Hey Guys!
Finally..sampai jugak aku kat Boracay dgn short trip after few hassle dok melayan karenah travelling partner yang separa hidup . Actually ramai yang tak support aku pi Philipines..since tragedy Lahad Datu..mcm2 cerita derang kat aku. Apa2 pon..Allah ada dengan aku, hidup mati di tangan Allah dan aku hanya perlu jaga diri aku sahaja. Kan?
Aku just nak share few infos for future reference utk uguys yea..
28th June 2013- Take off from KUL to MNL 29th June 2013- Take off from MNL to MPH
3rd July 2013- Take off from MPH to MNL 4th July 2013- Take off from MNL to KUL
Expenses aku:
Air fare (return):
- Zest Air (KUL-MNL-KUL)- MYR 194
- Philippines Airlines (MNL-MPH-MNL) – MYR375
- Manila- Salem Domestic Guesshouse MYR 101.56
- Boracay- White Beach de Boracay MYR 381.12
- Manila- Salem Domestic Guesshouse MYR 108.89
So total accommodation expenses for each of us (2 pax) MYR 295.79 Total expenses for accommodationand air fare for the entire journey will be MYR 866.79 per person. Murah sundal!

How to get there from Kuala Lumpur?
Ada 2 cara nak masuk Boracay:
1. Via KUL-Clark-Kalibo
-AA ada route ni, tapi akutgk baru ni timing dia mcm tak user friendly, korang memang mcm kena bermalamkat Clark, hello..ada apa kat Clark tu? From KUL to Clark dlm 3hrs 45 mins.Then kena amik another flight to Kalibo, est dlm 1 hr flight. From Kalibo nakpi jetty Aklan (jetty kat Caticlan to Boracay, or jetty Boracay la senang),kena amik land transport dlm 2 hrs 45 mins. Aku tak sure cost dia, tapitransport memang senang. Sapa yang managed to get the flights within the sameday, est sampai ke resort dlm pukul 8 mlm.
2. Via KUL-MNL-MPH(Caticlan/Boracay Airport)
-trip aku ni, aku masuk viaManila, sebab aku nak huha kat Makati and end of trip aku pi Pasay City. Takdek la boring sgt kheen??Aku belitiket agak last min, a month before departure date aku, kebetulan AA baru adashare ke take over Zest Air..aku not really sure. Start bulan May, AA ada routeto MNL, selalunya Clark je kan?, so rezeki time tu tiket murah giler, rembataje la kan?. Aku byk baca from TripAdvisor Zest Air ni byk issue, delayed orcancelled at anytime, cuak jugak kan? Sah2 trip murah, kau hadap la kan? Flight dari KUL memang delayed, seat teruk gile, ada engineer join flight tu, lagi lacuak konsepnya. Masa take off ada bunyi yang tak menyenangkan. Aku hy mampu doaaku sampai je. Inflight service tak dek mende pon derang jual, mende merepekje, luckily aku dah makan kedarah kenyang2 kat airport..so aku tido je. Aman. Actually kalu korang pandai match ticiket and nakamik risiko, korang buleh sampai ke Boracay within the same day. Ada flightdirect by Cebu Pacific, timing yang begitu user friendly, take off dari KUL,awal pagi dlm pukul 1, then sure sampai Caticlan awal pagi.Best!, jimat waktu.Tapi time tu tiket mahal sundal.
Aku the next morning baru masuk Boracay, by Pal Express(under Philipines Airlines), mcm firefly gitew, naik propeller. Terbulence mcmorg gila, seat belt sign 24x7. Finally, sampai jugak, before approach Caticlan,aircraft lalu ruang udara Boracay, indah sekali.
-Others info, Zest Air kat Terminal 4, Philipines Airlines kat Terminal 3, pls take note, nanti korang kelam kabut plak.
Accommodation in Manila
-since aku ni memang all the time budget trip, cut cost,etc, so aku stay kat Salem Domestic, dekat je dgn airport. Aku turun katterminal 4, ko lintas jalan ko Nampak la guess house aku tu, dekat sundal!!. Areatu agak ok, kedai makan byk (of course tak halal), steward2 ramai stay itu)
Accommodation in Boracay
-pandai2 korang la..atas budjet masing2 ok?. Heheh..aku just duduk resort stock2 umah kedai pprt je, namanya begitu gah White Beach de Boracay..konsepnya. Bawah tu kedai pizza, sebelah tu kedai kasut. Depan tu petang2 kakak2 pondan akan jual babi cucuk, berasap sampai ke bilik aku, bisingtak hengat, semua club pakat nak sumbang nyanyi. Memang kecoh, ni belum masuk lagi stock2 China Mainland bergaduh berebut meja nak makan pizza kedai bawah tu. Hazab, ni la harga yang aku byr, so hadap la kan? Yang penting, balcony and katil aku ngadap white beach, ngadap sunset..2-3 kedai lepas tu ada Starbucks!!!!mak sukee...korang hado? Babi cucuk pon babi cucuk la.

Last edited by dujuan on 1-1-2014 04:31 PM
View Rating Log
Tourist Season The Low Season is when the winds change and blow eastward into White Beach. There is more rain than usual, but there are also fewer tourists, better prices on accommodations, and other lower prices. The low season begins in May, and ends in October. With the increase in Asian tourists, the low season is still very busy in Boracay.
During High Season, the winds come from the back of the island, and White Beach is protected. The wind blows out to sea, leaving the beach pristinely clean and generally calm. It is also winter in the northern hemisphere, and tourists come in numbers in search of sun, heat, beach and party. High Season starts in October and ends in May.
The Peak Season is when the tourists are at their height. This includes Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, and Holy Week (Easter Week). Most resorts have a +10% to +25% premium on their rooms, and the island gets fully booked. Make sure you book as far in advance as possible. (credit to boracay guide.com)
Ferry to Boracay
Sampai kat Caticlan Airport, jetty sebelum tu jah. Jalan kaki dlm 2 saat sampai kot. . Korang naik bangka boat, timing dia aku rasa mcm all the time ada, korang masuk lewat ko..kuar awal ke...ada je..no worries ok senah?
Activity in Boracay
-Actually main point aku just nak shopping and dive, tiba2 last minit, aku tinggal kan dive gear kat umah, mcm hassle nak pikul menatang tu semua. Aku malas, even snorkel set pon aku tinggal, punya la pemalas nak mampus.. . Korang buleh shopping kat D'Talipapa and D'Mall. Kalu nak beli tshirt, fridge magnets bagai tu, baik pi D'Talipapa, damned cheap, nak compare ngan D'mall.
- Nak dekat last day baru gigih terkial2 nak pi island hoping, snorkel bagai kan..amik la kau kena byr snorkel set berkulat dia tu, nasib baik murah ..7 hengget jah. Aku amik private tour, snorkel, pi few islands buat photography. Masa snorkel byk hidden charges ok..hahah. ..siap masa snorkel ada org datang kutip fees sebab korang snorkel area tu. Ni cost dia for 3 hrs tour:
Island hoping (private tour for 2 pax) - PHP 650 per pax
Environmental charges, byr sebelum naik boat..cost binatang apa tatau la aku PHP50 per pax
Fee for snorkel at each sites PHP40, aku buat 2 sites, so PHP80
Snorkel set PHP100
aku malas nak bargain lebih2, sebab sgt2 murah,...sedekah je la..derang pon baik2. Seronok masa tgh snorkel, ada org datang jual ice cream, jual air kelapa.. 1st rasa aku jumpa ..hebat kau...esok lusa jual babi cucuk plak.. mampu???
Mcm2 activity ada..aku je malas nak buat,..aku byk shopping..jalan2.tgk gelagat org..gelagat china mainland yang kecoh.
end of this year nak pergi lagi..nak pukul rata baik punya...
Makanan halal?
Susah gile kot, org mcm aku yang sentiasa kelaparan ni as usual la aku akan bawak segala mak nenek makanan termasuk energy bar. Mak takut mak pengsan kurang makan..kurang gula dlm badan. . Main meal aku hanya sekali sehari, sebab kita tak tpt org, kita kena berjimat, jgn bawak amalan setan. Pagi2, mencekik segala bekal yang ada, petang sket2, aku akan ke D'talipapa, beli seafood, ada pluto service akan masak. Tak sedap, tak kena dgn tekak kampong aku ni. So, sekali je aku makan kat sana. Lepas tu, ada restaurant India .. True Foods,,,atas sket dari D'mall..sepanjang2 kat white beach tu la..dapat la beriani..sedap. Kat sana aku byk isi perut aku dgn shake and frap kat Starbucks je. ada gula, aku ok, kenyang.
Hurm..apa lagi yea aku nak share?..ntah la..btw..korang buleh drop questions kat sini..kita tolong2 get more infos.. or else tripadvisor ok jugak..
more infos http://www.myboracayguide.com/.
ok gang?

Last edited by dujuan on 7-7-2013 11:17 PM
cantik noks. more piccas ya. |
mesmerize posted on 7-7-2013 07:36 PM 
cantik noks. more piccas ya.
sure nok..tu intro jah..nanti aku tepek lagi...
dauswq posted on 7-7-2013 08:30 PM 
semaklah gmbo vavi tu...
wey sun, aku baru balik lepak ngan member2 aku..derang dah pocok bulan..rasanya mcm dec ni jah..
sure ko nak tag along ke?.korang bape org wey?
apa2 nanti aku update ya..

dauswq posted on 7-7-2013 10:44 PM 
awlnye noks...
nnt iols tgk jadual dulu camne...
sbb ikut timing dec tu, iols kena antar repot ...
itu hanya est date je nok..aku nak kena tgk price air fare jugak..sure time high season..mesti mahal..
apa 2nanti aku roger kay..ni kawan ko yang nak pi mabul tu ke?
dujuan posted on 7-7-2013 10:50 PM 
itu hanya est date je nok..aku nak kena tgk price air fare jugak..sure time high season..mesti mah ...
pi mabul tu tak jadi, airasia cancel ticket...
jadi tggl duit dlm tabung jelar...
aku cdg ngan die nak pi jln gak akhir ogos ni...our trip ni tak tanye lagi camne...
Actually ramai yang tak support aku pi Philipines..since tragedy Lahad Datu..mcm2 cerita derang kat aku. Apa2 pon..Allah ada dengan aku, hidup mati di tangan Allah dan aku hanya perlu jaga diri aku sahaja. Kan?
I loooikke that....mcm tu la...kalo nak travel tawakal tu penting...masa ni je la kita nak menguji sejauh mana kita berserah diri kepada Allah, segala yg akan berlaku adalah kehendakNYA...apa yg kita buat hanya berusaha applly segala langkah2 safety dan tak putus berdoa  |
dauswq posted on 7-7-2013 10:55 PM 
pi mabul tu tak jadi, airasia cancel ticket...
jadi tggl duit dlm tabung jelar...
really meh?..why la?..bukan flight ke tawau ramai ke?
any specific reason..?..patut ko senyap je.. kalu mcm tu, simpan la duit tu..derang refund ke mcm mana?
simpan..then tag ngan aku la.. after boracay..aku nak sujud ratu kat palawan. sepatutnya palawan bulan 12..tapi ntah la..
dujuan posted on 7-7-2013 11:19 PM 
really meh?..why la?..bukan flight ke tawau ramai ke?
any specific reason..?..patut ko senyap je. ...
ah ye...
refund gak..tp dlm mase 90 hari kena booking, klu tak burn jek duit tu...
malam ni airasia ade promo...
will try to look for it...
kau nak pi palawan sbb nak pi tgk sungai tu ke?
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