawa agama Kristian di Malaysia dan China harus diharamkan, bahawa semua gereja di Malaysia dan China harus dirobohkan dan dibakar, dan bahawa semua orang Kristian Malaysia dan semua 100 juta orang Kristian Cina harus dibakar sehingga mati? Hehe.
Juga, perbualan dalam talian berikut ialah perbincangan antara saya dan orang Barat mengenai isu ini. Maafkan saya, adakah anda fikir saya mengatakan sesuatu yang salah? Terima kasih.
Excuse me, if Christians in your country "sit" behind others all day, look for other people's problems and shortcomings, and then look for opportunities to "stab" others - what should other people in your country do? Ha ha ha!
Haha, Chinese Christians "sit" behind others all day, looking for other people's problems and shortcomings, and then looking for opportunities to "stab" others! So, what's the difference between Christians in your country and Chinese Christians? If Christians in your country are like Chinese Christians, what should others in your country do? Ha ha ha!
1 day ago
Use the Bible against them. There are plenty of passages in it telling them to shut up and keep their shit to themselves.
level 2
1 day ago
Ah, what Bible? I'm not a Christian. I haven't read the Bible!
Ah. What do you mean their shit? They are talking about your problems and shortcomings. They say these are your shit! Ha ha ha!
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level 3
1 day ago
The Bible is their holy book. It has all the rules they’re supposed to follow for their god to accept them. You’re going to want to give it a quick read through before confronting them. But the book-chapter Timothy has rules in there about how women aren’t supposed to teach or talk back to men. There are statement in the new chapter about when you want to pray to go and hide so only you and god know about it, so you’re not trying to show off. Jesus has his own saying “he who is without sin cast the first stone” ie: only perfect people get to judge other people actions, so whoever is perfect step forward.
Micah 2:6 1 Corinthians 9:16 Mark 9:39-40
There’s a few others.
level 4
1 day ago
>You’re going to want to give it a quick read through before confronting them.
Hahaha, why do you think I should read the Bible quickly? So do you want Muslims, Buddhists and atheists to read the Bible quickly?
>Jesus has his own saying “he who is without sin cast the first stone” ie: only perfect people get to judge other people actions, so whoever is perfect step forward.
Hahaha, it's meaningless and ridiculous for you to say these things! Do you really think Christians really don't know these things? Chinese Christians always bully the soft and fear the hard! Chinese Christians only dare to accuse the weak and "edible" people. Do you think Chinese Christians really dare to accuse the strong? Hahaha.
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level 5
1 day ago
Yes you should. You can’t properly argue against another’s stance if you don’t understand it. I’m atheist and I read the Koran, Bible, Hindu scriptures and Buddhists teachings. Ignorance is the fort of the weak mind.
If they don’t then they can’t really consider themselves good Christians. Specifically for what you quoted those are directly the words of their savior. That’s like a Muslim ignoring words directly from Mohammad.
People always attack those they think are weaker than themselves. What you think your Chinese Christians are something special. You’ve never heard of Westbrook Baptist or Mormons or Jahovas Witnesses. That’s first group will send entire bus loads of people to your funerals and weddings and any other gathering they feel is ungodly and stand outside with signs and load speakers and scream about how terrible of a person you are to everyone that comes by for weeks in end. The last two will come by your house every couple of weeks to tell you how shit you are and why you need them.
Back to your first paragraph if your not willing to learn these things or take time to understand their arguments and positions you’re NEVER going to be able to make them go away. The Bible is full of contradictory statements and rules and sayings so vague they can be used for pretty much anything. If you don’t know the right verses to counter them, the ones their own priests tell them, they’re going to ignore you.
level 6
1 day ago
Yes you should. You can’t properly argue against another’s stance if you don’t understand it. I’m atheist and I read the Koran, Bible, Hindu scriptures and Buddhists teachings. Ignorance is the fort of the weak mind.
Hahaha, so you are very capable! But what should those who study poorly do? How can they afford to read so many books?
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level 7
1 day ago
Use the internet and search capabilities to look up counters to what they’re told.
It sounds like you’re asking how can ignorant and unstudied people argue against points they don’t understand by people who listen to stories from a book they don’t understand. You’re asking how can a young child argue with an adult on the subject of international politics when the child doesn’t even understand what a country or even politics even is. This is impossible to do with any legitimacy or without sounding complete ignorant. You can not argue from a position of ignorance and expect anyone to listen or care what you’re saying.
level 8
23 hr. ago
Hahaha, those Christians came to "stab" you because they saw that you were easy to bully. Do you still want to discuss the Bible with those Christians? Then non Christians will "stab" you when they see that you have been "stabbed" by Christians! So which book are you going to discuss with non Christians? After that, if the Communists come to "stab" you, are you ready to discuss Das Kapital with the Communists? ha-ha!
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level 9
23 hr. ago
If they are “coming to me” and I want it to stop and I think it’s the best way to make them stop then YES I will still talk with them about the Bible. Putting your fingers in your ears and closing your eyes never did anything. If it’s Muslims “coming to me” I will discuss the Koran too. Same with ANY ONE. This isn’t some mystical concept. It’s called personal agency and taking action to control my future. Personal responsibility to some degree. No people shouldn’t be running around “stabbing others in the back”. But people shouldn’t be doing A LOT OF SHIT that happens in the world. Russia shouldn’t be in Ukrainian. China should leave the Uyghuyr’s alone. Israel should get the fuck out of Palestine. Nestle should stop using slaves for chocolate. Shoulda coulda woulda. Are you going to sit around your whole life waiting for someone else to come and save you from every problem you have in life. Or stand up and express you sentience and claim your place in humanity.
level 10
7 hr. ago
If they are “coming to me” and I want it to stop and I think it’s the best way to make them stop then YES I will still talk with them about the Bible. Putting your fingers in your ears and closing your eyes never did anything.
Hahaha, so why don't you let them "stab" Muslims, Communists or other powerful people? Don't you think this is a better way? Ha ha ha!
level 10
7 hr. ago
If it’s Muslims “coming to me” I will discuss the Koran too. Same with ANY ONE. This isn’t some mystical concept. It’s called personal agency and taking action to control my future.
Hahaha, so you are very powerful and educated! But I am a bad student and I can't study well! I have no ability to do what you said! Ha ha ha!
level 10
7 hr. ago
>Are you going to sit around your whole life waiting for someone else to come and save you from every problem you have in life. Or stand up and express you sentience and claim your place in humanity.
Hahaha, I think I should ask those Chinese Christians to "stab" those Muslims, Communists and other strong people! In this way, those Chinese Christians will not be arrogant! Ha ha ha!
level 6
1 day ago
If they don’t then they can’t really consider themselves good Christians. Specifically for what you quoted those are directly the words of their savior. That’s like a Muslim ignoring words directly from Mohammad.
Hahaha, they have ignored Jesus' words! If they didn't ignore what Jesus said - why didn't they dare to "stab" Muslims and other powerful people, but they kept "stabbing" me?
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level 7
23 hr. ago
Because they don’t read the books. They go sit in a room with a bunch of smug people and believe they’re better than everyone else. They listen to a guy tell them they are better than everyone who points to a book and says “and this agrees with me”. But none of them ever read it, because like you, they look at it and go “that’s really long I don’t have time for that” so everyone sits around complaining about everyone else and no actually reads any of the foundations. They take what someone else said as truth. You all want to argue back and forth without actually looking at any of the actual arguments. Sorry but this “stab me in the back” is EXTREMELY WEAK as a description of what’s happening. This sounds very much like the shitty emotional and completely useless argument my Vietnamese wife’s family try to guilt trip her with. As long as you stick with the generics and never actually address the direct points NOTHING will change. You will both just talk around each other and no one will ever actually acknowledge or make any points of fact. This is why reading the texts is most important. You can’t argue about what you don’t understand.
level 8
22 hr. ago
Because they don’t read the books. They go sit in a room with a bunch of smug people and believe they’re better than everyone else. They listen to a guy tell them they are better than everyone who points to a book and says “and this agrees with me”. But none of them ever read it, because like you, they look at it and go “that’s really long I don’t have time for that” so everyone sits around complaining about everyone else and no actually reads any of the foundations. They take what someone else said as truth.
Hahaha, yes, even they don't read the Bible, and why should I read the Bible? So if Muslims come to "stab" me, should I also discuss the Koran with Muslims? ha-ha!
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level 9
22 hr. ago
Because 2 idiots arguing a point never amounted to anything. So you have to remove one idiot from that equation and the only one you have control over is yourself. And yes if a Muslim comes along and “stabs” you then you argue the Koran. But “stab in the back” is still a really BAD way to describe whatever it is that is happening to make you post this. It has no meaning in English in the way your using it. To be “stabbed in the back” they are either literally putting a knife or sword in your back in which case stop posting, fight back, run and call the police. Or they’re cheating on you or tricking you into something. We don’t use “stab in the back” to mean when someone comes up and starts talking about or pushing their religion on you. It’s a personal assault kind of word.
level 10
6 hr. ago
Because 2 idiots arguing a point never amounted to anything. So you have to remove one idiot from that equation and the only one you have control over is yourself. And yes if a Muslim comes along and “stabs” you then you argue the Koran.
Hahaha, but I'm a bad student and I'm not good at learning and reading, so I don't have the ability to argue with others about the Bible or the Koran!
level 10
6 hr. ago
Or they’re cheating on you or tricking you into something. ?We don’t use “stab in the back” to mean when someone comes up and starts talking about or pushing their religion on you. It’s a personal assault kind of word.
Oh, it's impossible for people in the English world not to understand the metaphor of "stabbing"! Hahaha, Chinese Christians just want to deceive me so that I can join Chinese Christianity, don't they? In fact, Chinese Christians have "stabbed" me to death, not just "stabbed" me, haven't they? Ha ha ha!
level 8
22 hr. ago
Sorry but this “stab me in the back” is EXTREMELY WEAK as a description of what’s happening.This sounds very much like the shitty emotional and completely useless argument my Vietnamese wife’s family try to guilt trip her with.
Oh, yes, they have "stabbed" me to death, not just "stabbed" me! I speak too lightly! Ha ha ha!
level 8
22 hr. ago
As long as you stick with the generics and never actually address the direct points NOTHING will change. You will both just talk around each other and no one will ever actually acknowledge or make any points of fact. This is why reading the texts is most important. You can’t argue about what you don’t understand.
Hahaha, you confused the two things! I'm not saying that the Shanghai Christian “stabbed” me in the back 10 years ago! I mean, now Chinese Christians are saying that my whole body is full of problems and shortcomings! And Chinese Christians are saying that my sins are full! Ha ha ha! And this time there is no text!
level 6
23 hr. ago
You’ve never heard of Westbrook Baptist or Mormons or Jahovas Witnesses.That’s first group will send entire bus loads of people to your funerals and weddings and any other gathering they feel is ungodly and stand outside with signs and load speakers and scream about how terrible of a person you are to everyone that comes by for weeks in end. The last two will come by your house every couple of weeks to tell you how shit you are and why you need them.
Hahaha, yes, Chinese Christians come to "stab" me because they think I'm easy to bully, and Chinese Christians will never "stab" Muslims and other powerful people! So why should I talk about the Bible with Chinese Christians? Ha ha ha!
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level 7
23 hr. ago
Because you are easy to bully because you don’t know what they’re talking about and are refusing to learn about it. I honestly don’t even know what you’re looking for at this point. The answer is to learn basic debating skills and argumentation. Or treat them like insane people and ignore it.
level 8
22 hr. ago
Hahaha, actually I can ask them to "stab" Muslims and communists! Maybe this is the best! Ha ha ha!
level 6
23 hr. ago
Back to your first paragraph if your not willing to learn these things or take time to understand their arguments and positions you’re NEVER going to be able to make them go away. The Bible is full of contradictory statements and rules and sayings so vague they can be used for pretty much anything. If you don’t know the right verses to counter them, the ones their own priests tell them, they’re going to ignore you.
Hahaha, so what should those who don't study well do? And why don't those Muslims discuss the Bible with Christians and those Christians dare not "stab" Muslims? So what do you want to do if other people (non Christians) want to "stab" you in the future? Which book are you going to discuss with non Christians? Hahaha!
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level 7
23 hr. ago
Treat them like insane people telling you about magical fairy dust that will let you fly to the moon to live.
It depends on the person and their argument. I don’t look at people “stabbing me in the back” that is the reasoning of a simple mind. I look at the direct arguments, who is making them and the history of that belief. Then I learn about where it came from and what rules it has to follow and use logic and reasoning to work out contradictions. Facts not feeling. 1+1=2 and I can prove that to even the stupidest of people and if they refuse that it’s not worth the time. Do you argue with a fish in the pond that his water is all there is on earth? No you let them sit until the water dries and they’re eaten and move on with your life.
If they’re really that big of a problem to “stab you in the back” as you keep calling it then it’s time to take some responsibility for your position and learn something of theirs to counter it. Ignorance breeds ignorance and the more you try to willfully keep your ignorance the less likely you will be able to stop ANYONE from “stabbing you in the back”.
level 8
22 hr. ago
Treat them like insane people telling you about magical fairy dust that will let you fly to the moon to live.
Facts not feeling. 1+1=2 and I can prove that to even the stupidest of people and if they refuse that it’s not worth the time. Do you argue with a fish in the pond that his water is all there is on earth? No you let them sit until the water dries and they’re eaten and move on with your life.
Oh, you want to say that you only discuss the Bible with Christians and never discuss the Koran and Marxism with Muslims and communists, right? You only treat Muslims and communists like crazy people, right? Ha ha ha!
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level 9
22 hr. ago
No I discuss the core of their belief with whoever I’m discussing with. If communist Marx, if Muslim Koran. To each their own system. And yes if either of those sets forth a position such that 1+1 does not equal 2 then I will regard them just as insane. It’s called consistency.
level 10
5 hr. ago
Hahaha, you are very powerful and educated! But I am a bad student with no culture. I can't argue with others about religion and Marxism!
And yes if either of those sets forth a position such that 1+1 does not equal 2 then I will regard them just as insane. It’s called consistency.
I think you might as well let those Christians "stab" Muslims, Communists or other strong people! Maybe this is the best way! Ha ha ha!
level 8
22 hr. ago
If they’re really that big of a problem to “stab you in the back” as you keep calling it then it’s time to take some responsibility for your position and learn something of theirs to counter it.
Hahaha, you confused the two things! I'm not saying that the Shanghai Christian “stabbed” me in the back 10 years ago! I mean, now Chinese Christians are saying that my whole body is full of problems and shortcomings! And Chinese Christians are saying that my sins are full! Ha ha ha!
level 8
22 hr. ago
Ignorance breeds ignorance and the more you try to willfully keep your ignorance the less likely you will be able to stop ANYONE from “stabbing you in the back”.
Hahaha, I think I should ask Chinese Christians to "stab" Muslims and communists! That's the best solution, isn't it? Ha ha ha!
level 4
1 day ago
But the book-chapter Timothy has rules in there about how women aren’t supposed to teach or talk back to men. There are statement in the new chapter about when you want to pray to go and hide so only you and god know about it, so you’re not trying to show off.
Hahaha, it's meaningless and ridiculous for you to say these things! Chinese Christians always bully the soft and fear the hard! Chinese Christians only dare to "stab" the weak and "edible" people. Do you think Chinese Christians really dare to "stab" the strong? Hahaha.
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level 5
1 day ago
edited 1 day ago
If the weak will never stand up then there is NOTHING you can do and this post is meaningless. I have to consider now that your who post is a waste of time because you’re incapable of understanding this. It’s ridiculous to think that you can help people who are to weak to even read or speak back. What do you hope to get from this post anyways. Your mistake here seems to be the weird thinking that your “Chinese Christians” are some how magically different from every other person on the planet. They’re not. They’re the same zealots as everyone person who lost their minds to religious doctrine.
level 6
22 hr. ago
Hahaha, do you mean what I want from this online post? I think we can ask Christians all over the world to "stab" those Muslims, Communists and other strong people! That way, those Christians won't be so arrogant, will they? Ha ha ha! |
Panjang kena baca cerita ni |

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Post time 12-12-2024 03:06 PM
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ussopp replied at 12-12-2024 01:34 PM
Panjang kena baca cerita ni
Oh, cerita apa? Catatan dalam talian di atas hanyalah beberapa perbualan antara saya dan orang Barat, bukan? Hehe. |
Orang islam tidak boleh bertindak ke atas mana-mana orang sesuka hati.
Ketika zaman nabi muhammad masih hidup, banyak yang merancang untuk menjatuhkan islam, tetapi tidak diambil tindakan.
Ada orang masuk islam dengan hanya berpura-pura, dan untuk jatuhkan islam juga. tapi nabi muhammad melarang membunuh mereka.
namun jika telah jelas mereka membuat treason(khianat), barulah dibunuh.

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Post time 1-1-2025 01:21 PM
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Edited by ussopp at 2-1-2025 09:15 AM
ussopp replied at 17-12-2024 07:32 AM
Orang islam tidak boleh bertindak ke atas mana-mana orang sesuka hati.
Ketika zaman nabi muhammad ...
Cepat dan mati, awak sampah. Kenapa anda tiba-tiba bercakap tentang Islam? Saya bercakap dengan anda tentang orang Kristian dan Kristian sekarang. Saya bertanya: Apa yang perlu dilakukan oleh umat Islam Malaysia jika orang Kristian di Malaysia "mencucuk atau memotong" orang Islam di Malaysia? Hahaha, awak sampah.
saya dah jawab tentang apa yg perlu dilakukan oleh org islam dah tu.

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Post time 2-1-2025 12:37 PM
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Edited by 三鹿阿中仔 at 2-1-2025 01:06 PM
ussopp replied at 2-1-2025 09:16 AM
saya dah jawab tentang apa yg perlu dilakukan oleh org islam dah tu.
Oh, anda cuba mengatakan bahawa orang Islam di Malaysia tidak berani membunuh orang Kristian itu, bukan? Awak sampah dan pengecut. Hehehe. Di samping itu, adakah hakikat bahawa orang Kristian membuli yang lemah, takut kepada yang kuat dan keras, dan "menikam" orang Islam mempunyai kaitan dengan penggulingan Islam? Hehehe. Awak bodoh. |
terima kasih atas info anda....
ya, kami akan gulingkan mereka secara rahsia dan terang-terangan. insyaAllah
sy tgk anda ni cuba menolong orang islam...
anda tak mahu masuk islam kah tuan..? |

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Post time 7-1-2025 01:59 PM
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Edited by 三鹿阿中仔 at 7-1-2025 02:02 PM
ussopp replied at 7-1-2025 10:40 AM
terima kasih atas info anda....
ya, kami akan gulingkan mereka secara rahsia dan terang-terangan. ...
Hahaha, siapa yang anda semua mahu gulingkan? Adakah anda mahu menggulingkan Islam? Hahaha, awak bodoh. |

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Post time 7-1-2025 02:29 PM
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ussopp replied at 7-1-2025 10:41 AM
sy tgk anda ni cuba menolong orang islam...
anda tak mahu masuk islam kah tuan..?
Hahaha, awak bodoh. Saya seorang ateis. Tetapi jika anda semua boleh membunuh semua orang Kristian di Malaysia dan semua 100 juta orang Kristian di China, saya bersedia untuk memeluk Islam. Hehehe. |
Sesungguhnya akhirat itu lebih baik dari dunia...
Anda seorang atheist, maka saya mengajak anda untuk memeluk islam.
Jika anda tidak sanggup sekarang kerana takut atau mungkin susah jadi seorang muslim,
saya harap ketika anda tua nanti, ketika anda tidak ada apa apa lagi harapan untuk hidup,
maka saya harap anda peluk islam. Kerana islam tidak akan menjadikan hidup orang tua sia-sia.....
masa umur tua, anda tidak ada apa -apa lagi yang mahu,
dan anda juga hampir pada waktu kematian,
tentu tiada salah anda masuk islam.....malahan lebih baik masuk islam....
anda tidak akan rugi apa-apa, tambah beruntung lagi insyaAllah....
jangan lupa ya pesanan ini.....
semoga Allah beri anda hidayah.....
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Post time 24-1-2025 09:03 PM
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ussopp replied at 22-1-2025 10:38 PM
Sesungguhnya akhirat itu lebih baik dari dunia...
Matilah awak sampah. Orang-orang Kristian di China juga berkata demikian kepada saya seperti anda. Jadi kenapa saya patut bertukar kepada Islam dan bukan kepada Kristian? Alasan yang awak cakap, biarkan saya dengar. Oh. |
Edited by ussopp at 2-3-2025 03:33 PM
Alasan saya begini.
Dalam dunia ini hanya ada satu Tuhan. Satu Pencipta. Yang buat dunia ini, Dia juga yang create saya dan kamu.
tapi kenapa ada banyak agama? mana satu yang betul?
mari pecahkan semua agama kepada dua kumpulan :
1)agama dari langit. ada prophet. (islam, judaism dan christianity)
2)satu lagi agama spiritual. tiada prophet. (hindu, buddha, animisme)
agama spiritual ada banyak Tuhan.polytheism. pagan. tidak boleh. kita buang.
tinggal agama langit seperti: islam, judaism dan kristian. ia ajar tentang satu PENCIPTA. cara ibadat juga hampir sama kerana dari Tuhan yang sama.
cuma, judaism ni yahudi. dia hanya utk bangsa yahudi sahaja. tidak boleh diterima.
kristian pula asalnya SATU PENCIPTA, tapi jesus pula jadi tuhan. dan ada 3 tuhan yang buat pening kepala. maka ini juga tidak boleh diterima.
maka tinggal islam sahaja yang benar....
islam sama saja Tuhan dengan yahudi cuma, islam untuk semua bangsa di dunia. sedangkan yahudi utk org yahudi saja.
islam juga sama Tuhan nya dengan God THE Father dalam kristian, cuma islam kata Tuhan tiada anak. jesus itu anak Tuhan.
selepas check semua agama, anda boleh nampak hanya islam saja yang benar.....ok.
harap dapat membantu anda.

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Post time 9-3-2025 06:02 PM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by 三鹿阿中仔 at 10-3-2025 12:43 AM
ussopp replied at 2-3-2025 03:30 PM
Alasan saya begini.
Dalam dunia ini hanya ada satu Tuhan. Satu Pencipta. Yang buat dunia ini, Dia ...
Hahaha, adakah anda fikir pengguna ini "Dzulqarnain" adalah seorang Islam Muslim apostate? ... bile=2#pid155697447
Kandungan di lantai 21 dan 22 telah dipadam. Saya telah menempatkan kandungan tingkat 22 di bawah sini.
Sudah tentu, hanya ada dua agama yang menunggu kembalinya Yesus sebagai mesiah.- agama islam dan kristian Anda Islam Apostate, pergi mati cepat. Dan orang-orang Islam tidak menunggu kedatangan Isa, dan mereka tidak percaya bahawa Isa ialah Al-Masih, lagi Penyelamat. Anda sengaja memasukkan kandungan Al-Quran ke dalam Alkitab Kristen lagi, bukan? Anda menolak Islam. Hehehe hehe.
Orang islam tidak akan membunuh atau memusnahkan orang kristian Oh, maksudmu Muslim tidak ingin membunuh semua Kristen atau mengubah semua Kristen menjadi hamba, kan? Matilah engkau, pengkhianat Islam. Oh.
Ya. Sebelum Yesus lahir, joshua (yusa') adalah yesus sebelum Yesus. Matilah dengan cepat, kamu pengkhianat Islam. Apa yang kamu katakan sebelum dan selepas itu adalah bertentangan lagi. Kau cakap sebelum itu tak ada orang Kristen sebelum lahir Yesus, kan? Dan kau bermain permainan kata lagi, kan? Matilah dengan cepat, kamu pengkhianat Islam. Hehe, hehe.
Mungkin dalam imaginasi fikiran anda, akhir zaman, hari akhirat, akhir dunia adalah sama. Hahaha, ya, kata-kata dan frasa ini sama bagi saya. Kau pengkhianat agama Muslim yang bermain permainan kata. Ha-ha.
Kenapa anda hendak cepat-cepat, satu milenia bukankah seribu tahun? Penghakiman tidak akan berlaku sebelum menaiki takhta (i.e. politik) dunia.- anda hanya berkuasa di dalam sempadan pemikiran anda sahaja Sekarang mati, kamu pengkhianat Islam. Kristen di China mengatakan mereka boleh menghakimi saya sekarang tanpa menunggu sehingga akhir dunia. Ha-ha.
Hanya di media cina dan internet cina dalam fikiran anda sahaja. Anda Islam Apostate, mati dengan cepat. Bukankah cukup dalam media Cina dan platform online? Ha-ha.
Era biasa? Sudah dua ribu dua puluh lima tahun -2025 masihi- adakah anda baru dilahirkan ke dunia ini? Okay, saya tulis salah. Sepatutnya ditulis sebagai zaman Masehi dan bukan sebagai zaman biasa.Ha-ha.
Bukankah zaman akhir sejak Yesus dilahirkan sehingga setelah Yesus wafat? Oh, siapa yang beritahu kamu bahawa masa seumur hidup Jesus adalah masa akhir? Kau seorang pengkhianat Islam. Oh.
Ya. Sejak Yesus disalib bani israel terpisah dua; yahudi (lama) dan nasrani (baru) Matilah dengan cepat, kamu pengkhianat Islam. Kitab Suci Kristen mencatat bahawa orang-orang Israel adalah Yahudi, dan orang-orang Kristen yang bukan Yahudi bukanlah orang-orang Israel. Oh.
Setelah Yesus disalib, orang yahudi bakal dapat mesiah palsu (anti-Yesus) sebagai ujian akhirdan Yesus akan membunuh anti-Yesus tersebut di baitulmaqdis. Matilah dengan cepat, kamu pengkhianat Islam. Tiada catatan mengenai Anti-Kristen di dalam Al-Quran, dan tiada catatan mengenai Alkitab Kristen bahawa Anti-Kristen akan dibunuh oleh Yesus. Anda sengaja campur cerita dari Al-Quran dan Alkitab Kristen bersama-sama dan menyesuaikan mereka kepada cerita-cerita baru, bukan? Matilah dengan cepat, kamu pengkhianat Islam. Hehe.
Orang kristian mengenali al-quran sebagai kitab suci orang islamKitab sains fiksyen hanya dalam fikiran anda sahaja Cepat dan mati, sampah. Anda boleh terus membenci dan melihat ke bawah kepada Kristen di sini, dan terus percaya bahawa Islam adalah lebih tinggi. Anda boleh terus percaya bahawa Al-Quran bukan fiksi sains dan Alkitab adalah fiksi sains, betul. Ha-ha.
Adakah anda berkata berkenaan diri anda sendiri? Matilah dengan cepat, kamu pengkhianat Islam. Apa yang saya tulis di sini bukanlah pandangan saya sendiri, saya hanya parafrasa pandangan Kristen di China. hehe.
Matilah dengan cepat, kamu pengkhianat Islam. Sebenarnya anda telah bertukar kepada agama Kristian, kan? Sebenarnya, awak dah lama jadi Kristen Cina, kan? Matilah dengan cepat, kamu pengkhianat Islam. Oh, ya. |

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Post time 10-3-2025 11:43 AM
From the mobile phone
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ussopp replied at 2-3-2025 03:30 PM
Alasan saya begini.
Dalam dunia ini hanya ada satu Tuhan. Satu Pencipta. Yang buat dunia ini, Dia ... Dalam dunia ini hanya ada satu Tuhan. Satu Pencipta. Yang buat dunia ini, Dia juga yang create saya dan kamu. Sekarang mati, anda sampah. Bukan semua agama percaya bahawa ada satu Tuhan dan satu Pencipta dunia. Anda boleh memberitahu Buddha dan Jains bahawa hanya ada satu Tuhan dan satu Pencipta dunia. Hehehe.
agama spiritual ada banyak Tuhan.polytheism. pagan. tidak boleh. kita buang. Oh, mengapa tidak boleh ada beberapa dewa? Berdasarkan apa awak cakap begitu? Haha, anda boleh memberitahu pengikut agama rohani bahawa hanya ada satu tuhan di dunia dan hanya satu pencipta.
maka,tinggal agama langit seperti: islam, judaism dan kristian. ia ajar tentang satu PENCIPTA. cara ibadat juga hampir sama kerana dari Tuhan yang sama. Hahaha, anda mahu mengatakan bahawa Yahudi, Kristian, dan Islam datang dari langit, sementara agama lain datang dari bumi dan dunia manusia, bukan? Kemudian, anda mahu mengatakan bahawa Yahudi, Kristian, dan Islam lebih tinggi dan lebih luas daripada agama lain, bukan? Bagus, awak boleh mengungkapkan pandangan ini kepada orang-orang yang percaya kepada agama lain. Ha-ha.
cuma, judaism ni yahudi. dia hanya utk bangsa yahudi sahaja. tidak boleh diterima.kristian pula asalnya SATU PENCIPTA, tapi jesus pula jadi tuhan. dan ada 3 tuhan yang buat pening kepala. maka ini juga tidak boleh diterima.maka tinggal islam sahaja yang benar....islam sama saja Tuhan dengan yahudi cuma, islam untuk semua bangsa di dunia. sedangkan yahudi utk org yahudi saja.islam juga sama Tuhan nya dengan God THE Father dalam kristian, cuma islam kata Tuhan tiada anak. jesus itu anak Tuhan. Haha, and a mahu mengatakan bahawa Islam adalah lebih betul dan tepat daripada Kristian dan Judaism, dan mempunyai dasar yang lebih kuat dan lebih popular daripada Kristian dan Judaism, bukan? Bagus, anda boleh mengekspresikan pandangan ini kepada Yahudi dan Kristen. Ha-ha.
selepas check semua agama, anda boleh nampak hanya islam saja yang benar..... Bagus, anda boleh mengekspresikan pandangan ini kepada Yahudi, Kristen, dan pengikut-pengikut agama lain. Ha-ha. |
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