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minta rekemen drama dan film 60s sehingga sekarang
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hai kawan-kawan semua
saya kehilangan zaman kanak2, zaman remaja dan zaman muda2 kerana menjalani kehidupan yang sangat sibuk.
saya juga tidak dapat menonton tv sejak zaman kanak2 sehingga matrik. Semasa bekerja sangat sibuk tiada masa bertahun2.
sekarang saya agak kurang bz (mungkin setahun dua) dan mahu selongkar balik menonton film2, drama2, drama bersiri yang tidak dapat saya tonton ketika zaman dulu2.
Minta korang listkan
1) drama bersiri yang rekemen bagus untuk ditonton dari tahun 70s sehingga sekarang (english dan malay dan dari negara2 lain). saya ada list drama/tv siri tetapi tak tahu mana se yang bagus, yang bagus sperti 10th kindom, kyle xy, fantagiro, prison break
2) film yang bagus selain dari film box office (english dan negara2 lain). list box office saya telah ada, list hindustan juga sudah ada
p/s saya kurang berminat drama2/film2 melayu, kurang berminat korea, kurang berminat film/drama yg slow/perempuan/emosional/dengki2 dan setaraf dengannya
saya sukakan film/drama sain fiksen, teknologi, perang2, bunuh2, tembak2, horror, kartun, kanak2, misteri, adventure, history dan setaraf dengannya (dari 60s sehingga sekarang)
korang reply tak payah berjela2, cukup hanya nama film/drama, tahun, dan review korang
goonies , the cosby show.
Edited by mbhcsf at 10-2-2015 12:04 PM
X files definitely
The burning zone
Misfits of science
Knight rider, Sherlock holmes, jeremy brett but ade yg lama basil ....something actor
Counterstrike, the invisible man
Equalizer. Mission impossible. Remington steele, manimal, life goes on. Kalau mini series....young katherine, Lancaster miller affair, nancy wake, kane and abel. |
Iolss lak sebuk mencari cerita cerita drama melayu ngan telemovie yang lama lama..
tapi tak berape lama lah still around 2000 dan ke atas lah.. hihihihi
cite omputih kureng..  |
film the negotiator..shawshank redemption...It (badut jahat)...the green mile... forest gump... count of monte cristo..
red planet...the rock...Con Air...speed... |
ai ingat siri dunia baru-pun x dapat tgk sangat walaupun siri itu best dan dunia anita sempat tgk-ai minat joyah
1991 - the girl from tomorrow - alana tu - aussie made
elly and jools - citer hantu best
mike and angelo
mind your language
beauty and the beast
the wise guy
Edited by mbhcsf at 11-2-2015 01:46 AM
film - must seee pride and prejudice  
bourne series - identity - simply love doug liman directing, supremacy - style eu greengrass, ultimatum, and + 1 jeremy brenner,
suke woody allen talking religion and philosophy?
i tak tau msia lepas tak
film romantic comedy - magic by the moonlight
other film - the count of monte cristo, the three musketeers, robin hood - yg crowe berlakon - best, Lady Jane (Grey)
oh i lupa if tomorrow comes - sidney sheldon, TAI PAN - i love this. - james XX,
Cerita perang yang best yang sy ingat setakat ni:
Tears of the Sun- ni personal favourite. Mase kecik2 selalu tengok ni ulang2 smpi rosak VCD nye. Pastu teringat balik sbb Astro ade tayang beberapa kali minggu ni.
Atonement- Kisah cinta menyayat hati.
Saving Private Ryan- ni pon a classic. Timeline: perang dunia ke-2
We were Soldiers- Pak cik Mel Gibson bergaya berperang ngan Vietnam
Flags of Our Father- USA vs Jepun. Dari perspective askar USA. Berkait dgn Letters from Iwo Jima. Bosan sket.
Letters from Iwo Jima- USA vs Jepun. Dari perspective askar Jepun. Berkait dengan Flags of Our Father, tapi saya rasa cerita ni lebih best + menyayat hati.
Black Hawk Down- Mindless action movie.
The Inglourious Basterds-Mindless action movie+kelakar
The Last King of Scotland-uh, tak ingat sgt cite ni. tapi ingat ade James McAvoy, so, why not 
Kalau teringat lagi, saya tambah
children of dune. mini series.
best sangat! |
Master of the game - mini series tahun 80'an. Memang best! |
Rockford Files, BJ & The Bear, WKRP In Cincinnati, Mork & Mindy |
Edited by mbhcsf at 18-2-2015 11:55 PM
P.S I LOVE YOU - Connie Selleca and that chap, nice intro song.? 1992 - i was 14.
charlie's angel - serial drama
bionic woman - Lindsay Wagner
miniseries (slot dunhill double) - a room with a view - Bonham carter, engagement ring -ray romano's wife yg that woman tu...everybody loves raymond; casanova - heath ledger ; arturo toscanini, Johann Strauss...dan kalau boleh get this miniseries yg besttt sangat pada i
it was shown back in 1992 before Barcelona Olympics tu - Nicole Kidman berlakon with her used to be curly long hair - the BANGKOK HILTON - best pada i ...
concorde airport; midnight madness; Poseidon Adventure; Hamlet , The Merchant of Venice - yups best Jane seymour movie - The Scarlett Pimpernel
the saint - drama series ; Get Smart; reasonable doubt ; chicago hope, ER.? american hero?; ocean girl??
hai kawan2, ai sekarang gigih menorrent dan mendowload, makin diselongkar tenet makin banyak pula nak mendownload, ketamakkan tanpa batasan gituh, takpa slow2 ai bagi tempoh setahun dua utk menonton semua movie/siri tv terbest di seluruh dunia gituh. |
Edited by mbhcsf at 21-2-2015 08:33 AM
pepagi ni teringat - crazy like a fox
the fall guy
the wizard
three's company - the late jack ritter
? falcon crest
return to eden
whizz kid
small wonder
head of the class
the high chaparral
Edited by mbhcsf at 21-2-2015 08:44 AM
love FRASIER and Dr Niles Crane
movie - haha love the tourist
labyrinth - this is nice - jennifer connolly and david bowie.
murder she wrote
knots landing
cagney and lacey
who's the boss
one west waikiki - cheryll ladd
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