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Edisi NAIK - Subsidi RON 95 akan diselaraskan
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DPM: We cannot sustain subsidies on the same amount
May 16, 2011 at 3:02 pm By Danny Tan Filed Under Local News
Earlier this month, RON 97 petrol shot up by 20 sen to RM2.90 per litre. It was actually the fifth monthly increase in a row for RON 97 since December 2010, but it does not affect the majority of Malaysians, who continue to pay RM1.90 for RON 95 fuel. But will there be an upward revision of RON 95 prices?
Not today, but we should brace ourselves for one. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin told reporters this morning that the subsidy bill is set to double to RM20.58 billion, and that the country will not be able to sustain this level of subsidy at today’s prices. Of this total, petroleum related sectors, including subsidy for RON 95 petrol and diesel, takes the lion’s share of RM18 billion. Last year, it cost RM9.2 billion.
“Yes, we are subsidising but we cannot sustain subsidies on the same amount. So there are ways in which we are trying to reduce subsidy costs like the increase in price of sugar. We are doing it in stages. Subsidy costs has also doubled from RM10.32 billion in 2010 to an expected cost of RM20.58 billion in 2011. RM18 billion is subsidy for petroleum-related sectors,” he told newsmen.
“We cannot guarantee there will be no increase in the prices of goods. We cannot control the prices but where the government can intervene to decrease public burden then we will,” the DPM added.
subsidi pala hotak diorg......! abes tu cukai keta sehingga 75% tu takmo kira? lahabau.......!!!  |
adakah ini bermakna harga minyak RON95 akan naik pada bila2 masa??? |
aku dah lama jadi penyokong tegar diesel.
tapi sayangnya, keta diesel di mesia ni harga hampir 100k
kecuali nak pakai 4x4....
hibrid tu, semua tipu je... mana ada best?  |
tolong la jangan wat aku carut petang2 nih.. |
kerajaan patut potong kemudahan pegawai2 dia, naik kapal terbang ke apa ke sila bayar dengan harga penuh. pi tidoq hotel pun guna rate biasa...udah2 la subsidi...
subsidi depa takmo potong, subsidi kita depa potong.... hampeh! |
kerajaan patut potong kemudahan pegawai2 dia, naik kapal terbang ke apa ke sila bayar dengan harga p ...
nazurah Post at 17-5-2011 16:40 
setuju....sasbsidi rakyat sesuka ati je nk hapuskn...kalo nk hapuskn sume skali la...bkn takat rakyat aje.. |
ismail sabri kata: hade haku kesah.......... |
kill!!! kil!! die!! die!!! :@hangin plak aku manghrib2 nehhh  |
marah2 pun songkok tinggi tu jugak disembahnya..ptuih! |
erk, harga minyak naik lagi???? kerajaan boleh jamin x harga barang2 lain x naik??? ~poning |
kerajaan patut potong kemudahan pegawai2 dia, naik kapal terbang ke apa ke sila bayar dengan harga p ...
nazurah Post at 17-5-2011 16:40  pastu diangkut skali famili depa masa gi urusan rasmi oversea dgn tanggungan duit cukai rakyat...... ada lak siap bawa bibik gi disneyland skali......  |
erk, harga minyak naik lagi???? kerajaan boleh jamin x harga barang2 lain x naik??? ~poning
KELAUT Post at 18-5-2011 00:23  barang lain pung naik gak pasal depa pakai petrol bukan diesel kot.....  |
dah laa half cut kena cutover..pastu naik lagi rega minyak...menteri2 dah xde duit nih... |
Reply 13# Acong
may i use this word?BANG.SAT! |
pakat nek gerek la kita.. |
ni la dia.. betapa punderrkk nye kerajaan skang ni! :@ |
Rakyat didahulukan...mampus la lgu ni... |
siket2 selaras minyak....apa kata kita selaras kera-jaan la pulak |
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