SYNOPSIS Mr. JO is making plans for a “White Christmas” party for tenants and VIPs at Tower Sky, the super-luxurious landmark building complex he owns in Seoul. Part of the event will involve helicopters circling above, sprinkling snow on everyone below. Dae-ho, the single father and manager of the building, is an earnest employee liked by his colleagues and loved by his only daughter Ha-na. He has a secret crush on Yoon-hee, a restaurant manager but hasn’t got the guts to tell her. Dae-ho has promised his daughter they would spend Christmas day at an amusement park together but the unexpected party plans hold him back. On Christmas Day, the party is in full swing with two helicopters spraying snow above Tower Sky. When one of the helicopters crashes into the building, a fire breaks out and spreads rapidly. Dae-ho is on the move trying to rescue Ha-na, Yoon-hee and his colleagues. At the same time, legendary firefighter Young-kee makes his way to Tower Sky, throwing himself into the burning building and bringing the blaze under control, helping Dae-ho in the process. Together they fight to save the lives of everyone around them—despite a simmering feud between the two men. One will survive, and one will make the ultimate sacrifice.
---------> Siapa dah tengok movie ni? Semalam aku dah pegi tengok cerita ni. Mula2 aku macam tak berminat nak tengok cerita ni sebab macam tak famous je dan macam takde liputan meluas pulak tu. Tapi aku pegi jugak mengagahkan diri sebab tak tau nak tengok cerita ape dah. Tapi betol la kata orang DONT JUDGE A MOVIE BY ITS POSTER AND ACTOR..  Cerita memang best. Pengarah dia pandai dalam memainkan emosi penonton sebabnya kejap aku serius..kejap aku ketawa..kemudian aku menangis. Dan yang aku tak boleh menahan..tak pernah2 aku menangis tengok wayang.Kalau nak nangis pun aku boleh control lagi. Tapi yang ni aku tak menahan..Aku menangis tengok cerita ni.Malu yang amat..Cina yang duk sebelah aku lagi la..Menangis tersedu sedan siap dengan tisu2nya..Keluar wayang majoriti mata perempuan yang tengok cerita tu bengkak je..  Tapi memang best la cerita ni bagi aku.Tak tau la bagi orang lain...Memang filem mesti tengok.. Last edited by eddlisa_uyuk on 13-1-2013 02:01 AM