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300: Rise of an Empire
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Pernah tengok citer 300 yang telah memberi inspirasi kepada banyak filem selepas tu?
Ini dia, sambungannya
kisah balas dendam, perang skala besar.
yg pasti, ia adalah sejarah. dah lupa nama perangnya. try google
Last edited by annehuda on 7-3-2014 12:53 AM
peminat zack snyder silalah masuk ye
yes dh kuar pon trailer .... wajib tonton jugak le sebab film 300 dulu memang best... artwork pon gempak...
can't wait
Hah kena masuk list must watch nie... Pi layan sensorang...
teringat citer pee mak.. si puak nak naikkan semangat kawan2 masa perang.. keluar citer 300 ni.. sekali si kawan dia cakap last2 semua mati kan..
wow.. background lawa... memang citer zack snyder lawa2 cinematograhy
eva green jadi jahat? persian?
Battle of Artemisia?
of of the next mobie to watch next ....
annehuda posted on 13-6-2013 04:22 PM
peminat zack snyder silalah masuk ye
producer jahh....
kena tonton.....
The first film was very nice just hope that the second one is not a dissapointment
eeerrr sorry la aku ckp ye bile aku tgk filem 300 tu bersepah2 aura homoerotic nya..aku nak explain pun susah
harap2 ade eva green ni tone down la skit homoerotic tu. sheols kan suke bogel bogel nih
annehuda posted on 19-6-2013 04:18 PM
eeerrr sorry la aku ckp ye bile aku tgk filem 300 tu bersepah2 aura homoerotic nya..aku nak explain ...
Eva green suka berbogel?
Aku pernah ternampak filem dia mmg sexy tapi tak tau plak dia suia bogel...
By the way aku terbaca bhwa ini adalah prequel.. not a sequel..
SulurBidar posted on 21-6-2013 03:52 PM
Eva green suka berbogel?
Aku pernah ternampak filem dia mmg sexy tapi tak tau plak dia suia bog ...
prekuel apanya, dah terang2 kepala king kena penggal di awal trailer
300: Rise of an Empire is an upcoming 2014 American film directed by Noam Murro. It is a follow-up to the 2007 film 300, taking place before the events of that film.[4]
- so betul lah prequel