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[2015] SINISTER 2

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Post time 29-8-2015 02:36 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by annehuda at 31-8-2015 12:58 AM

sinopsis :

The film opens with a family being hung up like scarecrows in a corn field and burned alive. It is revealed to be a nightmare that nine-year-old Dylan Collins (Robert Daniel Sloan) is suffering from. The following day, while shopping with his twin brother, Zach, and their mother, Courtney (Shannyn Sossamon), Courtney notices a man spying on her, and they flee the market, returning to the rural farmhouse where they are currently staying.
Dylan, suffering from nightmares, is visited nightly by a group of ghostly children, led by a boy named Milo, who bring him into the basement and force him to watch Super 8 footage of families being savagely murdered; these include a family being eaten by alligators, another being electrocuted in a flooded kitchen, and one being buried alive in the snow on Christmas Day. Meanwhile, the Deputy from the first film, who investigated the Ellison Oswalt case, is independently researching the murders connected to Bughuul, and is burning down the homes where each murder took place before another family can move into them. He arrives at the farmhouse to destroy it, but is interrupted when he realizes Courtney and her sons are living there. He tells Courtney he is a private investigator, and she initially mistakes him for an investigator sent by her abusive husband whom she has fled from. She allows him to return to the house the next day to investigate an abandoned church on the property where a gruesome murder took place, which Courtney has converted into a makeshift furniture restoration workshop.
That afternoon, Courtney's husband Clint arrives with two sheriffs, threatening to take the boys. The deputy challenges the sheriffs, who do not have the appropriate custody warrants, and they leave with Clint, frustrated. Courtney invites the deputy to stay at the farmhouse, and the two develop a budding romantic interest in one another. Meanwhile, Zach becomes increasingly jealous of the ghostly children who visit Dylan, and insists on having their attention. They show Dylan the video of the murders which took place in the church, in which a family is nailed to the floor; with rats placed on their abdomens, and covered with communion goblets which are heated with hot coals, forcing the rats to eat their way through each person's abdomen to escape. Dylan refuses to watch another video with Milo and the other children, so they turn their attention to Zach to carry out the family's murder (which was their plan all along, since the idea was to make Zach jealous, pushing him to the brink of falling into Bughuul).
The deputy advises Courtney not to leave the farmhouse so as not to appear as a flight risk in her custody battle; however, his actual motive for the advice is to prevent a massacre of the family from taking place— each of the murders connected to Bughuul occurred only after the families had fled the homes where the previous murders had occurred. The deputy goes to meet with a professor who has come into possession of a ham radio that belonged to Professor Jonas from the previous film who was in contact with Ellison Oswalt and has also mysteriously disappeared. The radio picks up bizarre frequencies that are connected to former murders at Bughuul's helm. At the farmhouse, Clint arrives with custody warrants, and Courtney is coerced into leaving with Zach and Dylan.
After finding the farmhouse empty that night, the deputy drives to Clint's home to warn them about the danger they are in, but Clint threatens him with a shotgun and assaults him. The next day, Courtney is sitting with Dylan and Clint outside their new house, while Zach, as directed by Milo and the other children, films them from afar with a Super 8 camera. Dylan steals Courtney's mobile phone and text messages the deputy, asking for help.
That evening, Courtney, Dylan, and Clint are hung on scarecrow posts in the cornfield. Zach lights Clint on fire and films him as he burns to death. The deputy arrives at the house, and drives into the cornfield, hitting Zach with his car, injuring him but not killing him. He cuts Courtney and Dylan down from the posts, and they flee into the house. Zach pursues them with the camera, armed with a sickle. The ghost children, who are invisible to Courtney and the deputy, move furniture around the house and throw objects as they search for them with Zach. The deputy manages to break the camera, thwarting Zach's home movie.
As he searches for another camera, Zach is taken by Bughuul while the other ghost children admonish him for his failure to carry out the killings. The house then catches fire, and Courtney, Dylan, and the deputy escape as it burns to the ground. They return to town, where the deputy goes to his motel room to gather his things. Before he is about to leave, the ham radio from earlier suddenly appears, emitting noises before Bughuul appears in front of the camera.

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2015 02:41 AM | Show all posts
Edited by hanakikan at 29-8-2015 02:43 AM

dah tengok.

macam taik je yang sequel ni.

sapa tengok yang part 1 tu memang best sangat lah. kalau part 2 ni dia citer macam mana proses pembunuhan ni berlaku. kalau yang part 1 tak kan, si penulis tu tak tahu apa berlaku, asyik nampak benda pelik2 je. sampai lah anak dia bunuh dia. si Buugul tu muncul sikit je. tu yang rasa seram

tapi part ni bosan. Buugul asyik nak muncul kan diri dia je. rasa elemen seram ni hilang. lepas tu budak2 yang hilang ramai2 dulu muncul dalam bentuk hantu la, tapi tak seram pun.

rasa wasted je tengok. memang kalau hollywood buat citer seram kalau yang sequel mesti jadi macam taik. macam conjuring best, lepas tu anabelle. so jadi la taik. yang sinister 1 best, sekali sinister 2 jadi taik jugak. insidious 1 best, yang ke-2 ok sikit, yang ke-3 jadi taik kan.

ok lah, review taik iols untuk sinister 2 ni.



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Post time 29-8-2015 05:25 AM | Show all posts
tgk yg number 1.. agak takut; tapi yg second tak gi tgk sebab rasa mcm sequels yg lain jer; they have ran out of ways to scare me.. so far anyway

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Post time 29-8-2015 10:02 AM | Show all posts
lastly.. ada gak orang bukak thread pasai muvi ni

nak tgk review chuols

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Post time 29-8-2015 10:08 AM | Show all posts
hanakikan replied at 29-8-2015 02:41 AM
dah tengok.

macam taik je yang sequel ni.

x jadi la tgk kalo camtu

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Post time 29-8-2015 10:47 AM | Show all posts

Taik kew...adeh kensel wembes..

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Post time 29-8-2015 11:23 AM | Show all posts
tengok trailer pun dah dapat agak sampah. siapa director dia kali ni? seriously? jump scare? so cheap...

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Post time 30-8-2015 09:00 PM | Show all posts
aik? baca review byk ckp best? kwn iols pun cakap gempaq.. mane nak caya ni

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Post time 31-8-2015 08:26 AM | Show all posts
lah best pulak? tapi trailer dia memang nampak kelam kabut.

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Post time 31-8-2015 06:24 PM | Show all posts
aku takde kekuatan nak tgk citer2 seram...kalo tertengok confirm 7ari 7 malam aku jd penakot

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Post time 31-8-2015 11:25 PM | Show all posts
tgh hari tadi ... serba salah .. nak nengok citer ni or inside out ...
mujur iols wat decision nak nengok citer inside out

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Post time 1-9-2015 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Aah.. tak best la movie ni..

Tapi utk siri Insidious, ai suka semuanya.. baik part 1, 2 dan 3

Part 3 rasanya lagi best dari Part 2 kot.. sebab ada hantu baru & jump scare (scene langgar keta) yg gila terkejut dibuatnya.. ada akak tu jerit kuat mcm nampak tikus dlm panggung masa ai tgk.. serious uu!

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Post time 1-9-2015 11:58 AM | Show all posts
edee_91 replied at 29-8-2015 11:23 AM
tengok trailer pun dah dapat agak sampah. siapa director dia kali ni? seriously? jump scare? so chea ...

Jump scare utk Sinister 2 ni.. bagi ai, takde skill & timing berbanding apa yg James Wan buat utk Conjuring & Insidious


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Post time 2-9-2015 10:54 AM | Show all posts
nampak mcm ada pembunuhan yg lain. ada renjatan elektrik. ke mmg ada dlm sinister 1?

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Post time 2-9-2015 02:35 PM | Show all posts
Sequel x best yg first...

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Post time 4-9-2015 04:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Okies da tgk . Nmpak beno review dlm ni kite x leh caya bulat2 sbb lastly sua brgantung pada taste masing2.

Review Iols:

Best. I love it. Great movie, but not as great as the first one, but still the sequel is quite amazed me. Element seram, terkejut drpd scene footage pembunuhan still not disappointed, cuma agak frustrated sbb byk cut utk tayangan Malaysia.
Plot cerita lebih menumpukan kepada kluarga Courtney and her two son, Dylan and Zach. Deputy So and So still dikekalkan dalam sequel ini, diangkat jadi hero plak tu kali ni. (sbelum ni watak beliau x berapa nk penting dlm first chapter). Overall, sbagai seorang peminat Sinister satu, which iols da tgk lebih 10 kali, I mmg da blh agak jalan citer, plot and so on dalam movie kali ni. Cuma yang kureng skit I x suka sgt antu kanak2 tu ade dialog, byk ckp if compare the first movie they all just silence and keep on doing the keep quite sign. Byk element kejutan dari seram, and element seram dalam ni walaupun x byk sbb da blh agak, tp still blh layan. I kasi 4 bintang, sbb I paham review dlm ni byk yg sedey sbb samada x paham sgt, or sbb byk cut so x feel sgt. Sekian ulasan sy. Hope for the next chapter walaupun akhir tu mcm da finished it all, but I believe still can do prequel or twist the ending plot for the next chapter!



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Post time 4-9-2015 11:53 AM | Show all posts
Ferr_Remy replied at 4-9-2015 04:27 AM
Okies da tgk . Nmpak beno review dlm ni kite x leh caya bulat2 sbb lastly sua brgantung pada taste m ...

ok..nk tgk this weekend....mcm rugi plak tk tgk..sbb tgk sinister 2 best giler...


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Post time 4-9-2015 05:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ToungeSoup replied at 4-9-2015 11:53 AM
ok..nk tgk this weekend....mcm rugi plak tk tgk..sbb tgk sinister 2 best giler...

mcm i ckp la.. movie ni mixed review...  ade yg ckp best ade yg ckp bosan... yg pnting kena pahamkan jalan cite

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Post time 5-9-2015 06:49 AM | Show all posts
Ferr_Remy replied at 4-9-2015 04:27 AM
Okies da tgk . Nmpak beno review dlm ni kite x leh caya bulat2 sbb lastly sua brgantung pada taste m ...

we are in the same shoes

suprisingly i love this movie

buried alive during christmas tu paling psiko bagi i!

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Post time 6-9-2015 01:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
myralupilato replied at 5-9-2015 06:49 AM
we are in the same shoes

suprisingly i love this movie

yg kat salji tu ke? i rasa bukan takat buried, sure part too kena cut

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