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Komen Anda Tentang Filem Arahan Christopher Nolan
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Apa pandangan korang tentang filem arahan Christopher Nolan?
Aku mula terpikat dgn gaya arahannya semenjak Batman Begins.
KErana apa?
Kerana, dialah pengarah yg pertama berjaya mencorakkan kisah superhero yg sebelum ini filemnya dilihat agak kebudak-budakan menjadi sati filem thriller berkategori 'berat' lagi suspense.
The easiest example = Batman Trilogy (Batman Begins, Dark Knight)..
Kemudian, Inception, Prestige dan kini dia menjadi penulis utk kisah Man of Steel.
Disebabkan pengaruh filem Batman Begins, arahan beliau, hampir kesemua filem superhero di Hollywood menggunapakai konsep 'darkside' of the movie..
Any comment? |
apa pandangan anda utk filem bajet kecil beliau yg tajuk Memento itu? |
apa pandangan anda utk filem bajet kecil beliau yg tajuk Memento itu?
cmf_GAIA Post at 22-5-2012 13:50 
aku dah menonton kesemua filem nolan termasuk following..walaupan aku sangat suka arahannya dalam filem batman, tp aku tk sabar2 menanti nolan kembali buat filem seperti inception,prestige atau memento.. |
Reply 2# cmf_GAIA
Filem Memento, belum saya tonton lagi..
Namun saya sedang mencari filem tersebut coz saya menjangkakan filem tersebut kategori 'heavy thriller'..
Saya akan memberikan komen saya sejurus saya menontonnya.. |
aku dah menonton kesemua filem nolan termasuk following..walaupan aku sangat suka arahannya d ...
saudagar_mimpi Post at 25-5-2012 12:09 
Christopher Nolan mementingkan isi pati sebuah cerita sehingga filem Inception / Prestige tu penuh dgn teka-teki serta memerlukan sedikit buah pikiran ketika menontonnya.
p/s: Aku mmg tak sangka Dark Knight jadik sebuah filem thriller yg lebih thrill dari cerita thriller yg lain.. |
Reply cmf_GAIA
Filem Memento, belum saya tonton lagi..
Namun saya sedang mencari filem ...
SulurBidar Post at 25-5-2012 13:57 
you'll be amazed by memento. |
you'll be amazed by memento.
saudagar_mimpi Post at 25-5-2012 14:45 
Okay then.
Thanx a lot for your suggestion.
I'll watch the movie |
aku dah menonton kesemua filem nolan termasuk following..walaupan aku sangat suka arahannya d ...
saudagar_mimpi Post at 25-5-2012 12:09 PM 
kan! memento, prestige, inception tu buat kita terfikir berhari-hari....bertapa kuatnya Nolan mempengaruhi minda kita dengan filem2nya..... |
suke sangat2 citer beliau.. suke, suke, suke!!!!!!!!! 
paling suke inception.. citer yg lengkap dengan segala aspek..  |
Camna la kalau CN ni direct filem ala-ala American Pie, Click, Due Date or Aku Ada Kau Ada (sam & yana).. ahaha ada twist x? timeline reverse x? darkside? plot dalam plot dalam plot ada x? ahaha itulah CN.. memang geng2 Nolan ni superb! |
Don_Kelana posted on 28-7-2012 01:44 AM 
Camna la kalau CN ni direct filem ala-ala American Pie, Click, Due Date or Aku Ada Kau Ada (sam & ya ...
Well said!
Christopher Nolan-lah yg telah membawa budaya baru dalam industri perfileman Hollywood sehinggakan ramai pengarah terpengaruh dgn gaya arahan beliau...
p/s; elepas ini aku pasti akan menonton segala filem arahan beliau. |
In March 2011, Warner Bros. president Jeff Robinov stated that the next
Batman film will be a reinvention, produced by Christopher Nolan and Emma
Thomas.[259] However,
Thomas and Nolan decided to move on to other projects, finding another film too
episodic. Speaking to SFX, Thomas stated "The great thing about a trilogy is
that it feels like you’ve got a beginning, a middle and an end. It’s like an
extended version of a regular film. I just can’t see him [Nolan] getting excited
about making another film where basically you’re just wheeling in different
villains."[260] There
have been reports that the next Batman reboot will be made after the Justice
League movie and therefore the character will be introduced in the Justice
League film instead of a solo film, and would most likely become part of the "DC
Cinematic Universe". [261]
The ending of The Dark Knight Rises, in which the character of Joseph
Gordon-Levitt, John Blake, inherits the Batcave presents the possibility of a spin-off.[262] However,
Gordon-Levitt later revealed that The Dark Knight Rises is truly the
conclusion of Nolan's Batman series.[262] Anne
Hathaway has said that she is interested in reprising her role as Selina Kyle,
stating that she would embrace a solo Catwoman movie provided Nolan were
involved in the project.[263]
Hampir kesemua pelakon yg pernah berlakon di bawah arahan Christopher Nolan ingin berlakon dgn syarat Christopher Nolan hendaklah terlibat..
cmf_GAIA posted on 26-5-2012 09:46 AM 
kan! memento, prestige, inception tu buat kita terfikir berhari-hari....bertapa kuatnya No ...
Imsomnia juga tk la se'mindf*ck' inception,memento @ prestige
citer memento mmg membuatkan aku gila sekejap. adeh! |
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