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The King and I - NTV7
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The King and I (1956)
Genre: Drama
Starring: Deborah Kerr, Yul Brynner, Rita Moreno, Martin Benson, Terry Saunders
Director: Walter Lang, Ernest Lehman
Producer: Charles Brackett
Rogers and Hammerstein's Broadway musical, adapted from Margaret Landon's fact-based novel and the 1946 film ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM, makes a spectacularly successful move to the silver screen in the Yul Brynner tour de force THE KING AND I. Brynner, reprising the role he'd polished to perfection on stage, plays the blustering, headstrong Siamese potentate who meets his match in the form of Anna Leonowens (Deborah Kerr), the prim and proper English widow he's hired to oversee the rearing of his huge, unruly flock of children. Director Walter Lang (TIN PAN ALLEY) presents THE KING AND I, one of the most popular musicals in cinema history, as a dizzyingly bountiful Technicolor feast. Kerr (aided during songs by the overdubbed voice of Marni Nixon) contributes a dynamic performance that is every bit the equal of Brynner's transcendent, career-defining turn, for which he won an Academy Award. The delightful score, which also garnered an Oscar, includes three perennial favorite show tunes: 'I Whistle a Happy Tune,' 'Getting to Know You,' and 'Shall We Dance?' |
ada sesapa tgk cite nih tak?
cite nih kira fav. movie bg Fly ...
dah brapa kali tgk .. tak jemu2 ..
suka part .. King buat parti utk tetamu asing utk tunjukkan yg dia bukan org
tak bertamadun ...
then org2 di istana ngan bantuan Puan Anna, buat cite versi Siam ..
cite Uncle Tom ...
suka tgk costume, cara olahan diorg ... n tarian diorg ... very entertaining ...
cite nih ari Sabtu (6th Dec 2003 - Sabtu), NTV7 ...   |
King and I versi baru - Anna and The King (1999)

Anna and the King (1999)
Genre: Romance, Drama
Duration: 2 hrs. 27 min.
Starring: Chow Yun-Fat, Jodie Foster, Bai Ling, Tom Felton, Randall Duk Kim
Director: Andy Tennant
Producer: Ed Elbert, Lawrence Bender
Distributor: Twentieth Century Fox
Release Date: December 17, 1999
Writer: Steve Meerson, Peter Krikes
Based on the diary writings of English widow Anna Leonowens, who journeyed to Siam in 1862 to tutor the children of King Mongkut, this is a grand, epic motion picture that recalls the Hollywood days of yore (see 1946's ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM and 1956's THE KING AND I for earlier screen adaptations). Yun Fat delivers a heartwarming performance that should finally earn him star status in America, and Foster is, as always, a magnetic screen presence. Their relationship, which is sparked by a just-beneath-the-surface romantic undercurrent, propels the story forward and provides it with its emotional core. As the film builds to its exciting climax, the relationship between the two is tested even further. |
populargurlz This user has been deleted
gurlz tengok the king n i last Saturday.gurlz suka part diorang nyanyi lagu apa tah yg.ada diorang nyanyi 'shall we dance' |
W/p filem "The King & I" dibuat versi baru, still prefer filem klasik. Tak taulah. Mungkin lebih original. Harap2 lepas ni, NTV7 akan tayangkan filem2 klasik lain termasuklah "Dr. Zhivago" & "The Sound of Music". |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 8-12-2003 09:22 AM:
W/p filem "The King & I" dibuat versi baru, still prefer filem klasik. Tak taulah. Mungkin lebih original. Harap2 lepas ni, NTV7 akan tayangkan filem2 klasik lain termasuklah "Dr. Zh ...
Nampak macam ntv7 akan tayang Sound of Music...dah kuar iklan dia tuh....
Fly...Anna n King nampak cam gagal di pasaran.....dahlah tak ramai tengok, kena kritik teruk pun ada....ramai lebih sukakan versi lama King n I, tapi Anna & King of coz lah bukan musikal....berlambak ngan pelakon malaysia lagi...King & I versi animasi pun ada kan....macam pnah nampak vcd nye...
[ Last edited by GAIA on 8-12-2003 at 11:18 AM ] |
The last King And I berjaya sebab ada Yul Brynner.....tengok ah gambar dier!! ahahahaha.....cair wooooooooo.......
ok ok ok...probably sebab ramai orang suka Deborah Kerr gak...
anyway....edge rasa the original King And I lebih concetrate kepada storyline (walaupun ada musikal) rather than cinematography mcm dalam Anna and the King...
edge nak nengok NTV7 berani tak tunjuk cerita seperti The Birds, Maltese Falcon, Gone With The Wind, Anzio, Rebel Without A Cause... ....wish wish wish.... |
gone with the wind di TV ? 4 jam wooooo |
ok ok....lama sangat kot GWTW...hehehehe
at least tunjuk On Golden Pond balik, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid...The Sting (op...ada tunjuk kat HBO kot)...apa lagi ek?
err...nak nengok JFK! hehehhe...Malcolm X, Nixon ker...The Shining, An Affair To Remember, (dah dok berangan nih...baik masuk skali...Three Colours), Akira...ahahahaha... |
Best juga
gorg tengok juga sikit2...tapi my doter (3.9 thn) loves it....dia tunggu sampai tertidur depan tv (jam 12.15am) |
Originally posted by OnEdge at 9-12-2003 12:23 PM:
gorgonz...nak pinjam iklan susu jap ah...empat tahun lah!!!!...ahahahaha...0.1 tuh tak kira laaa...hehehhe..anyway...happy birthday to your daughter eh...
I think filem klasik, walaupun bertemak ...
alahai...OnEdge...beto lah 3.9
- umurnya 4 thn 16 Feb 04 nanti...lagi 3 bulan...kan? kan?   |
Originally posted by OnEdge at 9-12-2003 12:23 PM:
gorgonz...nak pinjam iklan susu jap ah...empat tahun lah!!!!...ahahahaha...0.1 tuh tak kira laaa...hehehhe..anyway...happy birthday to your daughter eh...
I think filem klasik, walaupun bertemakan drama atau heavy historical film, ada appeal yang lebih kepada kanak kanak berbanding heavy drama /historical film masakini...napa eh?
probably The King & I nih detulis sebagai musical...(sapa boleh lupa anak anak Anna menyanyi kat tangga sebelum masuk tidur? ) ahahaha...
again..Yul Brynner punya lakonan berkesan..hehehe...tapi lepas filem nih dier tenggelam terus eh? tapi..Telly Savalas pun tak pernah 'make it big' on the silver screen...cuma ada a few shiny pate actors yang edge tahu made it big...sekarang jangan cerita laaa..sebab kepala botak dikira cool, Patrick Stewart, Samuel L Jackson, Bruce Willis, and our Marcellus Wallas from Pulp Fiction (sapa nama dier ek? lupa...)
sorii...lari topik sikit...hehehe...
untuk fly.....betul juga...our LPF nih pelik sikit...itu boleh, pastuh pusing kerusi sikit...itu filem tarak boleh...
sejak biler Mrs Anna ada byk anak? anak dia sorang jer n lelaki?
- kalau tak salah nama anak lelaki Mrs. Anna John ..
kalau tak salah Yul Brynner ada berlakon dlm filem2 selepas King and I tp tak hot cam cite King and I ..
I think filem klasik, walaupun bertemakan drama atau heavy historical film, ada appeal yang lebih kepada kanak kanak berbanding heavy drama /historical film masakini...napa eh?
- bg Fly, Fly suka tgk filem musikal klasik dr filem musikal skrg sebbnyer director dulu pandai mengolah jalan cite n lagu2 dlm filem tu cam catchy, sedap dengar sepjg masa cth lagu2 from The Sounds of Music ...
- lagi satu, cite musikal klasik dulu, costumenyer tak byk mendedahkan. tak seperti cite musikal sekarang .. pakaian tahap maut ... contoh filem Chicago ler ...
nie cuma pendapat Fly tp tak tau ler pendapat yg lain ...
kalau ada GAIA komen, pun best gak ..   |
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 9-12-2003 07:47 PM:
....I think filem klasik, walaupun bertemakan drama atau heavy historical film, ada appeal yang lebih kepada kanak kanak berbanding heavy drama /historical film masakini...napa eh?
i think ( based on my doter's preferences)...
filem klasik nin...
normally muzikal (chorus).. nampak happy jer...seisi kampung duk menanyi..
ada kanak2... yg berbakat - lakonan mrk real...
kehebatan mrk terletak pada bakat/ skrip pelakon tu...
kalau sekarang lebih kpd special dan sound effect. |
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