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Author: NaylaArisha

Rumah Borak Dunia Wanita - VOL 36

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Post time 3-7-2022 08:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Delivery merentas negeri. Kaka jgn ckp naik heli

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Post time 3-7-2022 08:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 12:49 PM
ya.. mufti kata harus

X lalu la kaka. Nov ambik sutun je

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Post time 3-7-2022 08:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 12:53 PM
dok mereput je kt rumah arini.

Nov smpi rmh dah msk asar. Lps solat pengsan 1/2 jam.

Ns daging nov mkn td. Teka rege.

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Post time 3-7-2022 08:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 12:57 PM
tmpt kaka dulu2 bersih tp skrg tak...
mgkn ramai yg perangai spesis pprt.

Cantik jgk flat kaka. Bkn pattern zaman dulu2

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Post time 3-7-2022 08:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 01:00 PM
yg kaka nmpk org tadah tangan berdoa sambil jln tu kt masjid besar SA.
kaka husnuzon mgkn org tu  ...

Btl la tu. At least dia msh berdoa wpun tgh rushing

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Post time 3-7-2022 08:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 01:01 PM
harap2 selasa raya ketiga dia dah keje.
kaka plan nk pegi sana. saja ziarah parents.

Raya pertama kaka raya mn

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 01:01 PM
isi dlm nov tempah kek apa.

X decide lg tp ms tny Baker ckp kek choc. Nov x mkn sgt sj je nk kek 2D tu

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 01:03 PM
dulu2 terserempak kt mana.
rumah mak sedara?

Setiap kali raya

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 01:05 PM
harap2 dia takde. selasa org dah keje.

Klu ade mcm mn?

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ade anak x

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 01:05 PM
tkr kategori tu cemana?

Dr kategori B Ke A

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 01:10 PM
ntah. kaka pun tak tau dia horoscope apa.
yg kaka tau kaka, asben, sil dan ex dia capricorn.

Capricon bln jan

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 01:14 PM
pada kaka klu sol tu dah ada org lain lpskan lg senang.
biarlah dia nk hidup dgn penyondol.

Itu la laki klu dah x de hati duk thn pun x guna. Dpt badan je hati kat org lain.

Caveat tu mcm mn

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 3-7-2022 01:19 PM
dia duit byk biarlah nov. dia nk merasa tido hotel.
sapalah kita nk halang. lg pun duit dia sendir ...

Nov prnh tny mbr sbb dia bff nov ms sek ren dulu. X lepak luar png?

Dia kata asben dia x minat. Padahal mbr nov ni nk gak kuar png

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 3-7-2022 06:03 PM
yer lah mmg lah u bukan angel tapi orang tu sempat nak sampaikan apa2 u dah blocked

Nk smpikan klu penting sgt dtg face to face

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 3-7-2022 06:04 PM
itu salah satu sebab tapi u sendiri pon dah jumpa ai .. ai jenis akan buka mulut bila orang tanya  ...

Itu la ai rs ai je yg byk ckp hr tu. Tp dlm forum pot pet je

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 3-7-2022 06:06 PM
kan dulu2 nak tgok midnite movie pon okay
sekarang ni macam tak best jer nak keluar malam pon

Ai perasan start umur late 30's ai nk tertido ms midnite movie

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 3-7-2022 06:07 PM
dah rumah mak dia kan nak buat macam mana

Org lain ade mak gak. X sibuk nk blk pun

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 3-7-2022 06:09 PM
yer lah dari depan tempat u duduk kan ...

Haha tp kan ade jns chubby selalu ambik angle tepi. X prnh ambik angle dpn2

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Post time 3-7-2022 10:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Padahal dr tepi pun bole nmpk dah dagu berlapis tu

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