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Untold History : The Lost Istana Merak in Uncharted Map

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Post time 12-7-2012 05:01 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Listed in the 10 most haunted places in Singapore.. story of vanishing Istana Merak is remains unsolved.
Dikatakan.. wujud somewhere di Pulau Tekong Singapore... inherited from.. there were 2 version of this stories.. :

1.  Istana Sultan Johor
2.  Istana Sultan Pahang

Reference "X" mengatakan... milik Sultan Johor.. dengan reference beberape kubur2 lama milik kerabat from Telok Blangah fraction yg dibongkar dan dipindahkan ke Taman Abadi.

But.. reference "Y" mengatakan... milik Sultan Pahang.. dgn reference beberapa catatan lama dari Hikayat Perang Pahang Versi No. 1 dan perkampungan kerabat Tun Ahmad/Tun Mutahir semasa tinggal di Singapore..... lebih 20,000 orang Pahang dibawa ke Johor ketika itu.. some of them resides here in Pulau Tekong

Aku pecaye... the 2nd reference.. iaitu Milik Sultan Pahang.. kerana.. kerabat2 sebelah Tun Ahmad ramai yg berpindah ke Pulau Tekong semasa Perang Bendahara...

Jawapannye: Sudah jadik adat kesultanan Johor.. menghantar kerabat2 mereka menjaga mukim2 yang jauh.. keturunan2 Ungku Majid dihantar ke Endau... Few others ke Batu Pahat dan Muar... sebagai vessel kepada Sultan


Ade 2 possibilities:

Bersebelahan Masjid Abu Bakar lama... sometimes in 1960's mesjid ni wujud lagi..

and.. 2nd...

Disini.. marked with "Abandoned House".. just northeast of Masjid Abu Bakar.

When comes to Pahang lineage.. kemungkinan besar Istane tu bentuk dia mcm ni kot..


Beside dubbed as the 10 most haunted places... sampaikan.... reserve unit tentera Singapore dilarang keras membuat rondaan pada malam Jumaat.. sehingga ke hari ini atas beberapa kes misteri yg menimpa askar2 mereka.

Thru many years... mainstream cults reported the haunted phenomenon due to existence of hantu Jepun.. or Hantu Cina.. whilst.. bile di fikir2 kan.... kehilangan penduduk kampung Pahang dengan kejadian2 aneh setiap Malam Jumaat - yg biasa associated dgn budaya Melayu... x munkin kerja hantu cine or hantu Jepun

But.. itu yg dorang nak kite pecaye... Malay has no place even dalam cerita2 dorang..

Tempat ini jugak SEKARANG become UNCHARTERED MAP.. tidak berpeta.. hinggakan hilang semua nama kampung2 melayu.. dan kontur landscape juga diubah.

See???? no terrain, roads contur etc compare to the old maps..korang bleh test sendiri kt Google Maps.  

Apa yang tersembunyi di Pulau Tekong????????????????????




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Post time 13-7-2012 02:09 AM | Show all posts
ade jengjengjeng.....

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Post time 13-7-2012 08:28 AM | Show all posts
mana tagline unek? lagi 2,3 bulan ada orang claim dia punya...ahhh sudah

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Post time 13-7-2012 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Bukan tu tapak latihan askar singapore ke? Sebab tu dirahsiakan kontur etc ?

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Post time 13-7-2012 12:15 PM | Show all posts
bleh skodeng kat wikimapia

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Post time 13-7-2012 12:16 PM | Show all posts
ni plak cerita antu pasal pulau tekong

It is a well-known fact that Pulau Tekong has a number of ghosts. Some of you readers may have read or heard about the ghost at Charlie Company at the old basic military camp I. Unfortunately, some versions that I read or heard have been distorted over the years.

Here, I hope to set the record straight. Instructors and trainees of Charlie Company, Infantry Training Depot during the March-June 1983 period can vouch for my version of the story. It is NOT my intention to revive hurtful memories especially for the bereaved family or to blame anyone, but purely to narrate facts as they had happened.

The starting point of this true story should be the 16 Km route march about 18 years ago. Before the march, the Officer Commanding of the company asked the trainees whether anyone was sick or not feeling well. No one put up his hand. But there was a trainee among the company, Recruit Tham W.K., who was down with flu but did not put up his hand.

Then the route march started. The platoons took turns to lead the company after each break during the route march. Sometimes, the pace of the march became too hot for some trainees, who could not keep pace and had to fall out. They became stragglers and had to be picked up by a few instructors walking at the rear of the company. The landrover with the medical orderly was also supposed to be at the rear.

Somehow, Tham fell out and managed to slip out of view by taking cover in the forest. He was not to be seen alive again.

During subsequent rest breaks, there were head-counts. He was presumed to be with the medical orderly. It was only in the evening after the route march, when the the rifles were due to be returned to the armoury, that they realised Tham was missing. They went to the medical centre but he was not there. The instructors feared the worst. Overnight, they organised a night-search party for him, re-tracing the 16-Km route taken earlier in the day. They could not find him.

The next day, the entire Camp I ceased training and batches of instructors and trainees were dispatched to find Tham. It was only about 5 p.m. that his own platoon commander (PC) found his corpse. Near a forest track junction, the PC noticed a half-pictched tent. He called out but there was no response. As he neared the tent, he noticed many flies buzzing around and detected a foul stench. There lay before him his dead trainee, lying with one hand holding his rifle and the other hand outstretched with a water bottle, with its cover opened. The PC broke down in tears and wept openly.

(A subsequent post-mortem showed that Tham had apparently died of stomach rupture. When his body system was still hot from the heat of the route march, against the advice of instructors, he had apparently gulped down massive amounts of water suddenly. It was like pouring ice cubes into a thin glass of hot water, which can cause the glass to crack. But the post mortem also found puncture marks on his body, which could not be satisfactorily explained to this day.)

It was left to the Company Sergeant Major and his landrover driver to drive the corpse back to camp for transfer to the mortuary. It was twilight at that time. Inexplicably, the engine could not start. The thought of the two of them spending the night with the corpse unnerved them. But eventually, they somehow had the engine started and returned safely to base.

The late Tham was promoted to NCO and cremated at Mount Vernon with full military honours. As the company trainees lined the road snaking up to the crematorium to salute our late comrade, it was a heart-breaking sight to see a distraught mother being supported by two daughters following the hearse.

A few instructors returned to the site where he departed from this world, to offer incense and prayers. One instructor asked the late Tham not to come back and haunt us, but rather to express his last wishes in a dream so that his soul could rest in peace after his wishes were fulfilled.

But Tham did not listen.

Incident 1: One of the instructors came to the Platoon 9 bunk to remove his personal effects. When he opened up his metal cupboard, there was a foul stench from inside that could not be explained.

Incident 2: In the dead of the night, some trainees of Charlie Company heard Tham’s voice shouting for the platoon or company to fall in at the common company compound.

Incident 3 (more scary): One of the platoon 9 section mates woke up in the middle of the night and saw the white figure of Tham’s ghost standing in front of his former cupboard ! He bolted to the next double-decker bed, grabbed to share his blanket and said “ghost!” The next morning, the platoon mates could see two trainees pale and ashened by the encounter.

Incident 4: During one of the subsequent route marches (by Golf Company), the company noticed a figure of a soldier in full battle order standing in the distance among some trees. The OC (a former Commando Captain) dashed forward to take a closer look. He quickly ordered the whole company to double past without slowing down to see what he saw. Subsequent route marches were diverted to avoid that area of sighting.

It’s been a long time since I last set foot on Pulau Tekong in June 1983. But I heard that the bunk in which the late Tham used was converted into a lecture room and subsequently into a store room. The room was installed with padlocked doors for obvious reasons.

Over the years, generations of trainees who became instructors passed down their version of Tham’s story by word of mouth, which unfortunately got distorted in the process.

May his soul rest in peace.

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Post time 27-2-2013 02:57 PM | Show all posts
kalau korang nak tahu disitu lah underground base utk batalion kereta kebal diorang, luas kawasan tu lebih dari 6 padang bola sepak dan dalamnya pun lebih dari 4 tingkat... kawasan tu dari sudut ketenteraan amat strategik utk pergerakan gempur yg akan masuk dari arah pantai timur semenanjung (menyerang kuantan) dan penyediaan barisan pertahanan di muar/mersing dan jb melalui pendaratan di kws padang golf yg amat banyak  di johor.....

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Post time 27-2-2013 03:01 PM | Show all posts
pendaratan askar dan kelengkapan perang singapore ini banyak dibantu dgn heli, kapal pengangkut dan submarine...tambak johor? diaorg guna hanya apabila barisan pertahanan telah siap dibentuk di jb/mersing/muar... dari sini barulah mulanya pergerakan tentera darat singapore..

sorry ya lari tajuk.

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Post time 28-2-2013 08:19 AM | Show all posts
info yg sangat menarik... pulau tekong berhantu.. nk kena investigate nih...

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Post time 3-3-2013 06:52 PM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum wbt.. seriusly berhantu.. ermm

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Post time 3-3-2013 10:57 PM | Show all posts
ada je jalan kat pulau tu.

suka sgt caya tahyul hantu bagai

Last edited by bangcak on 3-3-2013 10:59 PM

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 Author| Post time 4-3-2013 12:31 PM | Show all posts
bangcak posted on 3-3-2013 10:57 PM
ada je jalan kat pulau tu.

no wonder pencacai dungu mcm ko tak dapat bezakan 'map' dgn street directory

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Post time 4-3-2013 02:18 PM | Show all posts
unekspekted_XII posted on 4-3-2013 12:31 PM
no wonder pencacai dungu mcm ko tak dapat bezakan 'map' dgn street directory

agaknya felda2 kat johor pon berhantu jugak kot??
tu pasal takde 'street directory' kat gugel map.

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 Author| Post time 4-3-2013 02:47 PM | Show all posts
bangcak posted on 4-3-2013 02:18 PM
agaknya felda2 kat johor pon berhantu jugak kot??
tu pasal takde 'street directory' kat gugel map ...

cai dungu rase "Google Map" je ke sorang yang boleh produce "Street Directory"????

apasal bodo sangat.. hahahaahahaaa

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Post time 4-3-2013 06:23 PM | Show all posts
unekspekted_XII posted on 4-3-2013 02:47 PM
cai dungu rase "Google Map" je ke sorang yang boleh produce "Street Directory"????


para pembaca yg dungu ke tokey tred yg dungu??
kat 1st post suruh test guna google maps
See???? no terrain, roads contur etc compare to the old maps..korang bleh test sendiri kt Google Maps.

bila i sbg peminat setia tred2 u nak try guna google maps
kene maki plak...
cai dungu rase "Google Map" je ke sorang yang boleh produce "Street Directory"????
apasal bodo sangat.. hahahaahahaaa


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 Author| Post time 5-3-2013 09:04 AM | Show all posts
bangcak posted on 4-3-2013 06:23 PM
para pembaca yg dungu ke tokey tred yg dungu??
kat 1st post suruh test guna google maps

cai dungu x paham ke street directory dgn map???? belajar sampai habis dulu jgn sibuk nak berpolitaik

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Post time 5-3-2013 10:07 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 5-3-2013 10:07 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 5-3-2013 11:40 PM | Show all posts
hampir tiap2 hari media kita kecoh pasal kerajaan negeri (terutama kelantan dan penang)
kurnia/jual tanah pada warga negeri yg kononnya tanah tergadai ke cina, india.

tapi puak2 'dlm tempurung' tak perasan berapa banyak pasir johor tergadai ke
pihak asing sampai bleh perbesar negara mereka

harap2 diorang mampu bebaskan diri dari tempurung pertubuhan hasad perkauman tu.
buka minda, buka mata lebih jauh.
- pasir johor yg tergadai dah membuahkan hasil
- i.c percuma di lahad datu juga dah membuahkan hasil.

harap tt mampu sedarkan mereka yg masih dibuai/didodoi slogan 'hidup melayu'


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 Author| Post time 6-3-2013 10:33 AM | Show all posts
bangcak posted on 5-3-2013 11:40 PM
hampir tiap2 hari media kita kecoh pasal kerajaan negeri (terutama kelantan dan penang)
kurnia/jual ...

cai otak dalam penuh tahi... x bleh pikir logic, semua bende politaik

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