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Horror Movies (Sadist, Siksa, Bunuh, Etc)
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Boleh recommend apa cerita horror yang best ... siksa dan bunuh ganas, yang satu genre macam Hostel (part I, II and III), Wolf Creek (part I and II), Turistas, I Spit On Your Grave (part I and II), The Last House On The Left, etc. Last edited by tahihidungmasin on 16-2-2015 05:01 PM
the purge
the strangers
the texas chainsaw massacre |
jeepers creepers
the descent
creep 2004
the road
silent hill
evil dead
Mimic 1,2, 3
the final destination dan movie series nya. |
movies2 rob zombie  |
mystica posted on 17-2-2015 02:07 AM 
the purge
the strangers
Vacancy - biasa jer
the purge - still to me biasa-biasa jer
the strangers - biasa-biasa jer
the texas chainsaw massacre -- yes this is the one.
P/S : probably I should term/label my kinda genre as SLASHER MOVIES, those that really hardcore. |
Leafumi posted on 17-2-2015 02:56 AM 
jeepers creepers
the descent
creep 2004
thanks ... will check them, tapi Evil Dead still not up to my taste.
GhostWalking posted on 17-2-2015 08:01 AM 
movies2 rob zombie
Dah lama follow Rob Zombie since his days with band White Zombie.
Honestly, Halloween was not that really horror.
Aku ni actually baru lagi berkecimpung dalam citer horror sadist, so far bagi aku, the best director is Eli Roth yang directed Hostel part I & II.
The best bagi aku is The Last House on The Left (1972) by West Craven ... the remake in 2009 pun tak berapa best.
Your opinions and recommendations are highly appreciated.
Semarakkan lagi thread ni ... please, thanks in advance.
Last edited by tahihidungmasin on 17-2-2015 08:44 AM
Edited by GhostWalking at 17-2-2015 01:18 AM
ada satu of 1000 corpses.tu best jugak.Halloween dia pun ada soul. |
hatchet ada yang suka jugak tp old skool slasher movie.aku suka yang nampak raw n real.Hostel salah satu yang aku suka |
GhostWalking posted on 17-2-2015 08:51 AM 
ada satu of 100 corpses.tu best jugak.Halloween dia pun ada soul.
Thanks, aku nak cari and torrent this movie, rating Rotten Tomatoes cuma 19% anyway.
Berbaloi tak kalau nak torrent high Gb and burn it as collection? |
GhostWalking posted on 17-2-2015 08:53 AM 
hatchet ada yang suka jugak tp old skool slasher movie.aku suka yang nampak raw n real.Hostel salah ...
Hatchet ni pun kena torrent jugak ... over-the-top gore, all-star horror casts.
Actually Hostel tu, aku pun nak termuntah certain parts, especially part janitor/butcher dump and incinerate mayat-mayat.
Cuma Eli Roth ni satu school dengan Tarantino and Rob Rodriguez, mesti ada something yang cartoon about the sadism, mcm Bublegum Gang.
Last edited by tahihidungmasin on 17-2-2015 09:16 AM
kalau tanya aku memang berbaloi la sebab movies dia berbaloi collect  |
Edited by tagas at 17-2-2015 10:38 AM
Aku pun penggemar movie horror&thriller..btw aku pun dah khatam sume movie2 dlm komen sumer kat atas..aku nak tambah lg list2 yg maybe ko blum tengok:
1.The Hills have eyes (1&2)
2. Wrong turn (1-6)
3. Saw (1-6)
4. House of wax (antara movie thriller paling best aku pernah tgk..pelakon2 pun mantap)
Selamat menonton  |
ko dah tengok citer SAW ?
kawan aku cakap saper2 peminat citer2 gore, sadist , tapi dia tak tengok lagi citer SAW , belum boleh lagi mengaku dia tu peminat citer gore /sadis sejati...
Aku biasa tak tahan cerita torture2. Sakit hati n tak sanggup tgk. Cerita mcm vacancy tu pun aku dh stress tgk. Saw pun tgk tak sampai 15min. Wolf creek pun stress nak2 bila dorang tak dpt nak selamatkan diri.
Bedevilled 2010 korean film..aku suka tgk thriller movies tp ada gk la terdonlod cte bunuh2 saiko ni..bolehla try cte ni |
Korean movie yg lain yg pemes tp aku x tgk la..i saw the devil,oldboy..battle royal 1 japanese movie pemes gak..xtau la masuk kategori ke tak.. |
cfa posted on 17-2-2015 06:54 PM 
ko dah tengok citer SAW ?
kawan aku cakap saper2 peminat citer2 gore, sadist , tapi dia tak ten ...
Aku dah download big Gb citer SAW ni ... sampai part III, tapi belum tengok lagi.
Takot tengok sorang-sorang hahahaha ... bini pun takot gak kah kah kah.
Sekarang ni aku supply jer kat officemates.
Raya Cina ni aku tengok kot ... |
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