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[2015] PAN ~ release 09 Oct 2015 (Hugh Jackman)

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Post time 25-12-2014 10:53 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by leon_mclaren78 at 19-10-2015 09:48 AM

Directed by : Joe Wright

Produced by : Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter & Paul Webster

Written by  : Jason Fuchs

Based on    : Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie

Starring    :        
Levi Miller (Peter Pan)
Hugh Jackman (Blackbeard)
Garrett Hedlund (James Hook)
Rooney Mara (Tiger Lily)
Adeel Akhtar (Mr. Smee)
Lewis MacDougall (Nibs)
Amanda Seyfried (Mary)
Nonso Anozie (Bishop)
Jack Charles (Chief Great Little Panther)
Cara Delevingne (the mermaids)
Na Tae-joo (Kwahu)
Kathy Burke (Mother Barnabas)
Kurt Egyiawan (Murray)
Paul Kaye (Mutti Voosht)
Emerald Fennell (Commander)
Jack Lowden (Dobkin)
Bronson Webb (Steps)

Music by    : John Powell

Cinematography : John Mathieson, Seamus McGarvey

Edited by   : William Hoy, Paul Tothill

Production companies : Berlanti Productions, RatPac-Dune Entertainment

Distributed by : Warner Bros. Pictures

Release dates  : September 20, 2015 (United Kingdom), October 9, 2015 (United States)

Running time : 111 minutes

Country     : United Kingdom, United States & Australia

Language    : English

Pan is a 2015 British-American-Australian 3D fantasy adventure family film directed by Joe Wright and written by Jason Fuchs. The film is a prequel to Scottish author J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan story, first staged in 1904. It stars Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund,Rooney Mara, and Levi Miller as the title character. It is an invented origin story of Peter Pan and Captain Hook. The film had its world premiere in London, England on September 20, 2015, and was theatrically released in the United States on October 9, 2015 by Warner Bros. Pictures. Pan received negative reviews from critics and underperformed at the box office.

Plot  :

Peter (Levi Miller) is a young boy who is left as a baby on the steps of an orphanage in London by his mother Mary (Amanda Seyfried), an establishment under the care of Mother Barnabas (Kathy Burke). Several years later, during World War II, upon learning that she is hoarding food for herself, Peter and his best friend Nibs steal it to distribute amongst themselves and the other orphans. In the process, Peter finds a letter written by his mother, declaring her love and assuring Peter they will meet again "in this world or the other".

In retaliation for the boys' mischief, Mother Barnabas summons pirates who kidnap Nibs and several others. Peter manages to rescue Nibs, but is captured himself and taken to Neverland, a magical realm beyond space and time, where he is forced to become a slave laborer and mine for fairy dust on behalf of the ruthless pirate Blackbeard (Hugh Jackman) and where Peter befriends another miner, James Hook (Garrett Hedlund). After insulting Blackbeard's men, Peter is forced to walk the plank, but survives by flying above the water. Blackbeard then confides with him about an old prophecy that a boy who could fly would one day kill him, but Peter refuses to believe he is the said boy.

Peter joins Hook and his accomplice, Smee (Adeel Akhtar), in stealing one of Blackbeard's flying boats and escaping into the forest, where they are found and nearly executed by the natives led by Chief Great Little Panther (Jack Charles), before his daughter, Tiger Lily (Rooney Mara), notices Peter's pan flute pendant, left to him by Mary, and said to belong to their people's greatest hero, the legendary Pan. Tiger Lily reveals that Peter's father was the Fairy Prince, and that Mary incurred Blackbeard's wrath by rejecting his advances. She was forced to abandon Peter and seek shelter in the Fairy Kingdom. As part of his heritage, Peter has the ability to fly, but unable to do so because of his lack of faith.

Fearful of Blackbeard's punishment, Smee betrays the natives' location to him, and in the ensuing battle, Chief Great Little Panther is murdered by Blackbeard, who also reveals he killed Peter's mother. Peter, Hook, and Tiger Lily escape in a raft and head to the Fairy Kingdom to enlist their help in defeating the pirates. Along the way, Peter falls into the river and is nearly eaten by a crocodile before being rescued by the mermaids, after which he has a vision of Blackbeard accidentally killing Mary as she defended the Fairy Kingdom from his offensive. Despondent over their chances, Hook leaves, while Peter and Tiger Lily arrive at the Fairy Kingdom only to be ambushed by Blackbeard, who uses the pan flute pendant to open their gates and launches an attack.

Peter escapes and befriends one of the fairies, Tinker Bell. Together, they rally the faries to battle the pirates, and are joined by a returning Hook, who fights Blackbeard's right-hand man Bishop (Nonso Anozie) aboard the stolen ship, which tips over, sending both falling to their deaths. Peter conquers his fears and flies to save Hook, while Blackbeard and his men are overpowered by the faries. Forced into an abyss, they subsequently fall to their deaths; Smee is the sole survivor having fled during the battle. Peter then has a vision of Mary, who reaffirms him to Neverland's great hero, Peter Pan. Shortly afterwards, Peter and Hook, now the captain of theJolly Roger, return to London to rescue Nibbs and the other orphans, who become part of Peter's crew, the Lost Boys. Peter and Hook then reaffirm their friendship, certain that nothing will ever go wrong between them.

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 Author| Post time 25-12-2014 10:59 PM | Show all posts
Edited by leon_mclaren78 at 19-10-2015 09:50 AM


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Post time 28-12-2014 11:00 PM | Show all posts
Awesomenya poster PAN!

Terutamanya poster Blackbeard, hensemnya Hugh Jackman!

Tak sabatr nak tunggu taun depan, ada filem Cinderella lagik,

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Post time 29-12-2014 12:32 PM | Show all posts
wowowo.. hugh jackman..
Hook ade dua tangan?
iolss merembes hook dlm once upon a time jek..

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Post time 19-10-2015 10:25 AM | Show all posts
oo da penah bukak rupanya benang ceter PAN..emmm

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Post time 19-10-2015 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Cerita ni mengisahkan seorang pari-pari bercinta dan melahirkan seorang putera. Akibat dunianya tidak aman, Dia membawa pergi anaknya ke tempat yang selamat. Apabila umur anaknya sudah berusia 12 tahun, Dia nekad untuk mencari emaknya apabila dia terbaca surat dari emaknya yang dibacakan oleh Nibs. Pada malamnya, Mereka diculik dan dibawa ke negara Neverlands. Disitulah kisahnya bermula...cerita mashup...jauh sekali retelling... peter pan kali ini totally mashup
Ceritanya lain daripada cerita-cerita Peterpan yang lain.  Macam citer Peterpan yang dulukan macam acah-acah sweet je kan. Macam dalam dunia fantasi. Tapi kali ni ak fikir citer PAN ni, lebih kepada minda. Apatuu ? Kena sama sama cari jawapan, mana mak Peter PAN ni pegi....

nie aku kopipaste rebiu, dari thread lagi satu:

dah tengok hari tuuu actually! sebab saya likes Hugh Jackman, tapi dia kiok plak last last... eh elemak #tersasul  hehehe
okay kalau ko org  membesar ngan cerita Peter Pan, cerita ini adalah nak menceritakn cerita asal usul macamana seketul Peter Pan boleh jadi Peter Pan. Dia ceritakan sejarahnya seperti mana dapat pawer, macamana dapat fly dan lain-lain.
Pada aku cerita muvee ini  bila tengok tu rasa terjawab segala persoalan yang ada dekat kepala korang. Dab ak nak bagi warning, cerita ini ada part sedih sebab tadi amoi sebelah aku menangis sapi. Tiba-tiba dia sotset sotset tarik hingus. Aku perhatiiiiii je dia.
Untuk yang tengok cerita ni, jangan bandingkan dengan cerita Peter Pan sebelum ini tapi anggaplah ianya sebuah cerita sebelum  Peter itu jadik peter bowl eh silap pan. Aku jamin pasti hardcore kipas susah mati peterpan yg ori atau versi hitam @ black  akn tidak senang hati ngan versi baru ni..Cerita aslinya nggak begitu menarik, karena "tales" abissss, sekilas halusnya ceritanya : Peter lahir dari hubungan seorang manusia sama roh hutan. disebabkan pertumbuhannya yg nggak lazim, Peter harus dibuang ke hutan.jadi....mrk akan suka membanding-banding.... walhal cerita kedua bukanlah bertujuan untuk menanding cerita pertama tetapi ianya lebih kepada membawa jalan cerita untuk dikembangkan lagi....i
ni pendapat aku.. Jalan ceritanya sangat ringan tetapi penuh dengan unsur entertainment. Kalau perempuan pun mesti suka sebab dia ada aksi sikit tapi x extreme. Kalau hak llaki yang gilakan aksi, muvee ini tak sesuai buat anda.
Mengenai markah, emmmm... brapa  yeee, disebab jalan ceritanya yang unik plus graphic, pakaian dan semeanya memang nampak cantik...aku kasik markah lulus ngan baik 6.8 /10 gitu

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Post time 19-10-2015 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Kisah dalam muvee Pan  mengingatkan aku tentang Maleficent, di mana tokoh antagonist telah diubah menjadi protagonis.muvee ini selain mashup err..maksud aku re-telling juga mengambil cerita asal mula si budaklelaki yang tidak akan  penah jadi orang dewasa. Jadi untuk mengetahui asal-usul Pan, kita boleh mengetahuinya dari cerita Pan ini. Termasuk nama Pan di belakang Peter. Karena itulah tagline muvee ini adalah : Every Legend Has a Beginning.

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